Lathel vs. Alec, Harris

Suddenly, Harris and Alec felt like they had just lost something extremely important.

They even felt as if they were extremely alone in this world. It was as if they were floating in the vast universe, surrounded only by darkness and without any other stars or planets.

"What the hell is going on?" Alec frowned. He felt his heart beat harder and faster, as if it were about to jump out of his chest.

His senses seemed to be sending out warning signals that something extremely terrible and scary was about to happen.

Harris also had the same feelings as Alec; however, he is smart enough to know that his feelings seem to be caused by Lathel.

'Bizarre!' Harris thought to himself: 'What did Lathel do? What is this strange feeling? Is this some kind of magic that messes with my mind?'

'No! This type of magic is much more strange; it makes me feel isolated from this world.'