"The Vikings have begun doubling their forces along their borders up to Port Dake, the Ninja Empire's only port." reported the Second in Command of the Spartan Army, General Leonidas.
"Have they completely blockaded that port?" asked King Alexios.
"No your majesty, their ships haven't been that close to the port yet. But they're advancing quickly with their new tactics." replied General Leonidas as laid amongst them was a map. It showed the sea between where the lower jaw (where the Spartan Empire claimed land), the arm (where the Viking Empire claimed land), and the shoulder (where the Iarnă Mountains ran along with some lands of the Ninja Empire). He pointed out where the Viking ships were pushing their territories against the Spartan ships since they were rivals at sea.
"That may be, but is that all they got?" asked King Alexios. He glanced up to see Zhōng, who was serving them wine, studying the map as well. His hair came back but was very short as it was standard for slaves. "What would you recommend, since you are curious?" he asked him.
Zhōng looked up to see the two men looking at him curiously. He hesitated and then apologized. "Forgive me, master, I have no knowledge of marine warfare."
"But you fought in battles before, speak, what do you suggest of this organized frontal charge?" ordered King Alexios.
Zhōng looked at the map again as he pondered what they could do. "Have you tried spitting your forces in half?"
"Depends on what you have in mind." answered General Leonidas.
"Have one half confront the enemy, draw them in a heated battle. While they are distracted, split the remaining force in half again. Have one flank them and strike force while the other remains out of sight. When the Vikings are too distracted with the first surprise attack, use the remaining ships and soldiers and charge head-on. The Vikings would believe that they are reinforcements and would try to run away. But if done correctly, none would get away as the third wave plunges the final blows." explained Zhōng as he directed how the attack would play out.
"This could work, the Vikings' ships are built to hit hard and fast. If they are prolonged in a battle, they lose their advantage of a surprise attack and must retreat. But if we square them off, they wouldn't be able to escape. What do you think, your majesty?" asked General Leonidas.
"I would voice my opinion later, general. Carry out the order if you like." stated King Alexios, he was looking at Zhōng with disappointment. Zhōng turned his head away, he didn't like the look on his master's face.
"As you wish, your majesty." acknowledged General Leonidas, he bowed and then left the room to carry out the orders.
"Zhōng, I need you to head to the blacksmith and pick up something. If the smith is almost finished, you'll wait till it's done." ordered King Alexios.
"Yes, master," replied Zhōng, he put the pitcher that carried the wine down and left the room. He didn't see King Alexios slowly shaking his head with disappointment.
The hammer slammed hard into a hot rod, sparks and sweat from the smith flew from every swing. The harder he slammed the rod onto the anvil, the flatter it came and the higher pitch the bang came. "Excuse me, sir?" called Zhōng, he was wearing a royal slave cloak over his attire.
"I don't make weapons for slaves, go to another one." growled the smith after he saw just Zhōng's head.
"I've been requested to pick something up by orders of my master, your king." stated Zhōng.
The smith turned around and saw Zhōng completely as he held out a scroll. He took the scroll and read it before answering, "My apology, I have it almost done. If King Alexios has nothing else for you, please sit and rest while I finish."
"Thank you, sir." replied Zhōng with a bow. The smith went to the back of his shop as Zhōng sat on the bench. He looked out to see the spartan people and slaves walking the streets. It's been a month since they arrived and there was no progress in them becoming free. Not realizing how tired he was, Zhōng closed his eyes and fell into darkness.
When Zhōng opened his eyes, he was in a void of darkness. There was no sound other than a splash of water around his feet as he walked. He looked around but saw no one else but he felt a presence. "Why?" something spoke, freezing Zhōng. He slowly turned around and saw no one before an orb flashed as it said, "Why are you forsaking me?"
Zhōng suddenly sprinted away, he could hear the orb behind him. "Leave me alone!" he cried.
"Why are you leaving me?" said the orb still behind him.
Zhōng turned around as the orb tackled him and he plunged into the water. When Zhōng sat back up, he saw three younger versions of himself. "Look at you, you're pathetic." said the Dual Bladed Ninja, he kicked Zhōng in the jaw, causing him to twist around.
