Chapter 66

[Third Person's PoV]

After the match Cid was walking out of the arena when he met Sherry looking around nervously with something in her hands.

A large smile appeared in her face when she saw Cid and practically ran towards his direction. When she was in front of him he started waving her arms around frantically describing the fight she just witnessed.

"That was amazing! YOU were amazing out there! The way you both swing your swords at each other"

Sherry brought her arms together and pretend she was wielding a sword while making noises with her mouth

"You went like whoosh whoosh bam!, but then your opponent also went whoosh whoosh bam, but your whoosh whoosh bam! Was stronger and then you went block, block, block"

Sherry then let out a dreamy sigh "Sighhhhhhhh your were amazing and so strong, it's a shame you are forfeiting"

"Phttt" Cid covered his mouth and turned his head to the side 'How cute' he thought.

Hearing Cid trying not to laugh brought her out her dreamy state and grew red with embarrassment.

She covered her face with both her hands and crouched down, trying to bury herself into the ground.

"How embarrassing" Sherry squeaked out.

Cid smirked and crouched down to her level and let out a small smile "Don't worry about it, that was adorable"

As she heard Cid her face got so red she almost fainted. She then quickly shot up completely straight causing her to almost blank out but Cid shot up quickly and grabbed her as she was falling backwards.

He put a hand on her waist and held her by the hand with one of her leg sticking out in the air, like a scene from a rom-com.

"Cid-kun~" Sherry mutters as the background around them turns pink with flowers everywhere, with Cid's face turning overly handsome in her eyes.

Their moment was interrupted by the vice principal clearing his throat a few feet in front of them. "Ahem, what are you two doing?"

Sherry let out a small whimper and spun around from Cid's grasps "Ah! Father, I forgot you were there for a minute"

The vice principal just looks at her teasingly "Yeah I can see that… It looks like it's true what they say. As soon as your daughter finds a boy they simply forget all about their fathers"

Sherry then start pouting while looking at her father "UmU, stop teasing me father"

The vice-principal then shook his head as he let out a small chuckle "Wasn't there something you wanted to give to this gentleman right over here, Sherry?"

A look of realization came across Sherry's face as she handed Cid the little bag she was carrying on her wrist.

"H-Here for you, I tried baking some cookies to thank you for the chocolates. And i-if it's possible, maybe, we could be friends"

Cid just smiled as he took the cookies and said "Sure, I don't mind"

A large smile spread across Sherry's face as she turned to meet her father. "Father, look I did it, we became friends!"

The vice-principal patted her head "I can see that, good job"

Sherry looked really pleased with herself.

The vice-principal then turned towards Cid as he asked "Cid Kagenou was it? I saw the way you fought, you fought wonderfully. Reminded me of my youth back in the early days.

Anyways, I want to thank you for accepting Sherry's request, I'm really glad. Sherry has been so focus on her research that she barely had any time to make any friends."

Sherry pouted once again "F-Father!"

"Hahaha, well a lot of things happened in the past."

'Like you killing her mother' Cid thought sarcastically.

"I hope you get along well with my daughter, I'm not saying that as a vice-principal but as a father." He said while looking at Sherry sweetly.

'The hell? He's not lying. Did he come to care for her? Talk about drama' Cid thought analyzing the vice-principal's feelings.

"Well I won't bother the two of you enjoy your time together" The vice-principal said while waving at them, leaving the two of them together.

Cid then took a bite of the cookies she made and nodded his head "Hmm, these are pretty good. I was planning on getting something to eat, want to join?"

"Sure!" Sherry said happily not realizing she's going on a date.

And so the two went and enjoyed their time together.

–The day after the tournament–

Alexia and Sherry were sitting together by a cafe with a cup of coffee in front of them. Alexia grabbing the cup asked

"I heard you wanted to talk to me about something, Ms. Sherry. Is it about your progress on deciphering the artifact?"

"No actually, I wanted to ask you something about a private matter." Sherry said while taking a sip of her drink. When she did she closed her eyes and stuck out her small pink tongue "blerg, bitter"

"It's better if you add some sugar and milk to your coffee to give it more flavor" Alexia advised.

Sherry nodded her head and dumped a lot of it inside her cup that it was almost overflowing.

(A/N:Overflow? Anyone? No? Just me? Okay👍, continue reading)

Alexia looked at Sherry with a weary smile 'Way too much'

"Ahh, much better." Sherry said after tasting it.

"It's made from the best beans Mitsugoshi has to offer." Alexia explained.

Sherry then got really happy hearing about the Company, "Mitsugoshi, you're talking about the place that sells chocolates right?! They taste really good!"

Alexia then looked at Sherry with a raised brow "Oh? So you had them before? Even though they are so hard to come by due to their popular demand…"

Sherry nodded happily still remembering the sweet taste of chocolate in her mouth "Yes, it was actually Cid the one who gave it to me as a gift"

When Alexia started drinking her coffee and heard Cid's name she started choking a bit while spilling some of her coffee that she had to put her cup down.

"*Cough* *Cough* Cid did? Really? I know that we know the same Cid but are you sure you're not confusing him with someone else?"

Sherry just nodded his head, "Actually he's what I wanted to talk about"

"Okay hold up" Alexia said while cleaning the mess she made. "Just to make sure we're talking about the right Cid here. You're talking about tall, dark smooth hair, dark eyes that look like the night sky, handsome face that can charm almost anyone that looks at him, Cid?"

Sherry nodded here head with a dreamy look "Yeahhh, the one that fought in the tournament Cid"

Alexia then looked even more lost 'He willingly gifted someone something, I know he can be nice when he wants to, like what happened after my fight with Iris, but that's like once every blue moon, is she one of his wives that wants me dead?... Is this an assassination attempt? My drink isn't poisoned, is it?'

"So what did you want to know about Cid?" She asked with a bit of apprehension.

"umm I heard a rumor that the two of you were in a relationship together. Are the rumors true?" Sherry asked while drinking her coffee.

'I'm not trying to get myself killed' "Noped, it was a fake relationship, there is nothing going on between Cid and I at the moment"

Sherry then looked excited and stood up "Really! So the two of you aren't in love or anything, right?!"

'Huh why is she so excited, wait is she not one of his wives? Wait… No, What have I done'

"Wait!" Alexia said, trying to fix the misunderstanding. But before she could explain herself Sherry interrupted her

"I was so uneasy thinking about it! Thank you for telling me that you're not going out!" Sherry then started skipping away and as she did she turned around one more time and said

"I'll work hard to decipher that artifact for you" she said with a beaming smile and continued skipping away.

"FFFFUUUUCCCCKKKK" Alexia screamed out loud and started smashing everything.

Sherry, who was a bit far away, thought she heard something and turned around but saw nothing and just shrugged her shoulders and continued skipping away…