
As Yin Lian read the page explaining how to use the latent energy, she felt a small rush of excitement from the thrill of becoming stronger, even though she had yet to actually do so.

She sat down in a Lotus position and focused her mind on finding the latent energy within herself and meditated.

She sat there for a couple of hours before she frustrated at her lack of progress.

In her anger, she screamed it out, "Rrraaaggghh!!!"

"Do you want some guidance?" The Will asked.

Yin Lian stayed silent for a moment before responding grumpily, "Yes…"

"If you're having trouble looking for the latent energy mentioned in the cultivation manual, it may be because of your physique, perhaps you should try looking for some other kind of energy." The Will advised.

Still disgruntled, she does as the Will instructed and looked within herself for a different energy. She searched and searched for even longer than before as she felt that she had to look for whatever it was that she was looking for.

And eventually, she found a minute trace of a mystical force, not an energy, but something beyond that, a constant of reality, a Dao. Although she didn't know what it was at the time, she knew that it was what she had been searching for.

But unfortunately for her, due to the amount of time she spent looking for it, her mind became tired, and couldn't hold onto it for long. Her concentration slipped and her hold on this force disappeared, annoying her.

"Aagghh!!" She screamed in frustration as she lost all of the progress she made in a single second.

"Worry not, Yin Lian, many struggle to start their journey, just like you, and many fail to even begin their journey at such a young age, let alone make such progress as quickly as you have. Be patient, rest for now, you must be quiet tired after all that. You can try again later, okay?" The Will suggested.

"Fine." Yin Lian murmured in annoyance.

But despite that, she soon fell asleep atop the throne, using the book as a pillow, which, although not the most comfortable of positions, she still slept comfortably, because she was still a child, and a child could sleep practically anywhere anyway.

As for the Will, it started to sort some things out for the girl that would help her out later.

When Yin Lian later woke up after a few hours of sleep yawning, she caught the smell of something warm and tasty. She sniffed the air and turned back to see some roasted meat on the ground.

Her mouth watered and her stomach growled out, as if demanding her to eat the meat. She gulped down her saliva hungrily as her stomach continued to grumble, demanding her to eat.

She crawled off of the throne she was lying down on and walked over to the roasted meat and began to devour it hungrily.

Within minutes the meat was gone and all that was left was a bone that the meat clung to. When she was done, Yin Lian noticed a glass of water next to her. She was sure that it wasn't there a second ago but was too thirsty to question it.

She then quickly drank it and heard the Will speak to her after she finished.

"How do you feel?"

Yin Lian lowered her head and said, "Better."

"Good. Are you ready to try cultivating again?" The Will asked patiently.

Yin Lian went quiet for a second before she confirmed that she was ready to continue.

"Good, it should be a lot easier this time, now that you know what you're looking for. Just sit cross legged and concentrate on finding that Dao again.