"Weak," stated the Shadow as he stomped on Zhōng back when he tried to crawl away.
"Dead," stated the Fallen Prince as he kicked Zhōng's sides.
"We were champions, legends, famous." declared the Dual Bladed Ninja when he lifted Zhōng up.
"People feared our names and respected us to protect them." stated the Fallen Prince before the Dual Bladed Ninja threw Zhōng back down.
"Now they see us as a broken coward, just like we were before we fled." jeered the Shadow as Zhōng side crawled away, tears were falling down his face from the pain and disapproval.
"Maybe you should flee since he trusts you to come back. Show your true colors and die in a pathetic alley like our prince self." suggested the Dual Bladed Ninja.
"End your cowardness like that, you worm." sneered the Fallen Prince.
"Silence!" boomed a voice. The three younger versions hissed but the orb where the voice came from glow brighter and they shrunk back. The orb then advanced onto Zhōng causing him to panic and just before it could reach him, he closed his eyes.
When Zhōng reopened his eyes, he saw the smith looking at him as he was breathing hard. "Are you alright?" the smith asked.
"Yes, I didn't mean to fall asleep." panicked Zhōng as he stood up quickly. He looked outside and saw it was almost dark.
"It's okay, rest assured I let slaves from his majesty sleep if they are tired." said the smith as he reached out a long thin package to Zhōng. "Tell his majesty that my work was changed by someone, I was able to fully complete it while keeping its modifications," he said.
"I shall, Mr. Ha." promised Zhōng, he bowed one more time before leaving.
Zhōng entered King Alexios's study after the sunset and the skies were dark. In his hand was the package King Alexios requested as he waited for him to acknowledge him. King Alexios looked up from what he was working on and stared at Zhōng before leaning back. "I'm surprised he didn't tell you what it was." stated King Alexios. Zhōng looked at him confused before King Alexios gestured for him to open.
Zhōng unwrapped one end before he paused when he saw a familiar handle. He grabbed it and pulled the remaining wrapping off to reveal his Valtryek. He looked at King Alexios who nodded to him to continue. He slowly unsheathed the freshly reforged sword as it glistened in the candlelight. On one side it read in his common tongue, 'the blade that shows loyalty' and on the other side in Spartan text it read, 'the blade that rises from the ashes'.
"Magnificient," stated King Alexios as he marveled at the blade. "There wasn't much left so I had Mr. Ha use spartan metal for whatever was missing. It will be stronger and can withstand lava. However, it will be heavier than your typical ninja katana."
Zhōng resheathed the blade and offered it to King Alexios. "I can't accept this, I've taken the maximum personal possessions a slave can have already." he stated.
"That may be true, but what if I had this made for the Dual Bladed Ninja." suggested King Alexios.
"It's a waste of materials, the Dual Bladed Ninja has been dead for a long time, along with the Shadow and the Fallen Prince." stated Zhōng.
King Alexios leaned forward and folded his hands together as they supported his upper body on the desk. "I know you are trying to earn your freedom by selling everything you know. That strategy you suggested earlier, is something the Ninja Empire uses well. I'm sure you aren't aware but there's a rumor that your brother has created an alliance with the Vikings." warned King Alexios. "You could have just sent men from the Ninja Empire to their graves if this is true. I don't mind an honest and hard-working slave, but a slave that gives up everything is a slave that is barely alive."
"I could care less of what happens to me as long as the others are free." declared Zhōng, King Alexios turned to look at something and he followed his gaze to see the Ninja Sword leaning on a pillar with another sword similar.
"Which is why I'm giving you this freedom, every week from now on, you'll work with the Poisoner in the Spartan Black Market. I want you to help him and rediscover yourself other than an empty shell. Do I make myself clear?" asked King Alexios, returning to look at Zhōng who was still staring at the Ninja Sword.
"He had that remade for you?" asked Zhen after Zhōng told her the story, the Valtryek sword was leaning on the curved walls with clothes that weren't ones of a slave.
"He had it remade for a person who died a long time ago. I am no longer that person, having it remade is a waste of metal." said Zhōng as he turned his attention to the fire.
"How do you know he's dead?" asked Zhen, she snuggled into his lap and laid her head by his chest.
