Jack and John were waiting by the gate of the academy in the Spartan Capital. Their uniform consists of a breastplate with a black and red scarf or a short cape loosely around their shoulders, a dark red war skirt around their hips with a sword on the belt. On their feet, they wore sandals with straps wrapping around their legs, and silver gauntlets on their forearms. Besides their swords, they also had a shield on their backs and a quiver for arrows. "You don't smell bad." stated John after catching Jack smelling himself.
"I know, but I still feel like I smell like shit and it's not from sweat." stated Jack, he saw some Spartan girls looking at them while they waited.
"We've been free for two weeks now, if the shit we tilled hasn't been washed off then you need to scrub harder." stated John, he smiled at one of the Spartan girls who giggled. They learned joining the military was an extremely popular career choice for the Spartan Empire. Boys who wore the uniform could have a harem within a week just by walking through the city.
"You've grown up with a sister, it's no wonder you aren't afraid of them." complained Jack.
"Just think of them like they're boys, that's what I do when talking with Cortana's friends." advised John.
"Think who are boys?" asked Cortana, interrupting the boys' conversation. She and her friends were wearing the same uniform as they sneaked upon them.
"Sis, how was school for you guys?" asked John awkwardly.
"Alright, reminded me of school back in School Town." stated Pina breaking tension.
"I thought my uncle's lessons were dried." sighed Xing.
"We saw you guys had combat training, how was it?" asked Hannah.
"Well I could only put up with two along with John, but Zhōng was able to deal with ten. He's improving every day." said Jack.
"Where is he now?" asked Zhen.
The two boys looked at each other before John answered, "We don't know, Tony came and he went with him."
"I honestly don't trust him since he sold us into slavery." stated Jack and the girls agreed with him. Zhen, however, looked past the gate and started walking. The girls, Jack, and John soon realized this and followed her.
The group was heading back to the Spartan palace which became their home. As they walked through the hallways, they spotted King Alexios talking with some generals. "King Alexios!" called Zhen.
"Former Princess Zhen," replied King Alexios, his generals bowed to Zhen when they were close. "What can I do for you?"
"Is he here?" asked Zhen, she saw the king's face darkened as he pondered what to tell her.
"Would you excuse us," he offered, the generals nodded and went away. King Alexios led them down a few more hallways till they came into a room with five gentlemen sitting in a conference. They rose and bowed at King Alexios when he entered.
"Your majesty," greeted the one in the center of them, his cowl was down covering his face but his voice was familiar to the king and Zhen.
"Are these the final four you narrowed down?" asked King Alexios.
"Indeed, your majesty, all of them meet your requirements. They all have experienced both land and sea battles, have devised critical and tactful plans, and can think fast on what to do next if the original phase isn't working." replied the man in the center.
"Very well, I would look over their profiles and decide for myself. You four are dismissed for the day." stated King Alexios. The four generals nodded and left the room as they passed by him and Zhen who was with him inside. "Perhaps you should tell friends where you are going so that they aren't worried about your life." he suggested.
The man removed his cowl, his dark blond hair was slowly coming back as his black eyes appeared from the shadows. "Considering you're keeping an unwanted man in your house, shouldn't it be better if I stayed with the Poisoner?" asked Zhōng, he saw Zhen tensed up as she looked at him with disapproval.
"You may trust him, but your friends don't and I think they'll be more worried about you." voiced King Alexios.
"With all due respect, your majesty, we're criminals. Royalty shouldn't trust us, people shouldn't trust us, and even criminals shouldn't trust other criminals. Besides they shouldn't worry, I've taken care of myself since I was thirteen." replied Zhōng. He sat down behind his desk as he looked at battle reports. For the past two weeks, he's been the acting superior general, going to school under a different name, and working with Tony in the Spartan Black Market.
King Alexios sighed, he knew Zhōng was a hard worker but he never expected him to push himself this hard. He turned and looked at Zhen was relieved that he was still here but worried as well. "Have you explored our lands since coming here?" he asked Zhōng.
"Mostly the capital, I've been keeping all my work here as long as I can. I don't have time for anywhere else." said Zhōng as he paged through the letters. He stopped at one with the Ninja Empire seal and looked at King Alexios with curiosity.
"Since you label yourself as a criminal, how close are you to finishing that project?" asked King Alexios, sparking Zhen's interest.
"Very," replied Zhōng, returning to looking over the letters and documents.
"Then may I suggest you take a break and enjoy some time with your friends and sisters? They rarely see you since I granted you your freedom." suggested King Alexios.
"There are parts moving in the shadows, I need to know what's going on next." stated Zhōng, he stood up and handed King Alexios a document he was skimming. "Just because you are aware I accepted Hannah fully, doesn't mean I shouldn't attach to her. Xing knows this as well since we were exiled." he whispered in the king's ear.
"Then I suggest you spend the final moments with them, I assume it's soon." whispered King Alexios. Zhōng ignored the statement and walked past him before being blocked by Zhen who pouted at him.
"Where do you suggest we should go?" asked Zhōng with a sigh.
"I've heard most civilians from the Ninja Empire have never seen the ocean." began King Alexios.
