"It's unbelievable," stated a man outside the walls of the capital of the Ninja Empire. "We had thousands of years of peace amongst the empire. No lord or lady drew their swords against each other or against the emperor. Yet in the last twenty-five years, we had civil war after civil war after civil war. Noblemen wanted to be kings and old royalties wanted to be kings, but there's only one king that stood above them all. It's a story that in order to understand, you have to learn where he came from, and how he had fallen deep into the darkness before rising like a Phoenix. His quest for peace began when the second civil war began."
"Bring that wall down or have it ready to.
"Come on! Let's go!
"You may have gotten away, brother, but don't think you're safe." echoed through ranges of mountains. The wind howled as the snow rushed down covering them. The Iarnă Mountains are a barren snowy wasteland, barely anything grew and a few wildlife prowled. There were caves that could be used as shelter but while there were many, they were hard to find. Those who traveled through the mountains were merchants who didn't want to travel by sea, people who were exiled, and citizens fleeing from an empire to the Spartan Empire.
As the wind howled, a foot smushed the freshly laid snow. The person responsible looked around trying to find signs of life. He turned to see his fellow companions, two boys and seven girls, were fighting through the wind like him. One of the girls stumbled and fell down, she was exhausted and couldn't get back up as another one bent over her. "We need to find shelter," suggested one of the boys.
The person scanned to find somewhere to make camp when he discovered a place. "There's a cliff up ahead to block the wind." he stated. He led them to it and all the girls collapsed from exhaustion. The wind still blew but wasn't as strong and the snow barely came down. The other boy unpacked his bag to retrieve the few sticks they had left. "Use whatever we have left." he ordered.
"Are we close?" asked the first boy.
"Very close, Jack," confirmed the person as he pulled out a map. "We should arrive very soon." he pointed out.
"We might want to rest and get supplies then." stated Jack. John soon had the fire going with the remaining twigs they had. All the girls huddled as close as they could to the small fire to get warm. They opened up their supplies to find a piece of dry meat that was smaller than a bite-sized left.
"Let me worry about the supplies," said Zhōng as he handed Jack his last piece. "You two get some rest."
"He wasn't talking about us when he suggested rest." stated John who joined them. "You've been staying up and taking watches ever since we entered the Iarnă Mountains about a month and a half ago."
"I'm fine, I've been doing this longer than two months. I've been doing this since I lost the empire." stated Zhōng.
Jack and John looked at each other and then back at Zhōng. "We aren't just worried about your sleep schedule but your connections with her majesty, your sisters and their friends." stated Jack.
Zhōng looked up to see the girls huddling closer to the fire and tighter, but one was looking at them. Her red eyes were scared and worried, her hair outgrew in some parts as the dyed strand of her hair began to fade. Her mouth didn't frown or smile as she looked like the last bit of light was going out like the fire. "You two both know why I can't get close anymore." stated Zhōng as he turned and walked away. "I'll come down to be relieved."
"Do you think he means it?" asked Jack.
"We both know that he isn't the same Zhōng from before the attack." stated John, he returned to the fire and Jack followed. Princess Zhen watched Zhōng go, it was hard for her knowing that it was her fault for saving him.
Zhōng went up to the top of the cliff where they camped. The wind blew hard like before and the snow rushed to fall down. Below him, he could see the light of a dying fire as the remaining supplies were burned up. He sat down and drew the Ninja Sword. The black, purple, and dark gray matted blade was still sharp and clean; it was rarely used during Zhōng's time. It was Zhōng's identity and his ultimate weapon but now it was a reminder of the things he terribly did. "Perhaps I am no longer worthy to suggest this. Perhaps she's not worthy anymore, but it was just a single mistake. I've done more and yet you let me use you, now however, it's time to pass you on. Please accept her, please go to her right now." pleaded Zhōng. He lifted the Ninja Sword above the cliff, his arms trembled and he wanted to let go. His hands couldn't let go and it felt like the Ninja Sword was glued to his hands.