"Because he never existed, all the empires heard the legends and myths of the Dual Bladed Ninja. But he was a nobody, he was a mask that I forced myself to wear in order to survive. I hate that people think he was alive when it was me who was him. I don't want to wear that mask and carry that burden again." stated Zhōng.
"But if it wasn't for that mask, do you think we would ever get back together?" questioned Zhen as she laid her hand on Zhōng's right leg.
"Maybe, I'm not sure." sighed Zhōng as he looked back at the Valtryek.
"Will it be like this if it wasn't for it?" asked Zhen as she gently rubbed her hand up and down his inner thigh. As she went back up, a hand grabbed hers, she looked up and met the lifeless dark blue eyes. They carried no emotion, no pain, and no motivation as if they were pulled out and replaced with sadness and defeat.
"We can't, princess," stated Zhōng as he moved her hand away from his thigh. "You are still royal, I am no longer. You are promised to someone, I am unworthy to replace him."
"But he isn't pure," stated Zhen.
"And you think I am?" questioned Zhōng.
"How many girls did you fall in love with?" demanded Zhen.
"Two," answered Zhōng.
"Who are they?" questioned Zhen.
"Doesn't matter, they are far out of my reach." answered Zhōng, avoiding the question.
"So is Lord Zào, he probably has found a different bride in order to stay alive. He probably has kids with her already." accused Zhen, as tears of frustration began to roll down her face.
"You don't know that." stated Zhōng.
"It might be, have you heard anything about what's going on in our empire?" cried Zhen.
Zhōng turned to look at the fire, he hadn't told Zhen anything about her mother and was still waiting for word about his uncle. "Only rumors of what my brother is doing." he answered calmly.
"How often? How many? Has King Alexios gossiped in front of you like his wife?" accused Zhen. "I couldn't hide it and she found out about my origins. All she talks about when I'm around is about the Ninja Empire. She even dismissed the other slaves and amused herself with my suffering and struggles."
"I'll get you out of it soon, bare with it a little longer." promised Zhōng.
"How long is soon? We've been here for a month and nothing we have done is getting us closer to being free. If anything, it's bringing us farther apart. Talk to me, teach me, let me back in." cried Zhen as she pounded Zhōng's chest with her hand.
Zhōng wrapped himself around Zhen, he held her closely as she cried in his chest. She continued to cry for a while even after he began rocking back and forth. He soon started to hum and she fell silent as if she was hypnotized to the tune. She soon heard for the first time Zhōng singing.
"Precious bird,
You are heard.
Way up high,
It's time for you to fly.
But please come back and let me hear,
Your sweet chirping song from under here." sang Zhōng softly and calmly. He looked down to see Zhen's teary face as she sniffled. He guided her to lay her head on his lap and he petted her hair. He continued to hum the lullaby till he knew she was asleep as he stared at the fire.
Zhōng dreamt of walking through the black void again. He searched for the presence that chased him before but he couldn't see anything. "What are you looking for?" asked someone behind him. He turned around to see one of his younger selves looking at him. His arms were crossed and he had a mark on his forehead.
"I thought you didn't want it anymore." said another voice as Zhōng turned around, he saw two boys approaching him.
"Why chase after something that you can't use?" asked the Shadow.
"I don't know what I'm looking for. I'm lost and I want to put an end to this dream." stated Zhōng.
"You want to put an end to this?" questioned the Dual Bladed Ninja in disbelief.
"There's no escape to what we became. Unless you want to die." stated the Fallen Prince.
"So be it," agreed Zhōng, he knelt and lowered his head.
The three Zhōng's drew their blades and approached him. As they raised their swords, the orb suddenly appeared and shouted, "You shall not put harm to him! Our story isn't over!" The light from the orb flooded the dark void, blinding Zhōng to see who it was.
Zhōng woke up breathing heavily, in front of him he could see a body curled up as her back faced him and her neck was exposed. He calmed himself down and was about to shut his eyes when the door opened. Their backs face the door as the light from the crack peered in. Zhōng could tell that there were two present at the door.
"That's him?" asked one of them.
"That is, the Fallen Prince, the Dual Bladed Ninja." replied the second whom Zhōng recognized as King Alexios.
