Chapter 23

~Omni pov~

"Let's go... Let's cross the sea" Lilim said while looking ahead.

She knew there was land across the sea. She didn't know if that land was the kingdom of Midgard, but her father said it was so it had to be there.

And as she started walking towards the sea a voice was soon heard "Oh my, so this is where you were" it was the priest that was fighting with her father and as he appeared he only sound that was heard was the jingle of his bloody chains

Lilim backed away slowly and as she backed away she yelled "G-Get away!!!"

"Well, now, on to the question which one of you was possessed, in wasn't this one and it wasn't that one" The priest said as he threw her father's severed head which was quickly followed by him throwing her mother's severed head as well

"FATHER!...MOTHER!...WHY.... WHY?..." Lilim frantically yelled

The priest then continued talking totally ignoring her mental break down "Cases of Demon possessions although rare could actually happened to the male gender, its very few but it's not zero"

"Nn, please... don't hurt my little brother"

She then hugged her brother tighter as tears streamed down her face.

"In that case, which one of you is possessed"

"Me... I'm the one that's possessed, so please, please leave my little brother..."

"Good girl. I'm glad you're honest"

The priest then gets closer to her and started stroking her head with his bloody hands and as he did he said

"We'll probably know each other for a really long time, so allow me to introduce myself. I am a high ranking priest and my name is Petos. You will be a valuable test subject.

Lilim then stuttered out "Th-Then... what about my brother"

"Don't worry I have no business with children that are not possessed"

Petos then swung his spiked chain towards the baby's neck.

However before it can make contact with each other the chain grew a purple outline as it stopped just a few millimeters away from Lilim's baby brother's neck stopping it from decapitating it.

And as it stopped a voice full of wrath was soon heard "YOU FILTHY MONGREL"

Petos shocked looked up and what he saw sent chills down his spine.

A being dressed in all black jumping down from a black and purple wyvern descending into the ground towards him with his boot sticking out slightly ready to stomp on him.

Luckily for Petos he had enough time to enhance his durability since as soon as the beings feet touched his face his head was quickly brought to the sand where it was blasted everywhere due to the force

Lilim had shielded her brother with her body from the bloody chains and sand.

'He saved him... he saved my baby brother from being murdered' she thought

And as the sand clear, you can see the being dressed in black and his hood up covering his face stepping on Petos face like he's a bug.

"You mongrel, you filthy bug" said the being, Shadow, as he squished Petos face with his foot.

He lifted his foot upwards and stomped it on his face once again.


"You fucking piece of shit"


"Fucking lower than trash"


"Fucking waste of space"


"Fucking garbage"


"You don't deserve to be called human"


"Your mother never loved you"


"Your father probably abandoned you"


"You were probably adopted"


"Filthy Animal"


"Who goes"


"And literally"


"Tries to"


"Murder a baby"


Shadow used more force on his last stomp which caused Petos's head to sink in deeper into the sand which exploded everywhere blasting sand into the air.

And as Shadow slowly moves his boot from Petos faces blood just starts to drip down back onto Petos's face.

"Tch, great now I have this filths blood on my shoes" he says as he kicks the air spraying all the blood that was sticking to his boots off.

As for Petos his entire face at this point is disfigured beyond recognition, even Lilim who was holding her little brother took a peak inside the crater he was in, and barely recognized him, If it wasn't for the priest outfits he was wearing and her undying hate for him she wouldn't have recognized him.

Alot of his teeth were broken, his face slightly caved in, and his nose was at a weird angle, Petos was seen unconscious in the crater with his mouth wide open.

Shadow then let out a sigh "sighhh, now are you okay, are you hurt anywhere"

Lilim when she realized he was talking to her just shook her head and as she did she winced in pain due to the "Demon Possession"

And as he looked at her he said "Ah, I see you're a heroes descendant"

Lilim's eyes then grew wide in surprise not expecting him to know of such a thing, but before she could say anything Shadow held out his hands and placed it in the middle of her chest, and as he did he started to completely heal her "Demon Possession".

Seeing this rivers of tears just kept coming out of her eyes.

Before she had any chance to express her gratitude, they heard the sound of splashing waters and the shout of someone calling out to him.


When they turned to the voice they saw everyone running on the ocean rushing towards him, as for Delta the one who called out to him was running on all four on the ocean with her tongue sticking out

And as they arrived on land they skidded slightly to slow themselves down and as they did they pushed sand right into the crater burying Petos slightly.

Cid then pointed towards the forest where multiple priest came out holding the head of every single Golden Panther, they even had the head of the branch clan leader.

"They're with the Diabolos Cult and it looks like they massacred an entire Clan before we arrived trying to get to her." Shadow said while pointing towards Lilim

Hearing this Alpha put down Gamma as she was still holding her in a princess carry as her expression turned serious...

All of their expression turned serious.

Even Delta's playful expression was gone, all everyone of them felt was just anger due to not being able to prevent such a massacre.

Meanwhile as all the girls turned serious, Lilim was on her knees sobbing while holding the heads of her mother and father with her baby brother in her arms.

"*Sob* Father, you were right, you were always right *Sob* There was someone in the east that could heal Demon Possession *Sob* They came from the east across the Ocean, they came from the east *Sob* And they did it *Sob* They healed me completely *Sob*"



I had alot of fun writing the stomping scene if y'all couldn't tell lol