Zhōng brought the Ninja Sword back away from the cliff; he had done this occasionally while they traveled through the cold and windy mountains. However, the Ninja Sword would stay with him and he couldn't let it go. "I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry. I shouldn't have never thrown away my vows the way I did." cried Zhōng. He clutched the Ninja Sword before putting it back away. He looked down and saw that the dying fire was blazing brighter and stronger. Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him, knowing it wasn't Jack or John, Zhōng sprang up while drawing his knife and his half-broken-off Valtryek Ninja Type sword.
A dart flew at Zhōng and impaled him around his neck. He lost feeling of his body and soon the world around him went dark before he fell to the ground. Two pairs of feet approached his body and studied him to make sure he was out. "Well, the boss is going to love this." stated one of them.
"Who knew that we would find them wandering around." agreed the second one. They picked up Zhōng and dragged him away.
Zhōng groaned as he woke up, the lack of sleep and running on his reserve energy made him too tired to focus. He could feel that he was picked up by his arms and his legs dragging through the snow. As he tried to check his surroundings, he noticed a glow of fire getting closer. He tried to move but was numb from either being shot with something or from being tired. The two men then heaved him forward and fell face-first into the powder snow.
"Just like you suggest, boss, there was someone up there." praised one of the men and Zhōng heard another person's steps heading towards them.
"We didn't think there was until he suddenly moved. He was frozen still like a rock then he suddenly showed up." explained the second one.
"If it weren't for the shots you provided, I would dare say we'll be dead." stated the first as the person stopped in front of Zhōng. He knelt down and injected Zhōng with another elixir and Zhōng could sense once again.
"Boss, what are you doing?" asked the second one and he and the first drew their swords as Zhōng heard.
"Relax, gentlemen," began a familiar voice above Zhōng. "If he knew that I roamed these parts, he wouldn't have been careless and would have killed you before you had the chance to shoot."
Zhōng now had feeling back in his body, he chuckled and stood up, looking at the man with hazel eyes and blonde hair. His attire was different and so was some of his equipment, but the one thing that he recognized was the crossbow on his right thigh. "If I knew you were here, I would have taken the seas, Poisoner." stated Zhōng.
"Long time, no see, Dual Bladed Ninja," greeted Tony, ignoring Zhōng's statement.
"You know I don't go by that name." growled Zhōng.
"It's only been almost two years since you used that name. Would the Fallen Prince make you feel better?" taunted Tony.
"Even that name I would not recommend you use for me." said Zhōng.
"Very well then, how about you join me by the fire, Mr. Zhōng?" suggested Tony. Zhōng followed Tony to the fire that was warm and blazing strongly unlike the one John built when he left. He looked to his left and saw carts and four big and one small lumps together covered in blankets. Tony followed Zhōng's quick glance and said, "You'll be amazed at how much a war from one empire affects the others."
"I see you're still making a name for yourself." said Zhōng. They sat down with the fire in between them, there was a pot over it and Tony picked it up and poured a drink for them. "How do I know this isn't poisonous?" questioned Zhōng after Tony handed him his drink.
"The last time I handed you a drink will be the only time I will poison you." promised Tony and he took a drink. Zhōng followed his lead while looking into Tony's eyes, but there was no rage, no anger, and no pain. They were pale dark blue eyes, tired of staying awake for a long time, there were no demons behind them and looked like they accepted their fate of death. "I heard you caused quite a ruckus during the Summer Horrors." stated Tony, breaking away from eye contact as it made him uncomfortable.
"I don't remember much of it, whatever you heard I can't confirm if they're true or not." answered Zhōng.
"Then have you heard about the…" began Tony.
"Only rumors," interrupted Zhōng, he knew what Tony was going to ask him.
"I assume my greeting to you confirms your suspicions then." said Tony.
