Not Without a Fight

''Lord Zhang the General is not in'' one of the officers stopped him as he was about to enter the lord quarters.

 ''Ahh, where did he go'' the question sounded it came from a restrained voice.

''He is at the palace, when he comes back i will inform him of your visit'' the officer offered in a polite tone.

'' No need, i will wait for him inside'' he was confident that the prime would surely come to the military base, because it was known that he spent all his time in this place than his home unless he goes on a battle with his soldiers.

 This officer wanted to refuse him from entering the lords quarter but he was an aristocrat, he decided to leave it at that.

 Lord zhang was tensed on his toes, the king had gotten an hint that he was involved in the attack on the carriages caring weapons for the kingdom, he came here to beg the prime minister to help him out of it and he was hundred percent sure that it wasn't the prime minister who had gone to the king.

  If he had known he would not have agreed to play a part in it but the Chief state counsellor Wen had his evil act and exploitation he had done in the dark, even though refusing the chief state counsellor would had cost him his position and wealth, at least it was better than him losing his life going against the king.

  He was thinking about his life when he heard the light pounding of the door at the other side, he knows he was not allowed to go into the lords quarters without permission but his curiosity got the best of him.

 He left the office where he was directed to stay, when he moved further he could here the sounding of the knocking clearly ''Who's there?'' he asked hesitantly

 ''Hello! is somebody there? i have been locked in'' Li Guang who had been tired got up back when she saw the day had gone dark already, she does not want to get into more trouble that she had been avoiding lately.

 When the door clicked open, her joy was short lived when she saw who was at the door, Lord Zhang couldn't hide his surprise when he saw who was locked in, the beauty he had been regretful about because he didn't have a taste before she was taken away, he smiled in delight showing his yellow teeth ' what are the odds'.

  He laughed taking himself in, when Li Guang tried to run away before he could get in he pushed her with both hands forcefully before she could run out '' You are still the running bitch, i thought Lieutenant Yan bought you for himself, who knew it was for the prime Minister'' he mocked locking the door with the key he took from the other side.

 Li Guang felt all her life luck had diminished ever since she stepped her feet out of her Beijing, out of everybody to open the door for her it was this man , she was not going to let him take advantage of her this time even though he was stronger than her she wasn't going to give up without a fight after all she doesn't belong to him anymore but the lord and that gave her more courage than needed, she stood up from the floor where she had been pushed to earlier on.

 ''Oh i see that face, so determined you think because you are under the Prime minister that i won't have my way with you, do you know who i am?, its better you quit with the fight and spread you legs for me''

  Even though she wavered when he spoke on his standing in the society since he is a noble and she was just a slave but she didn't back down, when he gave a sudden attack to grab her, she quickly bent down to grab his leg with all her strength she fell him hard on the floor, she heard the sound of bone cracking.

 He let out a high scream ''MY WAIST!!'' when she tried to stand up to run over to the other side he caught her leg in a death grip dragging at to him, she struggled to get him off her, he kneeled giving her a punch on her mouth, her mouth stung, blood coating her white teeth.

 He dragged her down pressing her neck with his hands, trapping her in place hovering above her, he was beyond angry at her actions, she was losing her breath with his tight grip pressing down her neck, she tried removing his fingers curled tightly around her neck, her breaths coming out in shorts his sweat dripping down from his face to hers, it like his was bent on killing her this time without caring anymore. '' You Bitch! just die!''

 Her hands searched for any close object beside her, the air in her lungs were reducing gradually with the pain on her neck, when her hand came in contact with an object without care she raised it up hitting him hard on his head, the tempered glass broke into pieces, he lost consciousness immediately his grip loosened down oh her neck falling over her, with her last piece of strength she rolled him over.

 She laid down there to calm her laboured breath which wasn't reducing but increasing but increasing by the second when she found out that he wasn't moving and blood was flowing down his head.

 Tears clouded her eyes, her breath coming out in shorts she found it hard to breath properly, she covered her mouth as she cried out painfully, she killed a man her life was over at the point, she couldn't breath.

 When the door knob twisted and a shadow under the door, the cried in fear she couldn't stop the tears, the door handle was released but the next minutes it was kicked open by a strong leg.

 she looked up with her clouded eyes to see the lord, her fear multiplied, she scurried away in fear her back against the wall. She couldn't breath.

 His dark eyes glanced over the room to see the man laid flat on the floor and the scared culprit against the wall with streams running down her eyes.