"Even from here I can tell he was that a long time ago but not anymore." stated the stranger.
"Should I let him rot like he's been doing or should I let him go and do what he said he was going to do?" asked King Alexios.
"Let's see what the Poisoner can do." suggested the stranger.
"And if he fails?" questioned King Alexios.
"Then I'll be true to my threat to the Poisoner, I suggest…" began the stranger. The door closed and Zhōng couldn't make out the last part of the conversation afterwards.
As Zhōng was trying to figure out what was going on, he felt someone snuggle into him as the hips pressed against each other. The neck he stared at when he woke up was a lot closer to him. He sighed and then wrapped his arm around the body in front of him. "I'm not going to leave you." he promised.
"Okay," whispered Zhen, she woke up from the door too, and was curious as to what they were talking about. They soon went back to sleep with uncertainty about what's going to happen to them.
Tony sighed as he watched a couple of members of the black market training. They were sloppy and unfocused, it made Tony question what he was doing wrong. "Poisoner!" called out someone, he turned to see King Alexios and someone else coming with him.
"Your majesty," greeted Tony and he bowed when they were close. "Might I ask who is this that came with you?" he asked though he already knew the answer.
"This is the Dual Bladed Ninja, he just escaped from the Ninja Empire. He told me you were good allies when you were there." said King Alexios.
"Well, we were good friends too. Am I right, Dual Bladed Ninja?" said Tony, looking at Zhōng. He wore a cloak and cowl covering his head, nothing shined out of the shadows covering the pale, lifeless face. Beneath his cloak, he had his knife and sword around his hip.
"This is the Spartan Black Market?" asked Zhōng, looking beyond Tony. He knew he had no choice but to do this.
"Well some of its members, we have over two hundred in the capital alone." gloated Tony as he led them off to watch the members train.
Zhōng analyzed the training and spotted the traits Tony was frustrated about as well. "You have good men here." stated Zhōng when he felt Tony was going to ask his opinion.
"Good men, but they're lacking something." stated Tony.
"Are they paid well?" asked Zhōng.
"Plenty, compared to the Ninja Black Market, they are bringing in more than what we were back in the days." replied Tony.
"How are job opportunities?" asked Zhōng.
"There's plenty to go around. When one job is finished, somehow two more show up to do." said Tony. He watched Zhōng nod as he pondered what was missing. "Well got any ideas?" he asked.
"It's not important," dismissed Zhōng and turned to take his leave.
"Obviously it isn't since I wouldn't have thought of it already." pressed Tony as he followed him.
"In stories, minor characters barely impact the main character." stated Zhōng, he briskly walked faster as he didn't want to be there anymore.
"But when they do, they set the main character on journeys and change them completely." stated Tony, matching his pace.
"I am no main character." stated Zhōng.
"Who says you're the good guy?" questioned Tony, causing Zhōng to stop.
"Is that why I'm here?" questioned Zhōng, he turned around and faced his friend.
"Even villains don't give up, I knew you for so long that you accepted to play the villain long ago. But after you met her, you wanted to play the hero, but that caused you to suffer and pain. I ask you again, join me or be one of many to die by me." declared Tony, he drew his sword and pointed it at Zhōng.
"If I accept your challenge, you'll let me decide what I should do if I win?" questioned Zhōng.
"I'll respect whatever you decide to do and I won't do anything behind your back again." promised Tony, he stared hard at his old friend. There were no emotions seen from the untrained eye, but being by Zhōng's side for a long time, Tony could tell he was frustrated for being trapped.
"Bring me practice swords." declared Zhōng.
"I never said we'll be using sticks. Mech rules, first to draw blood, loses." stated Tony.
"Then bring me a practice sword." repeated Zhōng. There was an arena planned out for them, both of them didn't change out for the reason taught to them long ago. As Tony stretched, someone handed Zhōng a practice sword and he tested the weight with one hand. He wielded it in his left hand while holding his Valtryek in his right. He could feel the weight was heavier than before but that wasn't going to change how he was going to fight.
The fight was soon about to start as the two men got into their ready positions. When the bells from a tower struck indicating noon, the fight began. Zhōng charged at Tony, gaining ground as he had both swords out for sword combat. As he charged, Tony activated his mech and began to take aim and fire at Zhōng.
