God, what should I do?

"Lumiere, you have changed a lot." Lumiana cried as she spoke: "Before, your thoughts were as bright as the sun, and your love was as much as the ocean."

"You wished to bring love to everyone, no matter their race, in the end. What are you doing now?"

"I know everything you did, however... Lumiere, you died; I still feel the pain here… right in my heart."

"Why? Why did a bright young man like you become like this?"

"Tsk! You talk too much… Lumiana…" Lumiere spoke, his voice filled with impatience and annoyance.

Lumiana did not feel surprised when she heard Lumiere's words. On the contrary, she felt that this was extremely normal and said softly: "Lumiere, the last thing I can do for you is... give you another chance to live again."

"However, I will imprison you in the depths of darkness. Hopefully, while you're there, you can think back on what you did."

"No! You are crazy!" Lumiere shouted in fear, then flew into the distance.