Tolerance creates ungrateful people

Thank you Reyvargas13 for your gift - Spacecraft. Your gift is the best motivation for me to (^_^)

1 Spacecraft = 6 Bonus chapter. I will release it A.S.A.P (^_^)


"Huh!" Doac spat out a mouthful of blood, then laughed and said: "Hahahaha, do you think you're safe because you can stop the arrow?"

"Hahahaha… You idiots—all of you are a bunch of idiots. You will never leave here; you will slowly die here, hahahaha…"

"If you let me go now, I can allow you to live."

"Hand over all the women in the tribe; kill Dorack, and I will let you continue to live. If not, all of you will…"



Before Doac could finish his sentence, Dorack swung his foot and stepped on his chest, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Doac, you're so stupid that I feel irritated." Dorack laughed and said: "Do you think I didn't prepare anything when I came here?"