Successful Flexing

Thank you Mr_Orellana for your 3 Golden Tickets


Everyone who heard Malina's words just wanted to slap her in the mouth a 100 times.

Are you useless? How are you useless when you made a disciple of Fifth Elder your personal knight?

The crowd was so angry that their lungs were about to explode. One must know that the people here, including Malina's siblings, and their own knights were at best only high level magicians.

Of course, the level of those magicians were definitely not higher than Mardian's level, only ranging from level 30 to 50.

And they were just minor nobles, or outstanding students at Karol magic academy.

But being the Fifth Elder's students was a completely different matter.

You must know that, if Mardian meets the Fifth Elder, he must bow his head, and show utmost respect. This is enough to show how respected being the disciple of Fifth Elder is.