Do you know love?

Thank you Jaime_Montelongo_6412 for your 18 Golden Tickets (^_^) Horayy!!!


"AAA!!!" Daton screamed in pain; his scream echoed everywhere, and the other three men also heard it.

However, they were no different from Daton, as they were injured so severely that they could not stand up, and their entire bodies were covered in burns.

Although they also had medicine to heal their wounds, they were not as rich as Daton, so the medicine they had was of poor quality.

Their outer skin had turned black, and even the slightest movement caused them so much pain that they wanted to cry.

That's why the three remaining men couldn't even take care of themselves, so there was no way they could save Daton or run away.

Daton cried like a child as he begged Claire: "Please, Claire, please forgive me. I'm sorry… sorry… please… I… I swear… I… AAA!!!!"