

Latrice Evans

My Dearest, Mother

I apologize for not writing to you any sooner...

I have just been very occupied with a lot of work. I am not sure if you heard, but his majesty had sent Rissa and me on an excursion to form an alliance with the Kingdom of EROS, and...a lot of things occurred while being there.

Mother, I'm not upset with the fact that you lied about your family having died, I had met Aunt Patricia and Grandfather, but more than that I met Grandma. Her name is Eloise, right?

She called me Lori when we met. She also asked me to tell Mother something very important to her. Something she could never tell you because of how unfair destiny was to her.

There is someone I brought with me from EROS, and no, it is not Aunt Patricia but someone Grandmother wanted Mother to meet this person.