

Nicholas Aegisthus

Will you be able to go forth with it?" He asked, snickering.

"I'd do anything for her, except for killing her." I tell him.

He looked at me before smiling. He walked towards the couch in his office and lay on it before turning his head towards me.

"Let's make a deal?" He proposed to me.

"Is this some crazy plan of yours?" I asked him annoyed.

He laughs at me before sitting upright. When he laughs like this it makes me shiver. It's crazy how he sometimes makes me think of Aubrey. If you met them together you would think that they were brothers.

"We are going to sign a contract in which you will help me and I will help you." He responded.

The tone of his voice made me wonder if he was normal. What am I thinking? When was he ever normal? He is the crazy type that makes a person shiver from how he stares at them.

"Orisis, I hope you are not trying to mess with me." I stated peeved by how calm he was.

"Why would I? Treece is to me what Marissa or whatever is to you." He replied before getting up to fetch paper from his desk.

"Do you remember when I was a child and I told you about me having seen God?" he asked me as he wrote down the contract.

"How can I ever forget that day? It was the first time anyone saw you crying." I answered while scoffing at him.

"Yeah, whatever." He let out in a dismissive tone.

"I also told you something else, Remember?" He asked me.

He looked serious and gave me a look that said, 'I think I have found a connection to that dream.'

"You said someone had framed you." I replied shocked.


Ten years ago...

The castle was filled with chaos as Father tried to figure out who had tried to poison his nephew and my cousin. The doctors were trying to figure out an antidote for the poison while the priest slowed down the effect of the poison. I stood in a corner shaking from the fear of losing someone close.

What if he was not the target and I was? What if the person who had poisoned him meant to poison me? What if he got poisoned because he was in the way? What if I'm the reason he is in this state? What if he dies? And... I... If... If he dies then I lose my best friend and cousin.

"Your Highness!?" a doctor shouted shaking me violently yet gently.

I tried to look at the doctor but I couldn't see his face. Everything was blurry and I couldn't breathe. It was like my lungs were collapsing within each other. It was like I was fighting for air with my body. My chest felt tight as though my body was wrapped up tightly with nylon rope. I felt like I was being suffocated. I felt like I would die if I didn't get just a sip of air.

"Your Highness! Please try to breathe!" The doctor shouted anxiously as he slapped me on the back.

"He needs to get out of here or else he too will become a patient." another voice let out.

"Call his knight!" another shouted.

A familiar scent filled my nose and I was welcomed by warmth.

"Your Highness, it is okay." he said as he caressed my back gently.

I could hear my heart pounding through my ears as he carried me out of the room. He took me to the garden where he placed me on the bench.

"Are you feeling better, Your Majesty?" He asked me.

Concern and worry was laced in his voice. Although his expression was stoic I could still sense how concerned he was.

"Yes, Thank you." I responded feeling flustered from how I had panicked.


Excitement burst from my heart as I ran towards the voice. I arrived at the door and saw Orisis. His face was pale and he looked terrified. Tears were streaming down his face, it was the first time I've ever seen him cry. He ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry. I'm very sorry but it wasn't me. I swear." he sobbed hugging me even tighter.

"I know you would never do such a thing." I replied hugging him back as I held my tears back.

"Nick, In the future, someone is going to frame me for your death." he let out.

I froze and my heart started pounding even louder. It was like someone had attempted to kill me again.

"Why?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"That is the thing, I don't know why and I could not even save you." he answered crying.

"Please don't die." he added hugging me even tighter.

"I won't die." I cried.

He looks at me and proceeds to tell me about what happened. I didn't want to believe him but his story was so detailed to the point that neither me nor my father knew if we should ignore what he said or believe it.


"That day you told me someone framed you for my death," I answered as I shivered.

"I also told you about someone who I was married to." He adds.

"Trixie?" I asked him shocked.

Does he think that Latrice Richardson is her? It could only be a coincidence.

"I think I found her and I believe that everything will be clear if I'm with her." He answered as he stopped writing.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

He could be wrong, Latrice could just be a girl who has no connections with him. Her middle name is Bellatrix but that could just be out of sheer luck that her name could be turned to Trixie from Bellatrix.

"I'm confident about it." He tells me.

I sighed internally as I stared at him... If he is confident then I'll trust him. He must have a good plan. He always has a good plan.

"What is the plan? " I asked him attentively.

"We have to make sure that they work together." He answers me.

"That's easy, they are friends and I'm sure they will work together." I tell him confused.

Why would he come up with such an idea? Out of everything he could have thought about, this is his solution.

"Well...Latrice is looking for a way not to get married to me." He answers scratching his neck.

"Why? What did you do?" I asked him shocked.

They did not know each other until this year and he already made her hate him? He really is very interesting when it comes to this... If he doesn't cause a lady to burst into tears, then he will lead her to hate him. It's funny to some extent.

"I really don't know." he let out as he sunk into the couch.

"So, for this plan to work, we have to make sure she never finds out what happens and that she succeeds in this?" I asked him.

"Yes." he answered.

"Do we really have to do it like this?" I asked him

"Why are you complicating the situation?" He asked looking a bit surprised by my questions.

"We have to keep them in the dark and have them succeed in it." he added as he signed the contract in front of him.

He pushes the contract towards me and I read it thoroughly before signing the contract.

"So I just have to tell Rissa not to tell Latrice about what happens if they fall than everything will be fine." I let out as I spoke to myself.

"No, We have to lie to both of them." he spoke.

"I don't like lying to the woman I love." I let out.

"Do you want to get married?" he asked me.

"I do." I answered.

"Then you won't tell her the truth. Plus she'll forgive you after she finds out in ten years." he stated.

"You're right." I spoke to myself as I thought about it.

No one knows this and no one would tell her.

"I'll see you soon." I tell Orisis as I get up.

He nods shooing me away. I laughed as I walked out.

"Your Highness."

I turned my head and saw him bowing.

"Arthur, I've told you stop doing that." I groan as I stare at him.

"How dare I, Your Highness." he responds getting up.

"You are my friend before I am His Highness." I tell him softly punching him on the shoulder.

He smiles at me and I smile back at him.

"How is that imbecile right now?" he asked me sighing.

"He is fine from what I saw." I tell him.

"Why are you asking?" I asked him curiously.

"He looked lost." He answered.

"It was creepy." He adds.

His eyes were filled with concern that could not be hidden. He was one to express his emotions to us regardless of what they were.

"He's okay. Don't let his creepiness get to you." I tell him.

"Just leave him alone for now. I have a feeling he wants to be alone." I add as I walk out.

I could hear him say yes from where I was. I should teach those imbeciles a lesson after this. I cannot let it go.