"The ocean!" screamed Xing and Hannah as they rushed from the beach into the sea.
"Wait up you two!" called Pina as she, Silica, and Kotori rushed after them.
"Do they know how cold that water is?" asked John.
"Do you want to do the polar plunge?" asked Jack. They turned and saw a sauna and ice tubs, they nodded to each other and went to go inside.
"I'm surprised it's hot considering we're by the Iarnă Mountains." stated Cortana, covering her eyes with an arm and looking up to the sun.
"According to King Alexios, the winds pushed towards them and split up due to the ranges." stated Zhen, looking up with her.
Cortana looked at Zhen, all of them were in bathing suits but she was elegant and beautiful in the white with red trim bikini. "Um, your majesty," began Cortana. Zhen followed her gaze and saw her Vow Seal was visible over her bottom part.
"It's alright, no point in hiding it since it's no longer a secret." assured Zhen. She turned around to look at the spot where they set down their stuff but she wasn't looking at their stuff.
Cortana followed her gaze and sighed with frustration. "Come on, let's get in before they soak us as we try to sunbathe." she suggested. Zhen nodded and the two of them went to splash with the girls.
"Nothing beats a day of relaxation than going to a beach, hearing the crashing of the waves, and hiding yourself in a thick cloak under the umbrella." stated Tony as he looked at Zhōng. They were by the stuff they brought as they watched the girls play.
"I don't have time for this." complained Zhōng under the cowl.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're busy trying to clean up a mess that began over six years ago. But considering you made so much progress to start it but not much to stop it, maybe a break would be good for you." pointed out Tony.
"You were responsible for it as well." reminded Zhōng. They watched the girls play in silence as they could hear their laughter and joy.
"How many more to go?" asked Tony.
"Ten plus two mystery ones, will it be ready tonight?" said Zhōng.
"The crew I know very well, they'll take you there quickly." answered Tony. Zhōng didn't say a word as he got up and turned to head back to the capital. "Whatever you don't finish, I'll make sure they're dealt with immediately with Jack and John." promised Tony as he continued to watch the girls.
"Tell them what you told me, give her the right guidance she needs." said Zhōng and he walked away.
A watermelon was split into two an hour later, they were playing games that they heard the spartans playing. "Did you know that watermelon was discovered by the Assassin Empire? They thought it was a wasted plant to grow since its shell was hard and inedible. But when the Indian Empire took over some of the Assassin Empire's lands, they discovered the insides were edible and delicious. Since the discovery, the watermelon has become a perfect fruit to enjoy and eat during the summer time or by the beach." listed Tony. The others were eating a slice of watermelon while glaring at him. He turned to look at Jack and John who glared at him the hardest. "How would you guys like to have a job?" he offered.
"There's no way we'll work for you." growled John.
"Why? Is it because of Zhōng's and my past?" asked Tony.
"More like we heard about what you did besides making poisons." explained Jack.
"Potions, they're potions," corrected Tony, he looked at the girls who didn't trust him as well. "Tell me, your majesty, Xing, Jack, and John, did Zhōng ever say anything bad about me after I left?"
"He never spoke about you after you left." answered Zhen.
"And me selling you guys into slavery is your only reason to be mad at me? Come on, let's move on from the past and eat more watermelon and enjoy time together." offered Tony.
"We preferred to eat some with Zhōng, not an associate of his." stated Hannah.
"I can see why it took Zhōng forever to like you." chuckled Tony, he looked around to see confused and angry looks on their faces. "Am I the only one that sees this?" he asked.
"See what?" asked Pina.
"When Zhōng has to settle, he's usually not in a good mood." explained Tony.
"It's not that I'm pouting, it's the fact you betrayed him, sold us into slavery, and think we could just move on without an apology." stated Hannah.
"The only people I owe an apology to are Zhōng and you." argued Tony as he looked at Zhen. He could see her red eyes flare with hatred to him and she could see his hazel eyes darken similar to Zhōng's blue eyes.
"Why just me when you are responsible for selling us?" asked Zhen as she increased her glare strength.
"Because if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have known the truth." replied Tony, matching her. "If it weren't for me, Zhōng would have lived the life of Truman the Dual Bladed Ninja. If it weren't for me, you'd perhaps never have crossed paths that led you both to pain."
"What do you mean?" growled Zhen as her eyes began to go darker.
"The only reason why Zhōng saved you that night long ago was because I told him the night before. I thought he would have taken the job as a chance for revenge or at least a bargain for Lord Tyron. The fact is Zhōng couldn't bear the feeling of failing you again that he rushed without thinking." replied Tony as his eyes calmed down and he leaned back.
"Sounds to me like you're patting your back more than an apology." stated John.
Tony snorted then chuckled before saying, "It was indeed my fault for Zhōng to go down a route that was causing him pain and soon you, your majesty. But that was for Zhōng, what I owe you is helping the Old take over once again."
"So you admit to being the traitor." accused Jack.
"I admit to helping the old rise again to put Zhōng on the throne. But when he didn't want it, then it was his brother who took it and claimed what was built for Zhōng." confessed Tony.
