
Latrice Evans

Two hours later...

The Reception Banquet was going really well. No one made horrible remarks and there were no fights. It made me feel a bit better about how the evening was going.

"I'm so jealous of you Lady Latrice."

"Don't be, Your Prince Charming must be waiting for you somewhere around here or in the world." I tell her laughing lightly.

If only she knew this was my worst nightmare.

"Ladies." a very annoying familiar voice said.

I turned my head fake smile at his disgusting face. I wanted to slap him so much.

"Risis." I spoke sweetly.

"Treece, my dear wife." he replied caresing my cheeks.

'They so loveable.'

Those words annoyed me. They were not wrong, I am loveable. But I don't know if I can say the same for this bastard.

"I'm so sorry for bothering you all but we have a honeymoon to catch." He spoke looking at the ladies in front of us.

"It's okay." They said.

"Lady Charlotte and Lady Rose, I will invite you both to my tea party very soon." I said smiling as I waved at them.

"We will be waiting for your invitation." They replied.

"Please remove your hand from my waist." I said, still smiling as we passed people.

We were searching for my parents so I could bid goodbye to them before I left. Searching for them was like a scavenger hunt. Everyone wanted to speak to us as a couple and it was frustrating me.

'You must be happy to have such a handsome husband.'

'He is very lucky to have you as his wife.'

'I hope to hear good news about a child from both of you.'

'How did you fall in love?'

Their questions were tiring. Could they not see I was tired? And he wasn't helping.

'No, I am the lucky one.'

'I really am.-

'I wish for them to resemble her.'

'The story is extraordinarily rather long.'

I was at my wits with them all. It felt more like he wanted them to continue asking questions. After all, it meant he could hold my waist for as long as he wanted and act however he wanted.

"Are the both of you enjoying the party?"

We slightly turned our heads and saw my parents smiling at us.

"The party is quite rather fun." we both explained at the same time.

I stared at him shocked before looking back at my parents.

"Look at them already connecting." my father said awkwardly trying to keep the atmosphere good.

My mother laughed hesitantly but subtly for people who didn't know her not to realize it was her fake laughing.

"Well, Mother, Father. We unfortunately have to get going now." I told them.

"Oh my is it already time?" My mother asked shocked.

"Yes, but we will be visiting both of you soon." Orisis answered.

My mother and father nodded their years before they gave us hugs seeing us out. My mother walked towards me and hugged me before whispering.

"I hope you'll try to at least be happy."

"Thank you, Mother." I said hugging her back.

"Goodbye Father and Mother." Orisis and I said as we got into the carriage.

I sat opposite him near the window.

My body was exhausted from everything that occurred today. I just wanted to fall asleep and forget what had occurred. I closed my eyes trying to erase everything I saw and trying to forget it all when I heard him speak.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" I asked as I opened my eyes and stared at him.

"I'm sorry for upsetting you, but I really didn't do anything with her." He explained.

"Duke Orisis, what you do with your personal life has frivolity to do with me." I tell him.

"After all, we only have to be married for five years and I hope in those five years your affairs do not tarnish my reputation." I added.

"I will also make sure whatever I do does not tarnish your reputation." I added again after a while of silence.

"You are a part of my personal life." He spoke after a lot of silence.

"Do I look like a joke to you?" I asked him.

"Like I said before, you could never be a joke to me." He answered.

"I am because if I wasn't, you wouldn't have disrespected me the way you did today." I started anger simmering out of me.

He sighed angrily before moving close to me and kissing me. I angrily pushed him away flustered by the way he kissed me.

"Don't you dare kiss me!" I warned him angry.


Orisis Evans

"What will you do if I don't?" I asked her as I held her chin.

"I'll kill you." she answered.

I stared at her and smirked before I kissed her again. She pushed me away before slapping me. Her golden brown eyes stared at me angrily filled to the brim with hatred.

"Don't touch me." She warned hatred tracing her words.


I turned to the carriage door and saw one of the knights knocking on the window. Treece pushed me out of the way and got out with the help of the knight.

What's wrong with me? Why am I acting this way?

I sighed as I got out of the carriage. She stood five meters away from the carriage. Her standing there shook me. She was mad at me and still waited for me.

"Risis, let's head in." She said smiling.

Her smile was fake. I knew it was...

I walked towards her and she intertwined her fingers with mine. Her hand was very soft. How did I not notice her hands were soft?

"Can we go to your office?" She asked me as she smiled.

"Sure." I answered smiling back at her.

The servants stared at us with sparkling eyes and big grins on their faces. She was acting like this because we were being watched by the servants. It made my heart flutter.

We walked to my office and when we entered the let go of my hand. It made my heart hurt because I enjoyed holding her hand.

"I want you to sign a contract." She declared snapping her fingers as a piece of paper appeared.

She grabbed the paper and gave it to me.

"What is this?" I asked her.

"A Contract." She answered.

"I can see it, but for what is it?" I replied in a serious tone.

"A contract that has terms and conditions to our SITUATION." She answered as she emphasised the word situation.

I stared at her before chuckling. She was funny. The contract's terms and conditions were absurd.


The marriage between Duke Orisis Evans and Lady Latrice Richardson is nothing but an arranged marriage that would last for five years. The...

Terms and conditions.

1. Cannot touch each other.

2. Cannot kiss each other.

3. Must respect each other.

4. Only sleeps twice a week in the same room with Duke Orisis sleeping on the couch or vice versa.

5. Only pretend in front of others.

6. No performing marital duties.

7. No getting INVOLVED in each other's life.

I stared at her contract before burning it with my fire magic. She's crazy if she thinks I'll accept these ridiculous terms and conditions.

"You can burn them all you want." She stated.

"I have more of them." she added as she snapped her finger allowing another contract to appear.

I pointed my finger at it and made it burn to ashes. She kept snapping her fingers and I kept pointing my fingers at the contracts.

"Just sign the them contract!" she shrieked frustrated.

"Treece, it seems as though you don't listen." I said walking towards her.

She walked backwards and moved forward towards her. Her back hit the shelf and she flinched shocked.

I gently grabbed her chin as I lifted her face towards me.

"You are a part of my personal life." I tell her in an honest sincere tone.

"If you want to know additional information then I'll give it to you." I added.

"Every day for the next FIVE YEARS, I'll be seeing you in the morning for tea and breakfast, in the afternoon for lunch and in the evening for dinner." I added.

The truth was I planned to do all these things with her for the rest of my life. So I can never sign her contract and I won't ever sign it.

"That ridiculous contract of yours." I said before pausing as I brushed her lower lip with my thumb.

"I advise you to forget it because it will never happen." I added as I crashed my lips on hers. She tried to resist my kiss so I bit her lip sliding my tongue in her mouth. After a while, she gave in kissing me. Her words before she did that were.

"Just this one time."

I chuckled as I lifted her.

"I'm never going to agree to that contract." I told her as I planted kisses from her lips down to her neck.