His Apples

    After several direction she had boded a carriage to the capitals military head camp, standing in front of the military gates she saw two officers guarding the gates, greeting them she said

  ''I am here to meet sir Wen moshen ,please inform him my name is Li Guang''

 ''Miss general wen office is at the west border if you want to see him'' the officer said getting back into position

  'i think i got the information wrong' she said to herself

 ''What is going on here'' a soldier came from the gate questioning why she was standing at the front of the military gates.

  ''Good evening sir i am here to meet general Wen'' she said correcting the title he was addressed as

 ''I think he came here few hours ago to get some work done and who am i to say is seeking him'' the soldier asked

 ''Li Guang sir'' she said curtly

  It didn't take long before she was ushered into the gates, directed by an officer to lead the way,

  Standing in front of a small building, she was asked to wait while the officer went in to inform the general of her arrival ,he comes back giving her permission to enter,

  Getting into the room, she sees him facing the door looking impatient and when he saw her his eyes brightened up with a shocked expression on his face like couldn't believe what he was seeing.

   When of the soldiers came to inform him him of a lady named Li Guang was seeking him, he doubted it was his Guang Guang but he had to see if it was just a coincidence and seeing her now he was speechless.

 ''Guang Guang'' he called of breathless liked he had ran a mile to get here

  ''Wen moshen.....;

  Stepping forward,

   ''Guang Guang i missed you'' he said embarrassing her

 Taking both her hands in his '' How have you been''

 ''I have been good thank you'' she said looking at his face, 

  They both could not stop staring at each other, while his face had matured and roughed over the years, he saw she had become more beautiful and matured over the years as a grown woman.

  Offering her a seat ,they sat facing each other,

  ''Guang Guang are you mad at me?'' he asked 

  ''I am not,if i was i wouldn't be here'' she responded

  ''Guang Guang i am sorry i didn't come sooner'' he began                ''I was planning on returning to the village to see you and uncle very soon ,i have something on my hands i am currently working on''

  ''Okay'' she nodded ''I am here now aren't i'' she said softly

 But he knew better than that 

  ''Guang Guang''...;

 '' You stopped sending letters'' her expression gave away how sad she was about it.

  ''My father father found out about us sending letters while i was in camp,i found out he took the letters before they got to you'' 

  '' what about when you came out years back, you didn't write to me, i still sent you letters'' she asked

 ''i have no excuse, please forgive me i will make it up to you, we haven't seen each other for a long time now don't be angry at me'' he pleaded he voice laced with guilt. She nodded her head in response, she had already forgiven him about it anyway, they where all caught up in their own responsibilities.

He smiled brightly '' what have you been up to? '' he asked gently

 ''I.... a knock rang through the door before she could respond

 ''come in'' Wen moshen replied to the person behind the door.

  ''General'' the officer bows ''Lord Wen requests your presence at the royal palace.

 ''Okay i will be out in a moment''.

 ''Guang Guang please wait,i will be back shortly, i have something to the at the palace''.

  After waiting for an hour Li Guang felt a slight pain in her stomach,she remembered she hasn't had anything to eat for dinner,she had finished the food she had packed on her way.

  Leaving the room to get something to eat,she still had some money out of her budget,after walking for some minuetes she had seen no where to get food and she didn't want to leave the military gates incase they don't let her in again and had nowhere to go.

  she comes across a training ground filled with soldiers training,she stood from afar watching,taking a right she walks farther into the grounds,she comes across a garden,looking upfront she notices an apple.

 Following the part paved for a walk through the garden,it was then she noticed a building next to the tree,contemplating if she should take an apple from the tree when her stomach grumbled again.

  'Hope they dont mind me eating from the tree'

 Taking ripe apples from the height where her hands could reach,she gathered a good amount to satisfy herself.

 She sat under the tree to eat the apples,she was hungry even though it was just apples it was something.

   This was the sight Fu huai'an came across after finishing from the training ground.

 Accompanying him was Ji yan and two soldiers,

 Noticing a lady eating the Lord's apples, a soldier stepped forward

  ''HEY YOU! what are you doing?'' the soldier questioned loudly

 The voice gave Li Guang a fright that she stood up immediately with apples off everywhere.

  ''And why are you eating the Lord's apples?'' the soldier questioned rudely taking a step forward.

 Li Guang heart was racing very fast like a thief caught on the act

      ''Sorry sir,i saw the apple tree and i wanted to have some i didn't know i was not to it them'' she said her heart racing with fear ''i will take my leave right away''

   Meanwhile Fu huai'an had been watching her calmly with his dark orbs watching every move she took.

 The soldier was about to say something at her again when FU huai'an stopped him with a raised hand.

  Putting down his hand '' You can have the apples,enjoy the shade'' he said with a calm voice walking off into the building.

  Suprised she was let to stay,she did a bow after him.

 The soldiers backed off after the lord's but were still in confusion that her let her eat the apples.

  They were quite suprised because the general they knew that not only did he not allow people eat his and more of coming close to his quaters.

  Ji yan who saw everything smirked following Fu huai'an into the building.

  ''Wipe that thing off your face'' came Fu huai'an voice after seeing the smile on his best friend face,and he knows what the bastard is thinking.

  Ji yan the son of Ji Huifang,after Fu huai'an had left military he had come in contact with Ji yan during the period of doing business with his father, after constant begging and continous pleading to join his troop,he relented after seeing he was determined and strong willed.

   Ji yan was personally trained by the lord along with special others and they now his shadow.

  Ji yan went around the room at the corners and design of the room,checking out the ornaments round the room like he hadn't seen them or been in the room before with a silly smile over his face.

   ''Tst tsk always getting into trouble'' he said raising his eyes to look at Fu huai'an.

  Even though the lord was focused on the parchments in front of him,he knew he was listening to what he was saying,he continued

  ''She was the girl the other time you know,at lockwood when we were heading back to the capital''.

 ''Don't you have work to do?'' 

''Of course sir, Fu its no stress i can handle one more'' there was the silly smile on his face.

  The lord knew what he meant but he didn't bother commenting.

  ''You may leave'' came the lord's curt reply.

  Ji yan politely backed off, he knew but he backed down.

 Under the tree Li Guang was still seated ,the apples were the best that she had ever tasted.