Zhōng weaved through volleys sent to him, when he was close, he pounced up hoping to land his mark on Tony's mech. But as his weapons came down, he was swatted away like a fly. He rolled a couple of times before regaining his feet and stared at his opponent. "Bet you didn't think I would upgrade from our last fight. I dropped my long-range weapons for Valtryek's speed and arsenal." stated Tony.
"Let me guess, a certain blacksmith made your sword a hybrid." stated Zhōng, he knew there was only one in the capital that could do it. He charged at Tony again and the fight continued with Zhōng just using swords and Tony using his mech.
The men gathered around and watched in awe or cheer for one of them to win as they continued to duel. Amongst those watching was King Alexios who happened to come by to see the progress. He could see Zhōng was trying to get close and harass Tony while Tony was swatting Zhōng away and taking his blows. But as he watched, he felt something wasn't right as if he wasn't watching what the legends described. "Watching criminals battle for fun now, aren't we." stated a familiar voice to him. King Alexios looked up to see his wife and her hand servant, Zhen.
"Kassandra, my wife, my queen." greeted King Alexios as he held her arms in his hands.
"Who's that in the cloak? I don't recognize him before." said Queen Kassandra, ignoring her husband's greeting.
"That is a legend that served in the Ninja Black Market." replied King Alexios as he returned to watch the battle briefly.
"A legend?" snorted Queen Kassandra, she never cared about the Ninja Empire. Her brown eyes glared at the immigrant as if it was a plague.
King Alexios turned his gaze at Zhen who bowed her head lower. "You came from the Ninja Empire. Tell me do you know who he is?" he asked.
Zhen looked down to see Zhōng trying again and again to land an impossible blow. She remembered him telling her last night about what he was tasked to do and the name he was going by. "That must be the Dual Bladed Ninja, protector of Princess Zhen, a victor in the Black Market Games, and once the leader of the Ninja Black Market." she answered.
"Tell us, do you think he's living up to that reputation now?" asked King Alexios.
"No, your majesty, I don't think he's showing his all." answered Zhen, it hurt her to talk bad about him but it was the truth.
Tony shortly backhanded Zhōng away, seeing it coming, Zhōng blocked it only to have the practice sword shredded and sent flying backward thirty meters. He lay on the ground exhausted with no strength to get back up. The men cheered for their leader but he wasn't celebrating, instead, his face was pale for looking at someone. Behind Zhōng and even further away, Tony could make out someone standing with arms crossed, wearing a cloak and cowl to cover his face. His mouth was stern and showed no emotions and the aura was dark and formidable. Tony gulped as he knew what he must do.
Zhōng struggled to move as the hit knocked him out. He was phasing in and out of reality as he could see three of his past selves once again. "Pathetic," stated the Fallen Prince.
"Weak," added the Shadow.
"Coward," said the Dual Bladed Ninja.
"Did we lose so much power in just seven months then we gain in six years?" questioned the Fallen Prince.
"Just kill me, I'm done, I have nothing left of me except you guys. You are my demons that tore me apart from what I should be and what I want to be." confessed Zhōng, he finally was able to push himself up to stand on his knees and arms.
"You think they're the demons?" questioned the orb as it shined suddenly. "I am the demon, they are ghosts of your past." it stated as it approached Zhōng. Zhōng kept his head down as he was afraid of his own demon that made him powerful. "Look at him," ordered the orb. Zhōng looked up to see Tony waiting to see what Zhōng would do. "Look at me," ordered the orb.
When Zhōng looked higher up, he saw a young boy around the age of ten staring at him with caring eyes. "It can't be, you're my demon?" questioned Zhōng.
"The assassin wasn't lying to you when he looked into our eyes." stated Prince Zhōng. "He's wrong thinking you wanted to be the villain, you wanted to be a hero. You wanted the people to praise you and accept you. The things you did were to bring favor to the people, you knew letting Lady Wēi become the empress and follow her command would bring the empire together. But that was a naive way of thinking and now you need to reap what you sow."
"But I'm not you anymore, I'm not the Shadow, the Dual Bladed Ninja, or the Fallen Prince. I'm a nobody and will die as a nobody." complained Zhōng.