"It's funny that you never addressed me like that." said Zhōng before taking another sip of his drink.
"Well I address you as a sign of respect, would you mind telling me why you didn't accept?" said Tony.
"May I ask what you have been up to, first?" asked Zhōng.
"I thought it was obvious," stated Tony, he pointed to where Zhōng was occasionally glancing at the carts and the five lumps. "Since you threatened to kill me if I didn't leave the Ninja Empire, I decided to work in an empire close by that provides very good pay."
"So that leads you here, where you can pick up any wanderer and sell them as slaves." concluded Zhōng.
"And now you know what's going to happen to you." declared Tony and he looked back into Zhōng's eyes. "I know you've been following this group or perhaps even leading it. I know you'll sacrifice yourself in order to save those you care about. However, I can tell your value doesn't equal to theirs and my men prefer more payment than anything else. So here's what I propose, work for me and I promise they will never be separated." offered Tony.
"And if I don't work for you?" asked Zhōng.
"Then you'll run a chance where one or two or even more will be separated from the rest of them including you since you'll be a slave as well." stated Tony.
Zhōng turned around to look at who was standing behind him, he saw Tony's men with crossbows and weapons on them. They were fresh and looked strong enough to split him in two. Fighting them wouldn't be the best move and any sudden movements could have them attack them. With a sign and one last gulp of his drink, Zhōng said, "It wouldn't be fair for me to be free and caged while they are just caged. You already knew my answer before you asked, I'm sorry I kept you from my reasons to change my mind. I was scared of losing you too." answered Zhōng.
Tony nodded then looked up at his men and signaled them to take Zhōng. His men picked up Zhōng and one threw a massive punch into Zhōng's stomach. Ha gasped and was lucky there wasn't any food left in him to puke. They tied his feet together and his hands in front of him, they removed his weapons before tying his legs to another as he lay sideways behind it. They threw a blanket over them before walking away and joining the others by the fire.
Zhōng turned his head around to count everyone. He could see that Xing and Hannah were tied together, Pina and Cortana were tied together, Silica and Kotori were tied together, and Jack and John were tied together. That only left one person as the body in front of him snuggled closer to him. "Get some sleep, it's going to be okay." he said. He felt Princess Zhen nod before his tired eyes closed shut.
Zhōng walked through a black void, there was nothing but the waves below his feet as he stepped. He carried no weapons but was covered in blood and his clothes and cloak were torn. "Son," a voice echoed around him.
"Father?" asked Zhōng.
"What has happened to you?" the voice cried.
"Father I…" began Zhōng.
"It's simple father, he's disappointed us." Zhōng turned around to see a younger self looking at him. He saw on his forehead a symbol meaning in their language 'Fallen Prince'.
"After everything we've been through, I would expect this one to break the cycle." stated an even younger Zhōng.
"But all he does is like us, he runs and hides." stated a copy that appeared behind the last.
"He's returning to being weak and timid." declared Fallen Prince.
"Traits that we destroyed a long time ago." stated Dual Bladed Ninja.
"I guess he's done fighting hard and has conceded." theorized Shadow.
"Father, listen to me, I can explain." pleaded Zhōng to wherever that voice was coming from.
"Who are you?" asked the voice. Zhōng was shocked as it didn't recognize him. He turned around to see his younger selves were gone and he was alone.
"I'm… I'm…" began Zhōng as he tried to figure out who he was. Suddenly, a blade pierced his right side, he turned his head to see the wielder of the sword.
"Dead," whispered Zhēngfú and the blade slithered out quickly.
Zhōng woke up as soon as the blade left his body. The world was upside down and was above him as he looked straight. He was tied to the side of one of the carts Tony used to carry cargo and wheels flipped dirt and snow just right by his face.
"Well look who's up," stated one of Tony's men since they noticed Zhōng was breathing heavily. "Did you have a nightmare?"
