Expedition pt2


Latrice Evans

Three days later...

It has been three days since we left Aegis...Everyone was anxious as we were nearing our destination. The Eros Kingdom...


I turned my head surprised to a knight.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Duke Evans had asked me to give you this after three days." He answered.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Billy." he answered.

"Okay, Thank you, Billy." I let out as I took a small box from him.

He nodded his head and left. I looked at the box before I decided to open it... There was a letter in it and a bracelet. The bracelet was silver with a foreign writing on it. I stared at it confused before I opened the letter.


You might not want anything to do with me but I want to do everything involving you. I know you hate me and that's okay, because...even if you hate me, I won't stop wanting things that involve you. And that's why I gave you that bracelet...

The bracelet I gave you is a protective bracelet. It will protect you if you encounter danger. I hope you will wear it and I hope that you will be safe because you are important to me.


I stared at the letter confused about why he was acting so different. In the novel he never cared what happened to Latrice. He just let whatever happened to her. But he... He is caring about her. He is acting like someone who loves her... What is happening?

Lost in my thoughts I stood there staring at the ocean. The crystal blue water sparkled with the scorching hot sun mirrored on it. The waves peacefully flowed as though they were dancing. The waves made noises as they moved. It was like they were dancing and singing. It was calm... The sea...was calm. I sighed heavily as I learned on the rail of the ship. The sea might have been calm but we were not. We were going to a somewhat dangerous place. A place where women were looked down on because they were 'women'.

If it was not for Rissa, I wouldn't be here. After all, the Elips empire intends to conquer Eros for its uniqueness which will lead the King of Eros to sign a treaty with the Aegis empire which would in no way benefit them ultimately leading them to disappear forever...


Two days early...

The knights and Aids that were given to us by the Emperor were all gathered in a room on the ship with Rissa and me. We were discussing what we would be doing and how we would be proving to the Eros kingdom that the Elips kingdom would try to conquer them.

"We would have to show them proof."

"That's true, they would not believe us if we told them this."

"Duchess Latrice? May I ask?" Marquess Chong spoke up. spoke up.

"Yes, please do Marquess Chong." I encouraged them.

"How do you know that the Elips empire would attempt to conquer Eros?" He asked me.

"Let me ask you this, Marquess Chong." I let out as I sighed.

"Who is Aegis' biggest enemy?" I asked him.

"The Elips empire." he answered.

"Do you know that the Eros Empire has the same amount of wealth as the Aegis Empire?" I asked him.

"Impossible." He let out.

"Why do you think their King is so Arrogant?" I asked him.

"I thought... Was he not always arrogant?" he questioned me.

"The First King of Eros, Harry Rochester was Arrogant which resulted in their country not being able to trade with other parts of the world. When King Harry died, His son, King Wilfred wanted to fix everything but then he suddenly got sick and his arrogant cousin, William became a stand-in who led their country to what it is today." I explained to him.

"But Duchess, That does not explain the Elips empire wanting to conquer them." Count Pattel stated.

"The Elips Emipre have been trying their best to be the biggest and most influential empire the world has ever seen." Rissa spoke as she stared at me.

"If Eros has more wealth than the Aegis empire, then the Elipse empire would not hesitate to take it from them." She added.

"Because they want to be at the top." she concluded.

"If that is so, then we must stop them." Count Pattel let out.

"Would not have to speak to the real king about this?" Marquess Chong asked.

" That's why we first need to nurse him back to health before we do the negotiations." I let out.

"How would we do that?" He asked.

"The future Crown princess and myself, are well-versed in herbs and medicines, we would be able to help the king if he met him and saw what was wrong with him." I answered.

"Is that so?" he asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"We would have to let the knights..."

I continued explaining with Rissa giving a few suggestions and the knights asking questions. We were planning to set the plan in motion from the second day of our expedition in the Eros kingdom.


I sighed again as tried to think of possible outcomes. There was a traitor who was a part of the crew members who came from the Elips empire. He was one who could and would be a big problem if we were not careful around him because he could give heads up for them to start their plane which we didn't want to do.

"Just who are you?" I whispered to myself.

"Lattie, remem... Are you okay?" She asked me with her eyes filled with concern.

"Yes, I'm just a bit tired and anxious." I responded.

"What did you want to say to me?" I asked her.

"It is about my sister..." she lets out.

"What about her?" I asked her giving my full attention.

"You know how my sister has a child." she spoke pausing.

"Yes?" I responded.

"I think the child's father is Duke Evans." She let out closing her eyes.

"is that all?" I asked her.

She nodded her head slowly as she responded


"Then it's fine, don't worry about it." I tell her.

"She doesn't threaten me, instead, I'm happy he has a child." I informed her as I gave her a confident smile.

"But he is your husband." she spoke.

"I don't love him though." I informed her


Orisis Evans

Meanwhile at the Evansville Estate...

I sat in my office signing and reading through the important files and information.


I scoffed at myself. It's been three days since their departure and I missed her. I missed the cold-hearted women who had hurt my feelings by calling the consummation of our marriage a mistake.

"Your Grace!"

I looked up to Arthur panting.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"You must see for yourself." he answered.

I stared at him confused before I got up and went downstairs...

When I arrived a little boy ran towards me hugging my feet

"Father!" he exclaimed.

I stopped in my tracks and I shuddered. He called me... He called me fa...fa...father...

I looked down at the boy and he started back at me with his golden brown eyes. He looked like me. I stared at him shocked because this did not make sense.

"It has been five years."

I looked up and she stared at me looking all pitiful. I did not know her.

"Who are you?" I asked her frowning.

She started sobbing and fell to the ground which caught me off guard. She sat there crying.

"Did you really forget me?" she asked me still crying.

"I am Isabelle, Remember? At the party that took place in Ulrika Xenia?" she let out.

I scoffed remembering how I woke up in an unfamiliar room alone. There was no one there when I woke up.

"I remember the party, but I never met you there." I inform her.

"How could you say something like that." she sobbed.

"Father, please don't be mad at Mother." the little boy begged.

"I'm not mad at your mother, I'm just calmly speaking to her." I explained to the child.

"This child..." I faltered.

"Agness, please tale this child and give him something to eat." I ordered Agness.

She nodded her head and called for the child.

"Dear, would you like some cookies?" she asked him.

He nodded his head and he followed her. I watched them leave before I glared at the women in front of me. She flinched but continued with her act.

"That is not my child." I tell her.

"It is." She sobbed.

"Why are you denying your child?" she asked crying.

"if that is my child, why did you wait until he was this big to tell me?" I asked her.

"Because I was scared and embarrassed." she answered crying.

I scoffed and burst into a quick fit of laughter before I stopped and glared at her. She flinched yet again and still kept her composure. I crouched to look her in the eyes and I asked her,

"Is that my child?"

"Yes, it is." she spoke instantly.

I roughly grabbed her jaw and I asked again,


"It is." she cried.

"why won't you believe me?" she asked crying.