Who is the main actor?

"Of course…" Alec said arrogantly and firmly: "I will definitely make you extremely satisfied."

"Good!" Miconia smiled and replied: "I need to control the auction. I hope next time I can talk to you more."

"Okay, I'll wait here. Anyway, I need money urgently to pay off my debt. Ah, no, what I mean is… I need money to buy more ingredients to support my cultivation and preparation of medicinal herbs."

Miconia did not answer; she just smiled and nodded, then left. Alec looked at Miconia's buttocks, wrapped tightly by the skirt that swayed with each step, and licked his lips, his eyes filled with greed.

'Hm… This woman is as charming as a Sucubus. She also possesses angelic beauty and high status...'

'Woman, you will become my woman. Very soon, you will clearly see my talent and potential.'

"Alec, that woman is very dangerous." Suddenly, Medos spoke up.

Hearing this, Alec was annoyed and asked: "Why?" I feel like she is very normal."