Bite me…

Walking on the road with Lafien, Lathel held Charlotte's small hand tightly.

Even though there were two beauties next to him that made people stare at them, it didn't make him any happier.

The streets were packed and , although it was very beautiful, majestic and full of mystery, it did not interest Lathel.

In fact, when he returned to where he was originally sitting, he thought that Lilith was going to make some important announcement, but in the end she just kept Alec, and allowed him to go out with Charlotte and Lafien.

The bad news was that Alec now saw him as someone he needed to kill, however, the good news was that Lilith kept him by her side.

Lathel didn't know if Lilith was doing this to help him or if she really had something secret to tell Alec.

But he guessed that perhaps tonight, Lilith's friendliness score for Alec would definitely increase.