"Who says you need to be us?" asked Prince Zhōng. Zhōng was about to answer but the prince's hand told him to be silent. "You should write your own path and it starts by removing the mask that covers your eyes."
"I'm scared, how do I know this is the right thing to do?" asked Zhōng, he watched Prince Zhōng back away from him. He saw the prince smiling assuring him it would be okay as the shiny blue eyes began to shed tears.
"You don't, I didn't when I let you take everything but my eyes." answered Prince Zhōng. He was suddenly stabbed by three swords but there was no fear or pain, just shock and then smile with relief.
Zhōng bowed his head and a bead of sweat fell from his nose and hit the ground. He rarely sweated and it was the first time in years he noticed he was panting. "Is that all you got?" shouted Tony at him. "This is all you have to give me? I admire you but now I can see you're weak, pathetic, and a coward. How about you concede and run away to hide from the rest of the world like you always do." A few seconds later, he saw Zhōng struggling to stand up with his head looking down.
"Weak?" questioned Zhōng, he looked at the shattered practice sword and threw it away. "Pathetic? A coward?" he questioned before looking up and what everyone saw were eyes shining black with dark blue pupils. They trembled from the eyes that peered through the shadows of the cowl. While this was what everyone could see, Zhōng could only see his past three selves that killed his prince self. "You out of everyone should know I run to give chase and I fight to kill." he growled as he advanced.
Tony couldn't move, his heart skipped a beat every time he stepped forward. He's done what was requested and now he awoke someone else far scarier. "S-s-stand down, you can't beat me." stuttered Tony as he aimed a weapon at Zhōng.
"Watch me," stated Zhōng, in his view, he faced his three past lives. But in reality, he was attacking Tony with new strength and speed. Tony couldn't keep up as Zhōng was a blur finding openings before he could swat him. Zhōng soon slowly picked off each of his past selves starting with the Shadow, the mysterious self that was his clone. He then slayed the Dual Bladed Ninja, the self that he wanted to be for the rest of his life. Then he pierced and slashed out the Fallen Prince, the self that failed to stop the war from coming. His blade was angry and determined, his strength was filled with suffering and failure, and his eyes showed hatred and violence. This was Zhōng's newest form, a person powerful and evil as he showed Tony no mercy and no breaks from his attacks.
"Do you recognize this feeling? Do you remember when I gave this to the others as I slayed them?" growled Zhōng as he continued to strike through Tony's shield levels. "How are your levels, they have to be low?" he asked. Tony soon panicked, his shield and stamina levels were low and Zhōng hadn't even once activated his mech. He activated his flamethrower to push Zhōng away but it was a mistake. After Zhōng backflipped away, he charged at Tony and leaped over. "When was the last time you felt fear?" he asked.
"The last time we fought." screamed Tony, he turned around and fired. The blast created an explosion and left black marks etched into the white pure marble ground. There was silence as everyone was trying to figure out what just happened.
"He, he disintegrated him." stated one of the men in disbelief.
"So much power, I didn't know he had that weapon." stated another.
"That's our boss for you." praised a third.
"Such disappointment, he was starting to get interesting." stated Queen Kassandra as the men started to talk about the fight.
"Fools!" shouted King Alexios and everyone in the courtyard went silent. "Do you think this is over?! Spartan steel can never be melted once hardened to shape, and even blades survive from massive strong blows. Don't you agree with me, Poisoner, that this battle isn't over?"
"But if he didn't land, then where did he…?" questioned Tony, he looked around but couldn't see Zhōng anywhere. He thought back to when Zhōng jumped over him, there was no way he could avoid his shot unless he never went fully over. He looked up and saw exactly where Zhōng went.
There was a sudden smash and the courtyard shook violently and dust rose to the sky. No one could stand from the impact and once it was over, there was a crater where Tony once stood. "What the hell was that?" asked Queen Kassandra as King Alexios helped her up. He looked at Zhen who got up on her own and she stared eyes wide open where the crater was.