Zhōng felt some weight on him and tried to wiggle some of it off. "Zhōng, stop," a voice whimpered. He looked down to see Princess Zhen with her hands tied behind her back. Her face was red and her bare breast was pressing against his bare chest. It was the first time it dawned on Zhōng that he wasn't wearing any clothes.
"We ran out of wood so we had to make do with you, slaves, clothes. After all, that's what's going to happen to them anyway." stated another one of Tony's men.
"But we didn't expect you to carry so many scars, boss was quite surprised to see those two massive stabs on your stomach." stated a third one. Zhōng looked out to see Tony leading them. Feeling his presence watched, he turned around to see Zhōng with a concerned look over his face. He turned around and continued to lead them forward and Zhōng saw the Spartan Capital coming into view.
The Spartan Capital was different from the Capital of the Ninja Empire. With white massive pillars standing over main roads, bracing beams for important buildings, and indicating they were in the lands of the Spartan Empire. The people got out of their way and awed at the people that hung from the carts as they traveled through the roads to the palace. They entered a small courtyard where the men dropped them without carrying if they survived or not. Soldiers grabbed their naked forms and dragged them through a door nearby. They were separated between males and females and entered a station to get their hair cut. For the males, they went as low as they can go without making themselves bald. The two boys wanted to fight back but a look from Zhōng told them to stand down and they went to the next station.
Two slaves took two pitchers and splash both very hot and cold water on Zhōng's body. He flinched as the water made contact before the two slaves began scrubbing hard on his legs. He breathed audibly before looking up and seeing Tony was still pale from looking at Zhōng's scars. Zhōng looked away and calmed his breathing down before flinching from the splash of water.
"Sir," said the accountant as he approached Tony.
"What is it?" asked Tony as he moved away from the washing station.
"I've double-checked your numbers of the estimated values for all of them." reported the accountant.
"And?" asked Tony.
"It seems one is much higher than what we estimated." the accountant finally said.
"That's because I know one of them personally, I've seen what he can do. He might not look like much, but there's something dormant in him." said Tony, but deep down, he knew Zhōng was gone and all that was left was his legacy.
"Then do you know what this symbol is? We found it branded on one of the girls." asked the accountant giving Tony the paper that was a sketch of what they found.
After Zhōng's bath, they separated him from Jack and John and shackled him to a chair. They took knives and peeled the skin tainted with ink. Zhōng clenched his teeth and hands as blood trickled from the removal of his tattoos over the scars on his right shoulder and left thigh. He didn't cry out in pain but a few tears began to flow down his face as the last remains of the Dual Bladed Ninja were removed. He soon was reunited with Jack and John with bandages around where they peeled his skin off and they took two of their personal items of their choice. For Zhōng, it was his watch and knife, he thought about requesting to have one of his swords but knew there was no life like a warrior in the world of slavery. After grabbing two items, they were tailored into exomes clothes with their right shoulder bare and sandals with straps that wrapped around their legs.
The boys soon were brought to a room where a throne lay on top of two flights of stairs. More white pillars stood over them and soldiers were standing at each doorway. It was obvious that this was the throne room of the Spartan king. They reunited with six of the seven girls who wore chiton dresses with the skirt going just above their knees. Their hair was cut to be just above their shoulders and wore the same sandals like the boys as they were placed in value. Zhōng was on the far right of them with a gap to his left followed by Jack, John, Xing, Hannah, Cortana, Kotori, Silica, and Pina in order.
Tony paced back and forth in front of them, he felt the angry glares upon him but he knew they would not act as long as Zhōng held them back. He knew his old friend had authority and if he didn't approve, no one would move. For this reason, there were no chains or shackles on their legs or arms as they stood with their hands folded together with heads bent down a little. He scanned everyone except Zhōng but he felt the uncomfortable presence since he didn't glare at him. Zhen was soon escorted in and placed between Zhōng and Jack, she was the last member to come. Her attire and her hair were like the other girls but her red strand of hair was cut and removed as best as possible. With a nod of satisfaction, he turned towards one of the doors far away and waited.
