Chapter 5

~Cid's Pov~

Seeing everything was alright after I started fake crying, I decided to sleep to not have to deal with everyone fawning over me which is super annoying when you're a baby.

I then woke up the next day the first thought that occurred to me was incomprehensible noise.  'AURUFJKSK, I'M THE FREAKING SHADOW MONARCH BITCHES'. And once again the only sound that came out of me were happy baby giggles.

For some reason I'm strangely energized, more than I would have been. Since I already experienced what it was like being a baby I know that I'm not supposed to feel this much energy and I can already guess what is the cause. Though I still wanted to get a good look inside myself to see what its like

Then something weird happened, I was able to get a really good look at what my insides looks like, before when I would try this I would just get a vague feeling of what it looks like, now that I get a full picture I can't help but wonder if it's because of all the magic power I currently possess that it was easier and I was able to get a clearer view.

When I looked inside myself I saw something that made me giddy all over again, I have a black heart and I'm not talking about the 'I'm evil' kind, my heart is quite literally black with a bit of purple light around it. Its one thing knowing you have something and it's another thing seeing it with your actual eyes...

Well I didn't see it with my eyes I saw it with my sense but it still counts.

And that's not the only thing i have, I can feel it, hundreds upon hundreds of beings connected to myself. Due to the excitement my baby self just couldn't stop laughing, so much so that my baby face at this point is getting red.

The door to the room then opens and my new mother comes over the crib I was staying at and picks me up and as she's holding me she says with a smile "Well aren't you a happy little fella".

She then tickles my stomach slightly which causes me to start giggling even more due to how sensitive I am at the moment. After that little moment she sits down near by and lowers her blouse and presents her chest to me

'Come to papa' I thought to myself with both tiny arms stretched out.

*suck* *suck* *suck* *suck* *suck*

When I was sucking away I started to feel multiple stares under me. Knowing what it was I started to get embarrassed. 'They just saw their Monarch doing something so embarrassing, ughhh I'm gonna die from embarrassment

And I can't push it down cause I'm still not in full control of my body'

I then just closed my eyes and pretended that those stares weren't there and continued sucking away.

When I finished my new mother just put me down on my crib and left the room. Seeing nothing better to do I just start practicing my new moves which I feel are apart of me now. When I try to use them I mostly used instinct and it comes all natural to me.

The first thing I did was try out Ruler's Authority with the toy's in the crib and when trying it out the toys started to give out a purple outline and started floating slightly, it was unexpectedly easy due to my instincts guiding me on how to do it, and while letting it float about I was perfecting my mana control which will be quite useful.

And so a week passes and I just keep trying to perfect my control over my magic power through my mana circuits which I was able to locate. In order to enhance themselves people would let their magic power flow from their circuits and into the specific body part they wanted to enhance.

That was something I found out after re-checking my body over and over again.

Seeing that a week has passed I thought that it was finally time for me to meet the beings connected to me, and so I waited until everyone was asleep in the night and through the connection I contacted my favorite shadow soldier Jinwoo had...

"Come forth, Beru"

And with that the shadows near the crib started to extend slightly outward and out from under it came a giant bipedal ant

And as the ant who is name Beru came out he suddenly and unexpectedly dropped on all four and started to bawl his eyes out crying


I sighed through the connection "Beru, you have to lower your voice or someone going to come and see you and I'd have to return you from where you came from and call out someone quieter"

Hearing this Beru just got quieter and lowered his head but continue to cry tears of joy silently

And through the connection I said "Pick me up". Surprisingly he was very gentle while picking me up which was weird. And as he picked me up he was still crying, if he could cry any harder I think he would.

"Take me to the forest near by" I said through while using the stealth skill I got from jinwoo, which completely eliminated my physical and magical presence. While still holding me Beru escapes from the mansion and takes me into the middle of the forest.

Once there I started to surround my self with Ruler's Authority and start hovering slightly, and while hovering I summoned all my shadow soldier's.

My shadow underneath then extended almost covering the whole forest, thankfully it was night time and no one was around or they would have been very frightened by such display of power.

And once extended, beings started coming out of my shadow like beings from hell. They all then prostrated themselves to me while swearing their allegiance and as they did they then spoke at the same time saying


Seeing this just brought a smile on my tiny baby face and through the link I replied "Thank you, for your encouragement"

I then continued floating while looking at all of the soldiers kneeling down to me.

'Oh this is so going to get in my head and make me become arrogant and I'm all for it, these mongrel's won't know what hit them' I thought while bringing my inner Gilgamesh out at the end.