Alec screams – Radius is beaten

At night, in the Enchanter Tower, on the 30th floor, the area dedicated to Lilith.

"AA!!!" A miserable scream echoed throughout the 30th floor. In fact, although this floor was arranged like a large valley the sound still echoed everywhere.

In the small and simple wooden house, Alec lay on the ground, blood gushing from his mouth, one of his hands clutched his chest, while the other pointed towards Lilith, his face full of disbelief as he shouted.

"You… don't come here. What the hell are you doing? Do you want to kill me?"

When Lilith heard Alec she tilted her head and felt confused: "Are you stupid?" I'm helping you."

"Helping me? Don't think I'm a child. Did you help me by breaking my chest bone?" Alec shouted angrily, his face filled with ferocity.

Lilith sighed: "You think too much. The Black Rose Flame is an Essence Flame that leans towards toxins, and its toxicity is terrible."