The doors which Tony was looking at opened and steps that sounded like a march echoed throughout the place. They saw a man with a brass chest plate with a red war skirt and a red cape around his shoulders. His hair and beard were jet black and smooth, not a single stand was curled or waved. His eyes had wrinkles but showed wisdom as they shine blue like the sky. Around his belt, they saw a black sword similar to the Ninja Sword. He wore no crown but Tony and the men nearby bowed as he approached.
"Your majesty," greeted Tony.
"Poisoner, I see that you have returned." replied the Spartan king.
"Indeed, I've brought back with me good trade as well. We caught the stragglers of the Indian Empire just in time." reported Tony.
"Then I assume you crossed Ningor Pass both there and back then." guessed the Spartan king. Tony was about to answer but hesitated. "I assume you paid the Lone Bandit a toll?"
"We didn't see him both times we went through." replied Tony.
"Very well, would you tell me why you brought them here if you were going to the Indian Empire?" questioned the Spartan king, indicating Zhōng and his party.
"We ran into them on our way back, your majesty. All of them carried a weapon, however, there's a few that I'm asking for more than standard." explained Tony, as he explained two of his men brought forward a table with all their swords laid on it. The Spartan king looked at the swords that were different colors and different types, but one stood out to him.
"You said each carried a sword, how come there are eleven swords but only ten wielders?" asked the Spartan king.
"That's a reason for one that I'm asking more of." began Tony. "I assume you heard of the name Dual Bladed Ninja or Fallen Prince?" he asked, the Spartan king snapped his head to look at him. "He was a dear friend of mine but I was exiled by him, perhaps this is ironic for all the suffering I endure from wanting to return to my home. He has been known with many titles but perhaps he should be known as Mr. Zhōng from now on." stated Tony, as he talked he gilded the Spartan king towards them and stopped in front of Zhōng.
The Spartan king looked up and down Zhōng, he heard the stories Tony sometimes tells and the stories that leaked out through trade. The boy standing in front of him did carry a lot of battle scars but lacked the aura of the fighter that he was described. "So your Emperor Huo's younger son, I hardly see the resemblance." he said. Zhōng said nothing and bowed his head lower, his past was in the past. "Anymore you're requesting more than what their expected price and will I be disappointed as well?" he asked Tony.
"Only one more, this one isn't as special as Zhōng but is worth more than the rest here." began Tony and they sidestepped in front of Zhen. "This girl is worth more than the rest because of her status. Any girl can confirm she's the princess of the Ninja Empire but only one can be her. Before I left, I heard a rumor that the princess carries something we called a Vow Seal." he stepped towards Zhen and grabbed the edge of her skirt. "So your majesty, I can confirm that Former Princess Zhen has it." he declared before ripping the skirt and exposing the mark on Zhen.
Zhen wanted to cover herself but knew if she did, they would beat her up. As Tony smiled triumphantly, he felt a cold and killer glare to his left. He turned his head and saw the familiar sight of two dark blue eyes daring him to continue. He stepped back and away while Zhen covered her crotch with her hands. The guards nearby were about to stop her before they saw the cold eyes staring at them and Tony's pale face. They stepped back and the tense aura around the eyes disappeared with defeated ones replacing them.
The Spartan king watched with interest as he saw what he believed was a ghost of a fallen warrior. "How much are you asking for these two?" he asked.
"For the former princess, ten spartan golden coins. For Mr. Zhōng, one hundred spartan golden coins." demanded Tony, the room gasped for the price of Zhōng he was asking for. (To put it to our perspective, he was asking for five hundred million US dollars)
The Spartan king nodded a couple of times as he was thinking of their demands. "Accountant!" he called.
"Yes, your majesty?" replied the accountant.
