Dorack returns

Doro saw this scene and immediately ran closer to Dorack. When he saw the giant beast lying on the ground, he was startled.

"That beast… Dorack, did you really defeat it?" Doro asked curiously.

Dorack glanced at Doro, not giving him any respect, and said uncomfortably: "Does that have anything to do with you?"

"You…" Doro gritted his teeth and said: "Dorack, even though you were given strength by God, that does not mean you should be this arrogant."

"God gave you strength to protect everyone, to protect this tribe, not for you to be arrogant and threaten others."

Dorack glanced at Doro and said contemptuously: "Do I have to protect you? So who protected me before?"

"Village Chief, if I still respect you, I will call you Village Chief. If I no longer respect you, then...