
Erika gazed at the holographic map with sharp, discerning eyes. She understood that dividing the land wasn't merely a matter of drawing lines across a map, but of how each district would thrive and grow together under their rule. With every decision came consequences, and she knew that well.

"Eight districts… eight hearts that will beat as one," she murmured softly, but loud enough for those nearby to hear. "Each district must have its own identity. This isn't just about boundaries; it's about the soul of this nation."

Violet, seated beside her, nodded in agreement. "We need to ensure that each district is not only unique but also complementary. Like gears in a machine, if one fails, the whole system collapses."

"Ah, such wisdom from my dear companions," Rudy interjected with a broad grin, clapping his hands with enthusiasm.

They began discussing each district in turn, their personalities reflected in the wild ideas they contributed.

The first district, situated in the far west, was designated as the trade district. A place teeming with markets, warehouses, and distribution centers. It would become the heart of Vanchett's economy, where goods from across the nation would be bought and sold, and wealth would flow like a river.

The second district, to the north, was marked as the military stronghold. Towering fortresses and barracks would rise here, prepared to defend the realm from any external threats. In this district, discipline and strength would be the unspoken laws, and every citizen would be trained, ready to take up arms whenever necessary.

The third district, in the northeast, would be the academic haven. A place where knowledge and the arts would flourish. Universities, libraries, and galleries would dominate this district, making it the intellectual heart of Vanchett. Scholars, artists, and philosophers would gather here, crafting innovations and masterpieces that would be remembered through the ages.

The fourth district, to the southeast, would be the agricultural hub. Fields of green and bountiful orchards would stretch as far as the eye could see, providing sustenance for the entire nation. Here, the people would live in harmony with the land, respecting the soil they tilled and the animals they raised.

The fifth district, in the south, was decided to be the administrative center. Grand government buildings and bureaucratic offices would be based here. This would be the place where monumental decisions were made, where the leaders of Vanchett would gather to steer the future of the nation.

The sixth district, to the southwest, would be the industrial powerhouse. Enormous factories would stand tall, with black smoke billowing from towering chimneys. Machines would clang and whir throughout the day, churning out goods vital to the country's needs. In this district, human strength and technology would unite to forge an unrivaled force of production.

The seventh district, located at the heart of the land, would become the entertainment district. A place where the people of Vanchett could momentarily forget their hardships and revel in joy. Theaters, stadiums, and other venues would dominate, turning this district into the vibrant pulse of nightlife, where laughter and celebration would echo from every corner.

And the eighth district, nestled in the far east, would be the spiritual center. Temples, places of worship, and meditation sanctuaries would fill this district. Here, the people of Vanchett would seek peace, reflect on their lives, and ponder their connection to the world and the divine.

Feeling more assured now, Mike looked at his companions with deep gratitude. "We've created something extraordinary here, guys," he said proudly. "And this is only the beginning. In each of these districts, we'll write stories that will be remembered forever. Vanchett won't just be a nation—it will be a place alive with color, with life."