Mafia Crisis Part 39


[Chapter 43]


Bayon, Lolibaba, and Katrina step through the shimmering portal, emerging into an entirely new realm within the Aftergarden. The air is thick with the scent of blooming flowers and the distant hum of life. Before them stretches an expansive landscape, a fantasy world vibrant with life and mystery.

Lolibaba says,

"This... this is unlike any section we've seen before."

Bayon nods, her eyes scanning the horizon.

"It's a world within a world. Looks like we've stepped into a lite-RPG realm."

Katrina kneels to examine the soil, noticing the rich, magical aura emanating from it.

"Everything here is alive with energy. It's almost like we're characters in one of those old RPGs."

In the distance, a medieval-style town with towering spires and bustling streets beckons. The trio moves forward, their footsteps crunching on the cobblestone path leading to the town's gates.

As they approach, a guard clad in shining armor steps forward, raising a hand in greeting. "Welcome, travelers, to Loria. What brings you to our fair town?"

Bayon exchanges a glance with Lolibaba and Katrina before answering.

"We're on a quest of great importance. Can you tell us more about this place?"

The guard nods, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

"Loria is but one of many regions in this world. Each has its own challenges and treasures. If it's power and knowledge you seek, you'll find it here, though not without effort."

Katrina steps forward, her curiosity piqued.

"What kind of challenges?"

"Monsters, quests, trials," the guard lists off, his expression turning serious.

"But also allies, wisdom, and perhaps the answers you seek. If you wish to enter, you must prove yourselves worthy. Complete the initiation quest and the town will welcome you."

Lolibaba's eyes light up with excitement.

"Sounds like fun. Where do we start?"

The guard gestures to a bulletin board filled with parchment, each detailing various quests. "Choose your quest wisely. Each path leads to different truths."

The trio examines the board, choosing a quest that involves retrieving a magical artifact from a nearby forest. As they set off, the townsfolk watch them with a mix of curiosity and hope, whispering among themselves about the newcomers.

The forest looms ahead, dark and foreboding.

Bayon unsheathes her weapon, feeling the familiar rush of adrenaline. "Ready, everyone?"

Lolibaba grins, her energy crackling in the air.


Katrina nods, her gaze steely with determination.

"Let's do this."

They step into the forest, the path ahead filled with uncertainty and adventure. The trees whisper secrets, and the air thrums with magic.

In this lite-RPG world within the Aftergarden, Bayon, Lolibaba, and Katrina prepare to face new challenges, unaware of the greater trials that lie ahead.

And as they venture deeper into the forest, the sense of being watched grows stronger, a reminder that in this world, as in all others, they are never truly alone.


The forest's canopy thickens overhead, casting dappled shadows on the winding path. Every step feels heavy with anticipation as Bayon, Lolibaba, and Katrina venture deeper into this unfamiliar territory.

Lolibaba says,

"Stay alert. These places tend to have a few surprises up their sleeves."

Bayon nods, her senses heightened.

"I can feel the magic in the air. It's almost like the forest is alive."

Katrina, scanning their surroundings, points to a faint glow in the distance.

"That could be our artifact. Let's move, but be cautious."

The trio advances quietly, their movements synchronized.

As they approach the glow, the forest suddenly comes alive with the sounds of rustling leaves and snapping branches. A pack of creatures, resembling wolves with glowing eyes and ethereal bodies, emerges from the underbrush, growling menacingly.

Bayon raises her weapon, eyes narrowing.

"Looks like we've got company."

Lolibaba charges her energy, ready for battle.

"Let's show them what we're made of."

Katrina, drawing her own weapon, shouts,

"On my signal... now!"

The three launch into action, coordinating their attacks seamlessly. Bayon's blade slices through the air with precision, Lolibaba's energy blasts illuminate the dark forest, and Katrina's strategic maneuvers keep the wolves at bay.

Despite the creatures' ferocity, the trio's combined skills soon overpower them.

As the last wolf dissipates into a wisp of smoke, Lolibaba wipes her brow, panting slightly.

"That was invigorating."

Katrina points to the source of the glow, now clearly visible among the trees.

"There it is."

They step into a small clearing where a pedestal stands, holding a radiant crystal artifact. Its light pulses gently, casting a serene glow over the area.

Bayon approaches cautiously, reaching out to touch the artifact. As her fingers make contact, a surge of energy flows through her, and a vision flashes before her eyes—scenes of battles, alliances, and a looming shadow that threatens this world.

Lolibaba watches intently.

"What did you see?"

Bayon, shaking off the vision, replies,

"This artifact is more than just a trinket. It holds the history and power of this world. And there's a great danger approaching."

Katrina's expression hardens.

"Then we need to prepare. Let's get this back to the town and see what we can learn."

With the artifact in hand, the trio makes their way back to Loria. The townsfolk greet them with awe and respect, having witnessed their prowess in battle.

The guard from earlier steps forward, his eyes widening at the sight of the artifact.

