Chapter 87

[Third Person's PoV]

When Shadow emerged from the sky and summoned Aurora the Witch of Ruins, Alexia looked confused.

"Aurora? Who is that? I have never heard of that name before"

Nelson was the one to answer, "She's the one that plunged the world into chaos and destruction a long time ago. Even within the church only a few know of her, which is why I'm not allow to tell you much more"

'It's time for the sin of lust to do her job' Beta thought before looking at Nelson with puppy dog eyes and putting her hair behind her ear to emphasize them.

"I'd love to learn more from you mister!"

Nelson didn't even bat an eye and started to immediately spill everything he knew, "She was also called the most wicked woman in history. She should be able to defeat this shadow guy no problem.

"Wow! Really!? That's so amazing I never knew!" Beta said in a cutesy voice while putting her hands together.

Alexia looked at Natsume, also known as Beta, with a frustrated expression as if she wanted to strangle her.

But Beta wasn't paying any attention to her, so she took out her book and proceeded to write the cool scene in front of her.

'As expected of my husband, he looks amazing in absolutely any way you look at him' Beta thought to herself smugly, 'The way he's looking at her… my lady senses are tingling, is Master attracted to her. He's zoning out everything around him and only focusing on her' Beta eyed her husband suspiciously.

Rose, who saw her writing things in her notes, asked, "Oh, are you taking notes for your next book?"

Beta went back to her Natsume persona and nodded her head, "Gathering information is one of the keys to becoming a good Author"

She then looked at the two of them staring at each other and narrowed her eyes, 'Just what is Master thinking, does he know something we don't? And if he does what is it and how is it related towards the Witch of Ruins'

"The plan has changed. Follow whatever Master is doing, it looks he knows something" Beta said to the wind, due to her control of the wind nobody heard anything and controlled it to go through her shadows and end up with Epsilon who was in the audience.

Epsilon used her sound magic to listen to what Beta said and nodded her head towards her direction and looked back towards Shadow as they began their fight.

The more the fight between Aurora and Shadow processed the more in shock they became. They were left speechless and watched it all with their mouths hanging opening.

Shadow disappeared from their view and the next thing they knew Aurora shattered like glass.

A black knight appeared from underneath him and spread out his cape where Shadow entered and disappeared before the knight sunk into his own shadow as well.

"Aurora lost…!? Rose asked in surprise.


But before anyone could do anything a blinding light shone from the place Aurora was defeated.

"What's going on now!" Rose shouted while covering her eyes

When the blinding light disappeared a giant doorway appeared leaving Nelson in shock, "What!? The sacramental grounds reacted?"

"Reacted?" Rose asked

Which Nelson quickly explained, "This is the only day of the year its doors may open. Depending on who tries to open them, there are three possibilities. The gate of the unwelcome, the gate of the summoned and the gate of the accepted.And there's no way to tell which one's which until you entered"

"And what's inside?" Rose asked, looking at the door with a hint of apprehension.

"Investigating this is our job, with this thing here the trail can't continue any further, everyone please le–"

"No you don't, Sorry but you'll be staying put while this gate is opened, except for you Archbishop Nelson. You will be coming with us" Alpha interrupted, appearing with Delta and Epsilon.

"Shadow Garden!" Rose shouted in surprise remembering seeing them during the school's terrorist attack.

"I'll leave the rest to you, Envy" Alpha said ignoring Rose, Epsilon nodded her head in acceptance of her orders.

As Alpha started to walk towards the entrance of the sacramental grounds Archbishop Nelson tried to stop her,

"STOP! Don't you dare enter the sacramental grounds! No one is allowed near that gate!"

Delta took a hold of Beta, wrapping her arm around her neck, while Epsilon pointed her sword at her.

"Knock that off Archbishop, one wrong move and she gets it" Epsilon said coldly.


Beta then put on a performance and started acting like a victim, "Ughhhh please don't hurt me!" she cried with tears in her eyes.

"Oh no, whatever are we going to do… I guess we have no choice but to sacrifice her, she will be missed terribly…Anyways" Alexia with a deadpan expression and a monotone voice.

"What! How can you say such a thing! Would you really sacrifice one of this world's best authors and doom this world of her writing!" Rose asked, looking at Alexia with tears in her eyes.

Epsilon just looked towards Nelson and said, "Come with me Archbishop, and no funny movement"

"Fools." Nelson said, his bald head shining against the sun. "Did you really think I wouldn't have backup"

A knight dressed in black armor appeared behind Epsilon as Nelson then shouted, "NOW!!! EXECUTIONER VEMON!"

As the black knight raised his sword ready to swing it down, blood bursted out from in between the cracks of his armor causing him to crumble on the floor, shocking Nelson.

"W-What! WHAT DID YOU DO" Nelson shouted in surprise.

Epsilon just gave him an arrogant smirk looking at him as he was beneath her and pointed towards her heart.

"Nothing much, let's just say the sound of my beating heart isn't something nice to hear."

The Archbishop was still in shock and couldn't comprehend her words.

Epsilons eye's then turned into dragon slits and demands for him to move, "If you don't move it and head inside in the next 5 seconds, you're next"

Nelson started shaking in fear and quickly nodded his head before he started running towards the gates, everyone else that was around soon followed.

Meanwhile Cid was wearing his casual clothing standing in front of the gates in the middle of forest.

He reached out his hand, pushing the door open and with a smirk said, "Daddy's home"