Barosik vs. Rakka

Barosik heard Rakka offer 3,000 gold coins and frowned, feeling worried.

You must know that Barosik currently only has about 10,000 gold coins, which were all given to him by Lilith. If he spends all this money without making any profit, it will be considered a failure.

This stone was also the one that would bring the greatest profit out of all the things he had seen here.

Besides, Rakka is known to be crazy. Anyway, the story of Rakka had spread throughout the academy, and everyone knew about him.

Barosik also didn't think that Rakka knew what was inside that stone. He just thought that maybe... Rakka just liked the stone, so he wanted to buy it.

He is certain that the gift of 'Insight' cannot be possessed by anyone but him.

He is the only person in this world with the hidden gift of 'Insight', the one chosen by the gods to become a lord.

Barosik frowned and shouted: "3,500 gold coins."