Truce and friends


Latrice Evans

Upon waking up, I found my bed empty.

"So it was a dream." I said to myself disappointed.

I sighed as the disappointment sunk in. I do not understand why I am sad about finding my bed empty. It does not even make sense that I am upset about my bed being empty. What did I expect? Did I want someone in my bed? Did I want...

"Mommy!" Khalil came barging in.

"Good morning Khalil." I said as I patted his head.

"Good morning Mommy." he responded giggling.

If someone saw me now, they would think that I am crazy for accepting a 'stranger's child'. Who am I kidding? I would think the same way.

"Where is Orisis?" I asked.

"Hmmm, I saw Daddy going to the training ground." he answered as he climbed on the bed.