The men soon got back on their feet and saw an outline of a mech in the center of the crater. When Tony woke up, he was face to face with a tip of a mech blade. Following up he saw a mech standing over him the pilot staring with his two black eyes. Tony's face went pale, he knew he had woken the monster, a monster that could end his life as his shields were depleted. The sword was put away before the mech was deactivated and the pilot reached his hand out to him. "Don't make me beg." warned the pilot.
Tony nodded and deactivated as well before grabbing the hand as the pilot pulled him to his feet. He looked into his black eyes before a punch flew across his face and he spat blood. "I guessed I deserved that." coughed Tony. He then was surprised when Zhōng suddenly hugged him.
"Thank you, I needed to hear that." whispered Zhōng.
"No, you didn't deserve any of what I said." objected Tony but Zhōng hugged him tighter. "Does this mean we're allies once again? Also, mind if I know more details of your plans?"
"I'll think about it, if we work together, I'll tell you which side I'll favor." promised Zhōng.
"Then a deal is a deal," began Tony as they broke their hug. "If you don't want to be here or help me, I'll respect your decisions and won't do anything against your back." he said as began to walk away.
"What are the punishments for getting caught?" asked Zhōng suddenly out of the blue. Tony paused and looked at him confused as to why he was curious. "Are they as severe as the ones in the Ninja Empire or are they a slap on the wrist."
Tony pondered before answering, "I never thought of that, I guess you can say a slap on the wrist."
"Then what's the point of working in a 'dark' market? That's the issue you're having, they lack motivation." explained Zhōng.
Tony now understood why Zhōng asked, his friend saw the same issue. "Are you suggesting to the council that they should give us harsher punishments?" he asked.
"If you suggest that, you'll guarantee that over half of us will quit." stated one of the men.
"Good, the rest that stay, I know take this job seriously." stated Zhōng, black eyes fell across the men and they trembled. "How long does it take you to make it to the port from the palace in a sprint?" he asked Tony while looking at the men.
"Three hours, that includes going through the masses." answered Tony.
"You have five hours to make it to the port and back here at the palace. Anyone who's late gets training from me." ordered Zhōng. The men got the message and sprinted away as fast as they could. "I don't have time to wait for five hours." he said to Tony when they were gone.
"Well next time you come out, I could perhaps show you around." offered Tony.
"You could do that now, Poisoner." suggested King Alexios as he, Queen Kassandra, and Zhen approached them.
"Your majesty," greeted Tony as he and Zhōng bowed.
"Rise, you two put up an interesting fight." complimented King Alexios.
"Thank you, your majesty." accepted Tony.
"If I may, was there a reason you had Poisoner fight me? I don't like being a player in a game I wasn't aware of." warned Zhōng.
"I'll speak about it to you later when we are alone, Dual Bladed Ninja." promised King Alexios, he saw Zhōng's head nod with understanding. "May I introduce you to my wife."
"The honor is mine, seeing both the king and queen of the Spartan Empire. I must be lucky to somehow meet and talk to royals both from my empire and others." gloated Zhōng, he quickly stared at Zhen who smiled as her eyes shined. She was glad to see the warrior that protected her long ago returned.
"Perhaps you should stop while ahead. I heard criminals like yourself usually die after seeing royalty." stated Queen Kassandra, breaking Zhōng's attention.
"Only those who dare to do harm, I will only do harm to you if you do harm to someone who can't defend themselves." stated Zhōng as he stared at the queen.
"Your code name is the Dual Bladed Ninja yet you carry one sword. May I ask what happened to the second?" interrogated Queen Kassandra.
"Had to lose it in order to escape, also I can still strike down and kill anyone quickly before you could stop me." declared Zhōng, his eyes glowed darker and his hand moved to his sword.
"Take off that cowl and let me see your face before you threaten me." ordered Queen Kassandra, she was frightened by the cold black eyes.
"We never met if you think I look like someone." stated Zhōng as he moved his hand away from the sword. He turned to look at King Alexios and said, "I'll help the Poisoner out but you must understand that it will take a while for me to come if called on."
"I'm fully aware, Dual Bladed Ninja." acknowledged King Alexios. Zhōng nodded and bowed before walking away from them with Tony.
