Blessings of the Goddess of Nature.

Although the Yordles sitting around felt that Lathel's words were extremely reasonable, no one dared to agree.

After all, their beliefs and traditions were still deeply rooted in their minds, so Lathel could not use a few words to change their beliefs.

Lathel frowned and continued: "I will give you two choices: either you die in your foolishness and blind faith or you continue to live, develop the Yordle clan, and continue worshipping the Goddess of Nature."

All the yordles, after hearing this, silently looked towards Yorder and Nina.

Nina was about to say something, but Yorder spoke first. He sighed, his voice filled with fatigue and sadness: "I choose to trust Lathel."

"If the choice is between letting the entire Yordle race become extinct and losing my faith, I choose to lose my faith."