Revive Charlotte

Lathel sat on the bed where Charlotte used to lie; he was holding a small jar containing her ashes while feeling as if a heavy mountain was pressing down on his heart.

Akna stood at the door of the room as she looked at him with endless sadness. She was not jealous of Charlotte; on the contrary, she was grateful to her.

Thanks to Charlotte, Lathel is alive. But… as Charlotte died, a part of Lathel's soul died with her.

Akna knew Lathel's personality well; now, all comforting words were meaningless. However, she also didn't want Lathel to continue being sad.

Knock! Knock!

Suddenly, someone appeared next to Akna, startling her.

"Captain Laura?!" Akna quickly moved aside and bowed her head.

"Uhm! You go out first; I'll talk to him a bit." Laura said smiling.

Akna also knows that Laura is a mysterious person with many secrets. Otherwise, Queen Catheryne would not let her hold such a great position.