You understand me better than I know myself.

The maid drove the carriage around the city. It wasn't until the sun set that their 'fight' ended.

Lathel hugged Akna as he lay in the car compartment, their bodies covered with a thin blanket.

Akna tiredly hugged Lathel; however, she felt extremely happy and sweet.

Having just been given 'love' by the young master, her strength increased a bit.

Although the increased strength wasn't much, it was just like drops of water falling into a lake.

But Akna knew that as long as she and Lathel kept doing it, the drops of water Lathel gave her would quickly fill the lake.

Lathel hugged Akna as he caressed her back, feeling extremely peaceful inside.

However... Lathel saw his personal information panel and sighed as his energy dropped to only about 13,000 points.

'Ah! Akna alone caused me to spend this many energy points; if there were one or two more people, I'm afraid... I would die in bed.'