Sneaking back into the Dorms

Latrice Richardson...

I arrive at the academy where I find a distressed Marissa waiting for me.

"Rissa? Are you okay?" I ask as I get out of the carriage.

"Latie, the Headmistress went to fetch the Doctor and will be walking to your room in a while from now. Go to the back of the back of dorms where my room is and enter through the window, Hurry up and make haste!" She said pushing me towards the direction of the dorm rooms.

I run towards the back where I find a rope hanging from my bedroom window.

I tugged the rope to make sure it was secured before I started climbing the rope.

"Miss Latrice, please make haste, the Headmistress will be here soon," she half shouts at me anxiously.

"Mariam, pull the rope up!" I shout up towards her.

She pulls the rope and climbing up becomes faster and easier. Once I reached the top, Mariam helped me out of my dress and Mariam hid my dress and the rope I used to climb up. Once I was only in my undergarment dress, I climbed into my bed sprinkling water in my face. I tend to lie down as I try to catch my breath.

After a few minutes, there was a knock at the door. Mariam went to open it and it was Headmistress Silvers.

"Miss Richardson, I heard from Miss Braun that you are sick," She said emphasizing the word sick.

"It's just a small fever that will heal after I sleep for a day," I say in a sickly voice.

"That's why I brought a Doctor for you," she said as she opened the wider inviting the Doctor in.

"You didn't have to but I'm grateful, thank you, madam, " I said sickly pretending to cough.

"How are you feeling, Miss Richardson?" The doctor asked.

"I'm okay, just feeling a bit tired," I answered sounding as sick as I could.

I was tired. After all the crazy events from the letter to the stairs to the climbing caused me. I felt like my life force was being drained out of me.

"I will check your temperature and give you medication you should drink, okay?" He said.

"Okay," I answered.

The Doctor took out a thermometer and checked my temperature. He took the thermometer and looked shocked.

I frowned confused and scared too. Did I get caught?

"You have a very high fever, Miss Richardson," The Doctor said shocked.



The Headmistress and I turned at each other shocked. Why is she shocked that I am shocked? I mean I know I don't have a fever, that's impossible. She doesn't know that I don't have a fever but why is she shocked?

"Miss Richardson, may I know why you are shocked to discover that you have a high fever?" She asked.

Crap. Is this it? Will this be how my day ends? No! I can fool her. I know I can.

"I am shocked because I didn't think that my fever was that big of an issue. It shocked me when I discovered that I had a high fever instead of a slap on the wrist fever that I thought I had. Mariam, can you please send a letter back to my father telling him that I have a very high fever but he should not worry about it as I'm only informing him as I promised I would tell him when I'm sick," I said looking at Mariam sounding sick.

"Of course, Miss Latrice, I will do so," she said walking out.

"Doctor please check her temperature again," Mrs Silvers said.

The Doctor nodded and checked my temperature again.

"Oh dear, Her fever is higher than before," he said showing the Headmistress the thermometer.

She had a shocked expression on her face. I wanted to smirk but tell her that's what happens when you don't mind your own damn business! You fall for your trap.

"Miss Richardson, You have to rest in bed for three days. You should also take these medications after every meal for the next three days. I will also be giving you something for nauseousness because you might feel nauseous when you eat so you should make sure that you eat something light. Okay?" He said.

I nodded my head and smiled softly.

"I will come by after two days to see how you are doing," The Doctor said putting medicine on my bedside table.

"Yes, Thank you, Doctor," I said bowing as he left.

Headmistress Silvers walked him out before returning.

"Mrs Silvers, May I speak freely for a moment?" I asked her.

"Go ahead," She said gesturing her hands as though she was giving me the stage.

"Why were you shocked that I was sick?" I asked.

"Did you think I was pretending to be sick to skip classes?" I asked again.

"Miss Richardson, A student came to me telling me that they saw you sneaking out of the school premises through the back entrance with your maid," she said.

"I do agree that you are an extraordinary student with remarkable gifts but you are one to do things as crazy as leaving school premises even if you know that you are forbidden from leaving until the school day has ended," she said sitting down.

"If it is so, don't you think waiting for me at the back entrance would have been better?" I ask curious.

"Are you admitting to have left?" She asked shocked.

"No! I'm just saying that if someone snitched on me or lied about me leaving wouldn't waiting for me to return from wherever I could have gone been better?" I questioned.

"I found your maid running with a bucket of cold water, and you would not leave your maid and leave," she answers.

"Of course, I would never," I said, shocked as I gasped.

She is right about one thing, I never leave without Mariam. She is someone very dear to me.

"I hope this doesn't happen again. No, I hope I don't ever hear someone telling you have left school premises before the end of the school day again," she said walking out.

She left and Mariam entered.

"Marissa will be here soon," she said.

"I don't think she believed me," I said falling back onto my pillow.

"But that was close, Miss Latrice," said Mariam.

"You are the best, do you know that Mariam?" I asked her.

"Thank you Miss Latrice but I'm still lacking," she said blushing.

"Are you feeling better now though?" She asked after a while.

"Yes," I said sighing.

"Would you like to talk about it?" She asked as she wiped off the water from my face.

"I'll be getting married as soon as I graduate," I tell her.

"Oh my," she said gasping excitedly.

"What!?" Someone at the door said.

It was Marissa and she looked shocked.

"Yeah, that's why I cried and left this morning," I said smiling awkwardly as I scratched my head.

"And here I thought my news was crazy news," She said as she plopped down onto her bed.

I stared at her confused and then I remembered, she wanted to tell me about something crazy this morning.

"Hey, you never told me what you wanted this morning," I started as I stared at her attentively.

She blushed and hid her face in her hands.


Meanwhile in the doctor's office...

The doctor took the thermometer to check his temperature because he wanted to be sure that he was not wrong. He checked his temperature and it showed that he had a high fever. Bewildered by what he saw he decided to wait for a few minutes before checking his temperature again. And again it showed he had a high fever. He kept on checking his temperature with the hope that it was nothing major and every time he did the temperature was higher than before.

"What the..." he mumbled confused and shocked.

"Am I sick or am I just too tired?" he asked himself as he stared at the thermometer.

It did make sense... None of it did. He searched through his cabinets for another thermometer. Something told him that the thermometer made a mistake. That it could have been faulty it broken... He used the new thermometer and when he checked his temperature, it was normal.

Confused he tried to figure out what was wrong with the thermometer. He did everything and when he used a spell that would take apart the thermometer and show him every single part the thermometer was made of he noticed that the mecury was replaced with galluim...

They did it again... They enchanted his thermometer so temperatures would continuously increase.

"It has already been done," he said to himself.

'I'll give her a thumbs up when I go see her,' he thought to himself.

But the truth is he doesn't want anyone to know about the prank he fell for so he decided that feigning ignorance is better than admitting.