Latrice Evans (end of season one)


Orisis Evans

One month later...

It's been One month since Latrice vanished. Everything has been going wrong since she left. Since she left everything doesn't feel right, nothing feels right.

"Duke Orisis! Duke Orisis!"

I turned around with hope glimmering in my eyes. Arthur entered panting. He was sweating and shock was all over his face. It was like he found out someone import...

"She's a...a...alive, ri....ri...right?" I stuttered out.

"She is alive." he answered.

"But..." he added pausing.

"But what?" I asked angry yet calmly.

"Uhm, I believe it would be better if you see it yourself." he let out as he handed me a letter.

"What is this?" I asked confused.

"The letter will explain everything to you." he answered as he moved away from me.