"The enemy was at our mercy before the third wave could strike." read General Leonidas as he gave the report a week later. "The Vikings tried to pull out but we set ourselves up to last even longer. Panic was amongst their faces as they tried to pull out. Just before they could break our grip on them, the third wave of dive bombers attacked, wiping out all those trying to flee. The third wave soon crashed down on the remains four hours later, by then there was nothing left."
"What's the death count?" asked King Alexios as Zhōng came by with wine. He kept his fearful aura hidden but his black eyes were still visible.
"We lost forty sailors to their six hundred." reported General Leonidas as Zhōng came to him to pour him wine.
"How many were from the Ninja Empire?" asked King Alexios as he looked at Zhōng.
General Leonidas hesitated, then said, "Twenty, one for each ship."
"Twenty brave soldiers lost out at sea," sighed King Alexios, still looking at Zhōng.
"My brother will pay for their deaths." vowed Zhōng.
"No, you will take responsibility. Your brother may have ordered them to be on them but it was you who suggested we do this." argued King Alexios.
"How would I know they were on board?" questioned Zhōng.
"You didn't, it's the same reason why no one except us in this room knows who you are." replied King Alexios.
"With all due respect, your majesty, if you want me to continue playing, you'll have to let me know everything." stated Zhōng.
"Like how you spilled everything you know and gave up on everything?" questioned King Alexios. Zhōng looked away, he had no excuse for his behavior for the past month. "Your brother declared war against Empress Wēi and won. He then sided with the Vikings cause he knew I had a good relationship with her and her daughter, he knew she would be safe. In order to get to us without going through the Iarnă Mountains, he'll need ships."
"He's being tactical while I was sulking." summarized Zhōng, he hated that he should have thought of that before.
"Don't beat yourself up," assured General Leonidas and Zhōng looked up, confused. "You should have heard about how our king led his armies for the first time. He couldn't even do it in the fog."
"General, I respect your knowledge and skills, but please don't talk about my mistakes." warned King Alexios.
"Why not? Were you good at thinking on the fly? No, were you good with strategy? No, are you good right now? Maybe not," stated General Leonidas, he and Zhōng watched the king's face grow darker as he drank his wine. "But there's one thing you are great at is listening to those with experience, you questioned us and we gave you suggestions. If it weren't for you asking for help, I would have gladly retired and grown my vineyard while watching this empire fall."
"I appreciate your opinion." growled King Alexios.
"Zhōng," began General Leonidas, and Zhōng looked at him. "Leaders can either rise or fall just by those underneath him. If the leader listens to advisors and those more experienced than him, the leader is more likely to succeed. But if the leader doesn't listen, they will lose so much that there'll be nothing left."
Zhōng turned to look at King Alexios who calmed down and nodded in agreement. "The reason why I had you fight is to get back on the right path. You've given up on life and when you did, your friends were impacted by it. If you want your friends free, then stop sacrificing yourself and be their leader to lead them free."
"I am no leader, I'm their guide here. If anything I'm the villain that will soon stand in their way once I get back to the Ninja Empire." stated Zhōng as his black eyes began to glow and his pupils turned dark blue.
The door opened and a servant came in with two plates. "Where's Mr. Abdelmalik?" asked King Alexios as the servant handed General Leonidas a plate.
"Mr. Abdelmalik wasn't feeling well all day, he asked me if I could deliver the food since he didn't want to ruin your health." replied the servant as he handed King Alexios the other plate. He soon bowed and left through the door he opened quickly, he didn't like the uncomfortable look on Zhōng.
"What am I going to do with him? He never had a problem delivering my food while being in poor health before." sighed King Alexios as he picked at his food.
"Maybe it's very bad, I saw him earlier and he didn't look good." suggested General Leonidas, he was halfway done with his plate.
"Shall I go get him and tell him you request his presence?" asked Zhōng.
"No need," dismissed King Alexios.
"Besides, let's continue what we're discussing before he came…" began General Leonidas before he suddenly stopped speaking. He took a drink but nothing happened as he looked at the other two men in the room who were confused as well. Then he froze before falling face first to the ground as the sky suddenly thundered when he landed.
"General?!" shouted King Alexios as he stood up in fear of his friend.
Zhōng rushed to the general's side and checked him but he knew was gone. He turned to face King Alexios as it thundered again outside. "He's dead," he declared.