Chapter 193

[Third Person's PoV] 

Cid was on the ground, leaning back against the leg of a table, holding onto Akane's waist as she rode him. Her hands gripped the table behind him, and she bit her lip, feeling Cid teasing her nipples with his mouth and tongue.

Akane's back arched as she threw her head back in pleasure. Her body shuddered as Cid kissed her all over. She started wetting his pelvis as she came. Hard.

As Cid's tip poked through her cervix, his dick erupted, releasing his essence inside her. Akane gently moved up and down, timing her motions with his twitches and cumshots.

When it was over, Cid and Akane sat by the wall. Cid had his pants on but was shirtless, while Akane had her shirt open, covering her nipples, though they still poked through. Her skirt and underwear lay discarded to the side.

They both blinked, sitting in silence, not saying a word after what they had just experienced.

No one spoke until Akane shifted her head, resting it on Cid's shoulder as she closed her eyes.

"You liar, you told me I was safe from you…" Akane finally broke the silence.

"It's funny how gullible you were. I did mention I had my eye on someone, didn't I?"

"That's just very manipulative…"

"Well, aren't you lucky."

"That's one way to look at it."

They lapsed back into silence. Cid leaned his head on top of hers as they sat there together.

Akane sighed. "I really should be going…"

Cid looked at her and lifted her chin towards him, softly kissing her lips. Akane closed her eyes, savoring the moment.

"Aww, so soon?" Cid mock-whined as he pressed his forehead against hers.

Akane chuckled. "Unfortunately, yes. Please tell me they have cleaning magic back from where you're from. We made quite a mess, and I really don't feel like cleaning it up."

It was Cid's turn to chuckle. He snapped his fingers, and a magic circle appeared around the room, cleaning everything, including the cum inside Akane.

"You're a lifesaver," Akane said, kissing his cheek before standing up.

She stretched and began putting on her underwear and shirt but paused as she noticed Cid staring at her.

"Are you just going to keep staring at me?"

"Yes," Cid replied without hesitation or shame.

Akane rolled her eyes with a smile and continued to change while Cid put on a shirt and slung his blazer over his shoulder.

Once Akane was done, she gave Cid another kiss. "We should do that more often," she said.

Cid smirked, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer. "I agree…" he said, kissing her again. They both chuckled as they left the room.

However, Akane froze as they exited. Her brother, Akira, was walking down the hall with Zeta by his side.

"Brother, w-what are you doing here?" Akane stuttered, hastily fixing her hair and straightening her clothes.

Akira looked between Akane, who was adjusting her skirt, and Cid, whose hair was still messy and shirt wrinkled. It didn't take a genius to figure out what had just happened.

Akira removed his glasses and massaged the bridge of his nose. "I don't… I don't even want to know what happened between you two. Just know the meeting is about to start, which is why I was looking for you…" Akira said before walking away.

*"Why were you with him?"* Cid asked, raising an eyebrow.

*"Why? Is Master perhaps jealous?"* Zeta said with a small smile before looking away.

Cid raised an eyebrow before smiling and scoffing.

Once Akira left, Akane looked away from Zeta, too ashamed to meet her eyes.

Zeta, noticing her discomfort, asked, "Are you perhaps embarrassed to have been found with my husband?"

Akane looked down in embarrassment. "It's not what you think!" she stammered, waving her hands in a panic, trying to rectify the situation.

Not wanting Cid to get into trouble because of her, she added, "Minoru isn't to blame! I-I was the one who seduced him!"

Cid covered his mouth as he began laughing.

"It's not funny!" Akane said, looking at Cid in concern.

"Hahaha, Akane… She's messing with you. Can't you see?" Cid said, shaking his head while still laughing.

"Huh?" Akane looked at Zeta and noticed her small smile, amused.

"Wait, so she isn't mad?"

Zeta shook her head. "My master can have whatever he desires, and I would help him get it. As he desires you, he shall have you. You should be honored," Zeta said proudly.

"Master?" Akane asked, looking at Cid in confusion.

Cid mouthed the words, "Beast-Kin, otherworldly stuff."

Akane nodded in understanding. "I… I see."

"By the way, just so we're clear, you didn't seduce me. I seduced you. Let's get our facts straight," Cid said, glancing between Akane and Zeta.

Akane stared at him. "Why is that important?"

"Like I said, it's so we're clear. I don't get seduced, I do the seducing."

"You couldn't get enough of me—you were totally seduced," Akane retorted with a scoff.

"Oh yeah? And who was the one moaning for more?"

"Need I remind you that you stopped time just to spend more of it with me. So, you were totally seduced. Don't even try to deny it," Akane scoffed arrogantly.

"I'm sorry, but I'd have to agree with Akane. You were definitely seduced," Zeta added with a nod.

"Aha! See? Even she's saying it. You couldn't get enough of me. Just admit it," Akane said, puffing her chest proudly.

Cid looked at Zeta in surprise. "Seriously? The first time you decide to show free will is when it's against me?"

Zeta looked at him apologetically, pressing her fingers together. "She was right, you know…" she muttered.

"Wow…" Cid sighed, shaking his head.

He froze, slowly turning to Akane in disbelief. 'There's no way she actually gained a title for that! The Seducer of Death, my ass! I wasn't seduced!' 

"Ah let's go, Akira's right the meeting is about to start" Akane said as she began walking ahead leading them. 

"Are you sure they would even allow us into the meeting? You might know me, but to them I'm a stranger" Cid asked looking at Akane weirdly. 

"I can vouch for the both of you. It might not look like it but I have a pretty big influence around here. I'll just say that the two have a lot of experience when dealing with monsters and that your input would help us out. Which isn't really a lie" 

Cid and Zeta stared at each other before they both shrugged their shoulders. "If you say so"