
Latrice Richardson

Walking through the corridor felt so peaceful yet so tiring. There weren't many people around here as a majority of the students were on the other side of the school. Aegis Academy, the pride and joy of the Aegis Empire. It amazes me that they could not come up with a name better than Aegis. It felt like the academy was meant to teach students only about the Aegis Empire.


I turned around to see my best friend, Marissa running and panting. Her flushed cheeks and her sparkling eyes tell me something good has happened to her. At least one of us had a good day.


"Miss Latrice, I will be seeing you at the detention centre this afternoon after your classes have ended," the foreign language teacher said through gritted teeth.


I can't believe he felt offended by the truth that was merely in a foreign language book. What am I thinking? I should be focusing on my excited best friend now.

"Are you okay?" I asked her as I held her arms.

Right now, she looked like someone who would fall backwards if the wind blew too hard.

"I...I...I heard something crazy," she explained as she was still out of breath.

She must have come running from the southern side of the academy.

"What?" I ask curiously.

What made her eyes sparkle the way they did? I too wanted to know.


"Miss Latrice!" Shouted a voice interrupting what Marissa was about to say.

We turned around to see a maid from my home running towards us. Her name was Mariam. She looked shocked yet unsure.

"I apologize for interrupting, but Marquess Richardson, has asked me to give you this letter as soon as I find you," she said bowing as she gave me the letter.

I take the letter and I walk to a bench to sit down. Letters from my father are very upsetting to the point where you could faint from the shock of the letter...

I open the envelope and I stare at the letter.

My lovely daughter, Latrice.

There's something very important that is going to happen. You are to be wedded to the Grand Duke Osiris the summer that will be coming soon.

We will talk when you return from the school holidays.

Your mother and I truly miss you.

Marquess Richardson

I stare at the letter in my hands shaking violently with anger. What the actual hell! What the freaking hell! What nonsense is this?!

I rip the letter and crumble the papers to pieces! Who does he think he is? I'm 17 for Godsake!

"Latie? Are you okay? Don't cry," Marissa comforted me as she hugged me.

I hadn't noticed that I was crying. My eyes were blurred by my tears I had not noticed.

How could this happen after how hard I worked to make sure this reality never occurred?


Seventeen Years ago...

'Why am I a baby? ' this was the question I asked myself as I raised my hands and saw they were small.

I looked around me and saw a beautiful lady smiling at me. Her blackish-blue hair made her look like a star on a beautiful night. She is beautiful but why is she smiling at me like that?

"Honey, is she not lovely," she asked the man across her.

He was handsome. His hair was black and shiny compared to the lady with curly hair.

"She looks just like you, Let's name her Latrice, Latrice Richardson," He said smiling.

Latrice? Why does that name sound so familiar? I looked at their faces again and then it struck me. These people are characters from a book I read in my previous life. I remember it now I died a Pathetic death. I died drunk! Why did I die drunk? Why did I die like that!?

I started crying when my new mother picked me up. I felt so angry at myself as I cried.

"Our Latie is crying," she cooed.

"What's wrong sweetie? Are you hungry?" She asked.

No! I'm crying because this handsome father of mine is going to make a horrible investment! To which I'm going to have to be sold off to a crazy Grand Duke Osiris Evans! Who is ultimately going to lead me to death? Just because of his crazy jealousy of wanting to own Grand Duke Aubrey Allen's Duchy. I am going to die because of my father's dumb decisions.

No! I will change my fate, and live a happy life married to a Marquees or even a Count. But I will not get married to the Grand Duke Osiris.


I can't let this happen. I can't!

"Mariam, prepare a carriage, I have to go see my father," I ordered as I wiped my tears.

"Marissa sweetie, Can you please cover for tell them that I am sick and my maid is tending to me, Please and thank you," I said hugging.

I walk away towards the back entrance of the academy. Most students sneak away using the back entrance of the school as there is no one there. The back entrance is where you can always find at least two rebels avoiding their classes. It was considered the place where illegitimate children did all horrible things.

I carefully looked around me as I walked towards the back entrance. There was no one here except for the broken chairs and tables that the school had disposed of.

The carriage came and I ran towards it. My father has a lot to explain to me. Like how could it happen that my father got involved with the Grand Duke Osiris of the Northern Aegis Duchy?

