Alec loses control - Medos's regret

His body was similar to the maid's body from before, as he was covered in purple blisters and ulcers.

A horrible stench and fishy smell emanated from him, and even though Malina was now standing more than 10 metres away from him, she could still smell it.

However, Alec did not seem to pay any attention to her at this time. He frantically destroyed everything around him like a madman.

"AAA!!! Why? What the hell is going on with my body?! What's wrong?"

Alec destroyed everything he saw while screaming in anger.

"Alec, calm down, please…" Sakuth was now crying while trying to hold Alec back: "I will think of a way to cure this strange disease... Please calm down…"

"Damn it! How can I calm down?!" Alec shouted, sending Sakuth flying backwards and crashing into a wall.

"Medos! Medos! Come here!" Alec no longer hid Medos existence.