Is this your answer, Lathel?

Ikarys was startled; he did not think that after borrowing a god's aura, the centipede still remained wrapped around his neck; there wasn't even a sign that it was affected by the god's aura.

"What the hell is this? What the hell is this centipede?" Ikarys shouted in fear.

"Hahahaha… you fool!" Arine smiled and said contemptuously: "You can only borrow a god's aura while I can use their weapons."

"What?! This centipede... is a god's weapon?" Ikarys was startled; he had never heard of a god using a centipede as a weapon.

"You don't know because you're stupid. Holy Son… do you think you know everything?" Arine laughed as she spoke; her tone really made others feel extremely uncomfortable.

It was as if she was talking to a pig rather than the Holy Son of the Lumiere Church.

Lathel frowned, feeling that this way of speaking was identical to the little girl he had just seen in his memory.