"I've prepared the carriage Miss Latrice," Mariam said as I arrived.

"Thank you so much Mariam, can you please go to the dorm and keep cover for me," I ask her as I get into the carriage.

"Yes, I will, Miss Latrice, Please return safe," she replied before walking back to the academy's dorms.

I watched Mariam disappear as the carriage drove away. It will be a while before we arrive in Xenia.

Xenia is where I am from. But because of unfortunate events, Xenia has been divided into two places. The Aegis Xenian territory and the Ulrika Xenian territory. The war that took place in the year 403 led to Xenia being colonised. Ever since then, it has been divided into two territories. I'm going home to the place where most of my cherished memories were. The memories I treasured...

What am I thinking? Those memories won't mean anything if I get married to that man. They'll just be sad and pathetic.

How did my father get scammed after I told him never to do business with Grand Duke Osiris? Where did it all go wrong? What did I do wrong? Does this mean my efforts were a waste of time? Didn't I do my best to lead my father away from that man?

"We have arrived, Miss Latrice," Said my Knight, Jack, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Thank you, Jack," I said as he helped me out of the carriage.

The moment I got out I sprinted towards the house. The warmth surrounding the house lingered everywhere. I could feel the warmth even though I was angry. The scent of Vanilla and Jasmine filled my nostrils as I ran into the house.

"Miss!" Jack shouted as he ran behind me.

As I ran I fell in front of the stair where I met my father and Grand Duke Osiris walking towards.

"Latie!" My father shouted shocked.

"Father! We need to talk like right now," I said as he ran towards me.

"Are you okay Latie? You are not hurt, right? Call the Doctor!" He spoke all at once.

"I'm okay Father, but we need to talk right now Father," I said as I limped.

"Yes we will talk let's first get you treated," he said looking at my scratches.

"Are you okay?" The Grand Duke Osiris asked.

"Hello Your Grace," I said bowing.

"Please don't bow," he said attempting to help me up.

"Please don't touch me," I said.

He looked stunned as he stepped away.

"Jack, please help me," I said staring at Jack.

Jack walked towards me and picked me up in bridal as he carried me towards my room. I looked behind us and saw an amusing smile on that scum's face. I frowned annoyed as I glared at him. He smiled and winked at me.

What the hell is wrong with him?

"Jack, walk faster please," I said turning back at Jack.

"Yes miss Latrice," he said increasing his speed.

The doctor came after a while and treated me. Once he left Jack stared at me.

"Please speak freely Jack," I said.

"I'm just curious why you hate the Grand Duke Osiris so much," he said.

"He has a scumbag face," I said.

"Scumbag face?" Jack questioned.

"Basically what I'm saying is he looks like a crook," I answered.

"But you don't even know him," he points out.

Poor Jack, how do I tell you that Man is a crazy jealous person who I will have to die with?

I sigh as I shake my head.

"You too young to understand," I said.

He stared at me with a bored look that screamed, 'Sweetie I am 21 and you are 17!'

My father came in rushing.

"Jack please give us space," my father said to Jack.

He nodded and left.

I stared at my father frowning.

"Latie, my Angel, I'm sorry," he said patting my head.

"You promised me," I said staring at my father.

"I'm so sorry, Latie but it was the Grand Duke that scammed me but it was someone else and the only person who was willing to help us was the Grand Duke," he said.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"I was scammed by the Grand Duke of the Western Ulrika Duchy, Steven Collins," My father said embarrassed.

"Grand Duke, Steven Collins?" I asked completely shocked.

That scumbag! I was going to leave him alone and his achievements but now I will take them all away from him! He doesn't deserve to have any achievements. Damn, scammer!

"So how did no one want to help you?" I asked confused.

"That bastard spread lies about me," my father said frustrated.

Turns out the that Grand Duke scammed my father by making him invest in a business that would never survive in this world. How the hell does one use cryptocurrency without damn technology?! I scolded my father for investing in cryptocurrency knowing that he didn't know what exactly it was before I headed back to the academy. Is this some type of destiny? I can't let it play out like it did in the book. I must survive and live the happy life I worked hard for even if I have to change the plot of the entire story, but will I be able to do it? Can I?