"Have the counsel aware that I'm pulling ten spartan silver coins for each of them," began the Spartan king, pointing from Jack to Pina. "Ten spartan golden coins for the former princess and one hundred spartan golden coins for him." he declared.
"What?" cried the accountant and Tony.
"That's a lot of money to waste for slaves." rebuked the accountant.
"With all due respect, your majesty, you usually leave one slave from the selection to be sold to your people." stated Tony.
"Then you take your highest value slave and go back to Ningor Pass and give him to the Lone Bandit as a tribute for crossing his lands. Or you give him to me at the price you stated." snapped the Spartan king. Tony nodded his head low, he didn't want to go back there. "I'm the king of the Spartan army, I've made sure goods travel throughout the empire safely while bringing in some from others. I make quick decisions that the council takes forever on. If they have an issue of how much I pulled, then consider me pulling our men in the south against the Vikings." he threatened the accountant who bowed his head lower than Tony.
"As you wish, your majesty." acknowledge the accountant. He soon led Tony away to collect his reward.
Guards surrounded the newly bought slaves as soon as Tony and the account left. "Have the two boys work in the fields, make sure they report to the field master. Have those six girls report to the master chef for assignments. And have him head to my studies along with her once she gets a new tunic." directed by the Spartan king, he pointed at Jack and John first, then Xing, Hannah, Cortana, Kotori, Silica and Pina next, and finally, he pointed at Zhōng and Zhen. The guards escorted each of them to their respective position. Zhōng looked back briefly to see his sisters being taken and Zhen heading back to where she came from before.
Zhōng entered a room that he assumed was the study room as the door locked behind him. The room was familiar and different from the ones in the Ninja Empire. With the same white pillar architecture and scrolls instead of books, the layout was the same as a desk was in front of the pillar window. Outside of the curtains in front of the window, he could see what he assumed were other slaves working the garden as they bent down and pulled weeds the improper way. The door unlocked and Zhen entered the room, her eyes were scared and confused as they locked with his calm and accepting eyes. "Zhōng, what's going to hap-" began Zhen before the door unlocked again and the Spartan king entered.
"I apologize for the rude welcome, Former Princess Zhen and Mr. Zhōng. I'm King Alexios, king of the Spartan Empire and leader of its armies." introduced Xing Alexios as he walked around behind the desk. Zhōng reached for the pitcher before the king's hand stop him. "Please, I understand that you know your positions now, but right now, you are to tell me about your journey or ask about your empire." he encouraged.
"I assume my brother won, your majesty." stated Zhōng as King Alexios took the same pitcher Zhōng reached for and poured three cups.
"Indeed, reports say Emperor Zhēngfú had a second army ambushing the retreating forces of Empress Wēi from the north. With the new threat slowing them and pushing her armies south while Emperor Zhēngfú's main army was gaining ground, your mother, former princess, surrendered before more soldiers died." reported King Alexios, he saw Princess Zhen nodding her head as she feared for the worst. "But you knew about it, didn't you, Mr. Zhōng?" he accused, seeing that the news didn't affect him.
"I was hoping that she would at least take my advice when I said my brother is crafty with strategies." stated Zhōng. "I did hear about the second army in the last town before we began to cross the Iarnă Mountains."
"And what was your plan if you didn't get caught by your old friend?" asked King Alexios, handing Zhōng a cup after he handed one to Zhen.
"Doesn't matter anymore, we are your slaves now." replied Zhōng.
"Is my mother still alive?" asked Princess Zhen, she knew Zhōng wasn't going to tell and King Alexios was going to press him. She didn't want them to waste his time asking for an answer that could never come.
"You might want to sit," suggested King Alexios, offering the chairs in front of his desk for them. They each took a seat as they saw the hesitation in his eyes. "According to reports, both she and Lord Tyron are still alive. Emperor Zhēngfú is using them for leverage to get you guys to come back." he reported.
