Black Rose Flame

The 30th floor of the Enchanter Tower was not what Lathel imagined it to be. He thought this place would be a research room or a giant library.

However, this place was a completely different space. This place was like a valley, it was filled with green grass and in the distance there was a mountain.

At the foot of the mountain was a small house. The interior of the house was extremely simple and made from wood, but it seemed like it was about to collapse because it had not been repaired in a long time.

In front of the house was a small yard. There, Lilith sat on a large rock, her legs hanging down and swinging like a naughty child.

Below, Lathel and Alec stood side by side, looking toward Lilith. Behind them was Charlotte who was eating cake, she was eating at a very slow pace, and Lafien was sitting next to her.

Lilith then spoke up: "Lathel, although you cannot register to become my student yet, from now on, you are my student."