You guys... are truly a bunch of idiots

Thank you LoliBuddha for your 4 Golden Tickets


Alec and Malina were startled when they saw the monster dragging the carriage.

Alec smiled now, he felt like the person sitting in the car was definitely a lady of some large family.

Of course, if it's a beautiful woman, he can't ignore her. A beautiful woman with such a high status will definitely help him a lot.

Malina also noticed the carriage. She also thought that the identity of the person sitting in the car was definitely not simple.

If she could make friends or get to know that person, her future would definitely be even more dazzling.

Besides... sitting in a gold-plated car, and being admired by everyone, was not only Malina's dream but also that of other girls.

It would be even better if the person sitting in the car was a man, so she can use her skills to seduce him easily.