Poor Alec

Thank you **Demoham** for your 13 Golden Tickets ♡ ~ ('▽ ^ 人)


Lathel couldn't believe that it was Alec. But the crystal ball that Straghor was holding showed that it was actually Alec.

He looked at Straghor, frowned and asked: "You... is this... is this real?"

"Of course!" Straghor sighed and said: "The image in this crystal ball cannot be faked. Besides... most of the people present at that time also used glass balls to record what happened."

"I'm afraid… everyone in Enchanter Tower will definitely know about this soon."

Straghor and Lathel now glanced towards Lilith, their eyes filled with sympathy and helplessness.

Lilith just opened her mouth wide, she felt extremely embarrassed. You have to know that just now she scolded Alec for being a pervert, and that whoever became his teacher would definitely be a stupid, unlucky and perverted person.