Sun After Storm

 Thunder crackled in the distance as heavy rain poured from the gloomy grey clouds. Roofs where taken off some houses which was not strong enough against the heavy rain and the night was just getting started. 

 Inside the hut of the Li's, the older man cleaning the wet floor with a passive face, even though he was hurting deep in his heart ,trying not to show his emotions seeing as the rain flooding in water from the broken windows and doors, coupled with several leaks from the roof.

 ''Papa i have gotten more buckets'' his daughter Li Guang calls out putting the last available buckets under the most prominent leaks which larger water was running through from the roof ; 'its going to be okay' he said to no one but himself.

 He stood up to he join his daughter in bailing out the water from the house, ''Papa go sleep its past midnight'' ,seeing that he was still stalling in retreating, and still interested in helping out in baling the water from the house, she insisted further ''see its past midnight and will be morning in few hours and you have not had rest since morning, and since i slept at the stall for some hours i am not feeling sleepy''

 ''Xiao Guang you have tried'' his emotions he was bottling up, were slowly surfacing.

 ''papa don't worry go rest at that corner that the rain is not affecting, rest rest i got this,your back still hurts,i am still young and strong'' she says showing somes moves flexing her muscles ,her father couldn't help but laugh ,she joins in laughing happily despite the situation they were in.

 The next morning was overwhelming bright and warm .The skies were incredibly blue and the clouds looked extra fluffy ,it was as if the storm never happened and that the sky was always calm, but in that facade you will see the villagers going about fixing their broken homes or animal sheds they had around the house ,people discusing and going about which family that had the most lost through the storm,either it was their livestock or homes.

 Li lanbei was preparing to step out of the house after enjoying his quick breakfast prepared by his daughter .''Papa lets go, we are going to be late'' his daughter Li Guang called out from the kitchen.

 '' i am done just let me get my things'' he replies putting on his shoes.

 They stepped out of the house,both headed to the stall where they sell fabrics ,they were stopped some set of guys,these were the familar thugs in the village ,they worked for people to get jobs done for them either its was the elites or rich men who could afford their services.

 ''You are Li lanbei '' the man with a red band around his forehead states looking into the eyes of the man in front of him.

 Looking at the man who was standing all intimidating in front of them with six others behind ,with cowering he replies ''Yes i am, how may i help you''.

debt ''he relays the message as he was told.

shocked about what was said'' The agreement for complete payment dead line is not now but three month away''.

 ''Your payment has been less frequent and the money you bring when you do does not cover even good percentage of the money you owe ''he answers straightforwardy.

 He was about to counter what had been said by the man ,but seeing that his neighbours were getting curious with what was been discussed in front of his compoud ,he decided to leave at that,but in mind of going to confront his creditor. ''And failure to complete payment before the deadline your stall along with the goods ,or this house will be taken away as payment, and if it doesn't add up to the required amount more will be added later'' he said taking a glance at Li Guang.

 Li lanbei noticing this he uses his body to sheld his daughter which didn't do much anyway ,''Tell him i will get back to him''.

 He signalled his men behind him with a single shake of his head, they head out of the Li's compound.

 The market place was bustling with people go back and fort,with the warm blue sky the market was very much alive,opening the stall the Li's starts business for the day despite the sudden visit from their creditor.

 Seven years ago Li Guang's father Li lanbei borrowed an incredible high amount of money that will take hard years of intense work from their fabric sales to pay up,and the reason?,Li Guang's mom fell ill,an unknown sickness which got terrible that the village physician couldn't fathom what was causing the illness.

 This got worse that they spent all the availabe money they had under a week,it was recommed by the village physician to take her to the capital for better treatment and so as to find the cause and cure for the sickness ,this cost a lot of money for both transportation and treatment ,since they got no help from family or friends he resulted to borrowing from several loan sharks.

 At the end madam Li couldn't survive it after several means of trials to save her life,due to pain from loss of his wife Li lanbei stayed at home for several months before he could get back up again,within two years he had payed most of the borrowed money from other creditors,Sir Bai money which was the highest was the only one left after paying thirty-five percent out of the borrowed money.

 With double motivation and vigour Li Guang sets out to attract customers over to their stall,''come over here outstanding men and beautiful ladies to get good quality fabrics at affordable prices'' she speaks loudly to attract customers over her father's stall.

 She see's a lady with her female servant tailing behind her,they were the easiest for Li Guang to sell to because all she had to do was sweet talking them into buying things even when they dont need the item.

 ''miss what a beautiful skin you have,its even brighter than the sun we have this morning and to top it we have unique fabrics for your elegant skin'' the lady being sweet talked by Li Guang couldn't help but blush.

 Walking to where Li Guang directed ''which one did you say suits my skin?'' she asked looking over the materials on the counter.

 ''This milady with your skin beautiful your future groom would be wowed''

 It was known in the market of Li Guang sweet talks who can get customers ever since she started working the store with her father, and since then business seems to be moving on since at her presence at the market, other people started following on her footsteps.

 The lady who was actually married couldn't help but blush at what Li Guand had said which she is in fact is a mother of two, '' Then i will take two of it''.

 Li lanbei wraps up the purchased goods,''That will be one silver coin and two shillings'' collecting the payment he hands over the bought items to the lady's maid.

 ''papa sit, so your back won't hurt'' Li Guang brings out a chair for him to sit,

 ''yes; yes thank you, i wa.....

'move out of the way, move; ' seeing people running away from the road,with mummuring around,Li Guang moves to check out the situation.

 ''its the prime minsiter coming'' one woman talks on a low voice to the group of women around her.

 ''The prime minister?, i am not sure about that, what is he looking for here in this remote village'' another woman countered with evident disbelief over her face.

 ''Its true I'm telling you, my husband saw them last night riding into the town''

 With their low talks fading away,Li Guang looks towards the road to see several horses passing in full force, shrugging her shoulders she goes back to the stall to continue the sale for the day.

 After several hours of the bustling market, the sun seems to be setting ,Li lanbei heads out to a different direction leaving Li Guang to take a walk home after closing the stall.

 With the earlier thought of him going to see Sir Bai ,Li labei bodes the local carriage heading to the town located beside Beijing the village where they resided in,on getting to the town he walks the remaining distance.Getting to the venue he waits for several minutes before he was attended to,standing up he knocks on the brown wooden door, ''yes,come in'' he enters the door to see a man with over grown beards behind the table with a woman over his lap.

 Bowing his head he greets ''Good evening Sir Bai'' ''Mr yes yes how may i help you '' he answers with his attention on the lady with him.

 ''i am here to plead about the deadline date that was brought forward suddenly,it was to be in three months time'' 

 ''It is no longer available,things has changed that is all i can say,everybody knows how long i have been patient, go back home and bring me my money,leave! '' Sir Bai states pointing at the door with a frown.

 With Li lanbei head still bowing down''Please if you will give me.....

''Tiger !..take him out'' Sir Bai calls out to a bulky man who was standing out the door before Li lanbei could finish his sentence the bulky man who comes forward to drag Li lanbei out forcefully.

 Since it was a failure to extend the date,sadness watched over Li lanbei because he couldn't fathom the future because at the moment he doesn't posses half of the remaining money he owes.

 With the dark sky he heads to the juction to bode a local carriage home.