The guard says,

"You've done well. The artifact you've retrieved is a key piece of our world's history. Please, follow me to the town hall. The elders will want to speak with you."

As they follow the guard through the bustling streets, whispers of their deeds spread among the people. The town hall, a grand building adorned with intricate carvings and symbols, stands at the heart of Loria. Inside, the elders—a group of wise and ancient beings—await them.

One elder, with a long, silver beard and piercing eyes, steps forward.

"Welcome, brave adventurers. We have been expecting you."

Bayon, holding out the artifact, asks,

"What is this, and what can we do to help?"

The elder nods appreciatively.

"This artifact is part of a larger puzzle. Our world is threatened by an ancient evil, and only those who prove their worth can stand against it. You have passed the first test, but there are more challenges ahead."

Lolibaba, always eager for action, grins.

"Bring it on. We're ready."

Katrina, ever the strategist, adds,

"Tell us what we need to do."

The elder gestures to a large map of the world, marked with various symbols and locations.

"You must gather the remaining artifacts and unite them. Only then can the true power of this world be awakened, and the evil be vanquished."

As the trio studies the map, Bayon feels a renewed sense of purpose. This world, with its challenges and mysteries, is another step in their journey through the Aftergarden. Together, they will face whatever comes next, determined to overcome every obstacle in their path.

With their mission clear, Bayon, Lolibaba, and Katrina prepare to embark on the next leg of their adventure.


Having met the elders and explored the town, Bayon, Lolibaba, and Katrina venture out on their quest. The path ahead is filled with uncertainty, but their resolve is unwavering.

The glowing foliage of the Aftergarden gives way to a new, startling terrain—a vast, open field filled with towering mechanical constructs and floating platforms, all shimmering with an otherworldly light.

Bayon, eyes wide with wonder, says,

"What is this place?"

Lolibaba, equally astonished, replies,

"It looks like a mix of nature and technology. I've never seen anything like it."

Katrina, scanning their surroundings, adds,

"Be on guard. This place might be more dangerous than it looks."

Suddenly, a voice echoes through the air, melodic yet mechanical,

"Welcome, travelers, to the Domain of the Forgotten Machines."

From behind one of the towering constructs, a figure emerges. She is a tall, ethereal being with an almost translucent form, adorned with intricate circuits and glowing patterns. Her presence exudes both ancient wisdom and futuristic technology.

The figure says,

"I am Aeloria, the guardian of this domain. You have ventured far to reach this place."

Bayon steps forward, curiosity piqued,

"Aeloria, what is this domain, and why is it here?"

Aeloria smiles,

"This domain exists as a convergence of forgotten technology and the natural world. It is a place where the past and future intertwine, and where those who seek true understanding come to find their path."

Lolibaba, always direct, asks,

"And what do we need to do here?"

Aeloria gestures to the floating platforms and the towering constructs,

"To progress, you must navigate this domain and retrieve the Core of Knowledge, a relic that holds the secrets of both ancient and future wisdom. It will guide you on your journey through the Aftergarden."

Katrina, ever the strategist, nods,

"Alright. Where do we start?"

Aeloria points to a series of floating platforms leading up to a colossal construct in the distance,

"The Core is housed within the Grand Nexus, the central structure of this domain. Beware, for it is guarded by powerful sentinels and intricate puzzles designed to test your intellect and strength."

Bayon, her determination shining through, says,

"Let's get moving."

The trio begins their ascent, leaping from platform to platform with precision and agility. As they approach the Grand Nexus, they encounter various challenges—mechanical sentinels that spring to life, their gears and circuits whirring with energy, and puzzles that require both logic and teamwork to solve.

Lolibaba, facing off against a sentinel, grins,

"These machines are tough, but they're no match for us!"

Katrina, solving a particularly complex puzzle, adds,

"Just keep your wits about you. We need to be both smart and strong to get through this."

Bayon, leading the charge, reaches the entrance to the Grand Nexus. The massive doors slowly open, revealing an expansive chamber filled with intricate machinery and a radiant core at its center.

Aeloria's voice echoes through the chamber,

"You have done well to reach this point. The Core of Knowledge lies before you. Retrieve it, and let it guide you on your path."

Bayon approaches the Core, feeling its energy resonate with her own. She reaches out and grasps it, a surge of knowledge and power flowing through her.

Lolibaba, watching in awe, says,

"That's incredible. What does it show you?"

Bayon, eyes glowing with newfound wisdom, replies,

"It shows me the way forward. The Aftergarden holds many more secrets, and this is just the beginning."

Katrina, ever the strategist, adds,

"Then let's not waste any more time. We've got a lot more to uncover."

With the Core of Knowledge in hand, the trio prepares to leave the Domain of the Forgotten Machines, ready to face whatever challenges the Aftergarden throws their way next.

Their journey is far from over, but with each step, they grow stronger and more united, determined to reach the heart of this enigmatic world.