Zhen sighed with relief but Zhōng continued to look concerned. "But there's more to it, isn't there?" guessed Zhōng, he took a sip from his cup and coughed a little. It was the first time Zhōng tasted wine and never expected it to be so strong.
"Only rumors I've heard but nothing has been confirmed." assured King Alexios after he chuckled at Zhōng's expression after he tasted the wine.
Zhōng sighed, he knew if he wanted more information, he'd have to tell him his plans. "Once we reached your city, your majesty, I and the two boys you sent to the fields, were going to go back and rescue them. After we accomplish that, we will begin hitting critical spots amongst the Ninja Empire that would be devastating for my brother." he explained.
"You do know that your plan is suicidal." declared King Alexios.
"I wasn't planning on surviving from this war anyway. If I draw my last breath while fighting against an empire that hates me, then I can be happy with the results that will come after I am gone." stated Zhōng. He looked at Zhen who was shocked but saw she was saddened by the plan. He knew she wasn't going to like it but had no choice if that were the case. He instated her to be his successor.
"Is there any way you can grant our freedom?" asked Princess Zhen, she was trying to change the subject and get back to their situation as slaves.
"I could grant your freedom right now, but considering I wasted a lot of money for you two, you'll have to earn your freedom." stated King Alexios.
"How do we do that?" asked Zhōng as he took another sip of wine while Zhen took her first and coughed as well from the taste.
"Slaves generally earned their freedom by going beyond what is required of them. They work hard and set the examples. The harder you work, the higher you rise up a chain. Soon you'll rise high enough to be granted your freedom. It generally takes forever, however, for the case of you two, you'll be separate from the chain that your friends are part of. I'm having you, Zhōng, be my personal slave and you, Zhen, my wife's. You'll both serve us and guest wine, deliver messages or retrieve anything we request. If you guys can find a way to impress us, I'll grant both you and your friends freedom from slavery." explained King Alexios.
Princess Zhen nodded before taking another sip of her wine, she looked at Zhōng who took another sip as well while calculating a plan. "When do we start?" she asked.
King Alexios, set down his cup, took a quill and paper, and began writing a letter. "Have the guards outside the door escort you to my wife's chambers. Give this letter to the servant closest to the door you enter. If my wife demands to see the contents, inform her that I said only for the servant's eyes. You will follow the servant around to understand your new duty station. Be careful to not show weakness to my wife, she will make your life more miserable than it already is." stated King Alexios, he finished writing the letter and gave it to Zhen who finished her cup.
"As you wish, your majesty," replied Zhen as she stood up and bowed.
"Please, your majesty, you can call me King Alexios when we are alone, that goes for you as well." stated King Alexios, he turned to look at Zhōng as he said the last part. Zhōng nodded while taking another sip of his wine.
"Very well then, King Alexios." acknowledged Zhen, she turned and headed out the door.
"Though I heard rumors of what's going on inside the Ninja Empire, there are no rumors about your uncle." stated King Alexios when the door closed shut.
"What about the empress?" asked Zhōng, who knew that King Alexios wouldn't bring this up before when Zhen was here.
"It's best if you be careful when trying to rescue them, my intel has informed me that she is in public humiliation. They didn't give me the details but told me she is lower than an outdoor dog." explained King Alexios.
"I'm surprised you have spies in the Ninja Empire, I thought my brother would kill them all." stated Zhōng, but the look on King Alexios face informed him that they didn't last long after passing the information up to him. "If my brother is treating the empress like a bitch, then I can assume my uncle is being tortured with something similar."
"I assume you have your own spies in the capital then." guessed King Alexios.
"That is if they decided to stay after the conflict." stated Zhōng.
"I know I promise your freedom, but I'll remind you once I do, you are not welcome in the palace or the villa where your friends will stay." warned King Alexios.
"I'm well aware, don't expect me to stay long after. I'll be gone before any of them knows." stated Zhōng, he took one big gulp of whatever was left in his cup before setting it down.