"That doesn't change the fact that you should be executed for betraying the throne." stated Zhen, her eyes were very angry.
"Then what about Zhōng? Did he ever tell you his early plans? How come you can move on from his past and not mine." asked Tony, looking back at Zhen.
"How dare you try to turn the blame for something you're doing?" stated Silica.
"No, he's right," began Xing, everyone turned to her confused. "Your majesty, I'm sure my brother never told you this but after the news of our father's death, Zhōng declared that he'll make your mother pay. Every day since, every punch he took to protect me, he'll mutter that she will get something ten times worse. What Tony says is true, Zhōng told him his goal and Tony was willing to help him achieve it." she explained.
Zhen was speechless, she looked at her closest friend besides Zhōng. Her green eyes were teary and filled with guilt for the secret she kept. They had both been through a lot since they took part in a couple of Zhōng's adventures. "Xing, how come you didn't tell me this before?" she asked.
"Because I figured Zhōng would have told you, it isn't my place to tell what my brother's plans were." confessed Xing, her eyes began filling with tears of guilt. She knew how fragile Zhen's relationship was with her brother, she didn't want what was mended to go undone.
"Zhōng told me he wanted the throne back the first day I met him. The following day he went into detail of the plan and we worked together to climb high. When your mother took Lord Tyron, our mentor was put in charge of maintaining the business. He sent me out to handle something and it was then I stumbled into an inner circle of the Old Ninja Empire rebellion." explained Tony. "It was there I heard about a bounty for your head, your majesty, I was allowed to attend since I was good friends with Zhōng. It was a struggle to keep it from him but at the time I thought it was worth it."
"But Zhōng stopped chasing that dream, you continued." accused Pina.
Tony shook his head and answered, "I stopped too after we raided one of the Old's information posts."
Four years early, in the Ninja Empire, there was a bar that was used as an information post for the Old Empire. The men inside were armed and were writing intelligence briefs of the movements of men. Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door, they looked at each confused since it wasn't the secret knock. "Who is it?" called one of the men.
"It's your emperor," stated the stranger on the other side of the door.
"It's his majesty?" asked another man, curious who it was.
"No way it's him," assured the first. "Well then your majesty, may I ask what brought you here?"
"I wish to know the status of your progress." replied the stranger.
"Look sir, how about you respect our privacy and leave." shouted a third person.
The door suddenly blew up and two boys rushed in before they could recover. One of the boys carried two swords and dealt with the guards quickly before turning his dark blue eyes on the rest of them. One of them realized they were no match and tried to run away before being shot by the second boy. The first boy soon turned his attention towards the last survivor as he tried to go through the wall with his back. "You're not his majesty, you can't be." he shouted before being killed by the first.
"Oh but I am," stated Zhōng, he turned around to see if anyone was still alive. There was only one door and Tony was by it. With a nod, he put away his swords and the two began to look through the papers spread across the desks.
"I don't get it," stated Tony after seeing nothing of value that would spoil other locations.
"Get what?" asked Zhōng as he scanned a couple of pages.
"These men were working for the return of the Old Empire." began Tony as he looked at his friend.
"And?" asked Zhōng, shifting to another page.
"Why kill them in your name?" asked Tony.
Zhōng looked up to see Tony wanted some answers, he didn't tell him why they were doing this. "Can I ask what you want, Tony?" he asked.
"I want to see you sitting on the throne with me by your side." answered Tony.
Zhōng shook his head and asked, "What did you want before you met me?"
"Why does it matter? Why are you asking?" asked Tony.
"Because I want to help you with your dream, you're always helping me without question and doing things for me without telling me." answered Zhōng.
"Well, Alice was a mistake I admit." interrupted Tony. He saw his friend's eyes go cold to that statement. "Continue,"
"It dawned on me that I haven't done anything for you. So let me ask you again, what do you want?" stated Zhōng.
Tony pondered hard, he hadn't thought about it since he was planning to stay by Zhōng's side. "Well, I guess I want to be known throughout the empire and the world. I guess I want the people to know my name and welcome me with respect."
"You got big dreams," chuckled Zhōng. He approached his friend and put an arm on his shoulder. "I am honored you are trying to help me, so let me help you with your dream first."
"But what about your dream? What about retaking what is rightfully yours?" asked Tony.
Zhōng removed his hand, looked down and turned around, he couldn't bear to shatter the news to him. He was the only one outside his family to know who he was and who he once wanted to be. "Throughout my time of being a criminal, I learned to be grateful for the things I had. When I was a prince, anything I wanted, I got no matter what. I put no value to them as I saw it as something cool at the time. Now I see its value, I see how people struggle to survive and it brings joy to suffer with them." he said as he turned back around. Tony saw something that scared him, Zhōng's eyes were shining like diamonds and his mouth smiled from ear to ear. "What I want is something to please me for a while, and where I am can excite me more than any thrones or any wealth." Tony smiled at him to show he understood but he never did.
"Since that time, I was confused about what Zhōng wanted to be. The plans he created with my help wasn't the motive he was showing. Even though he never told me, I had the feeling he was happy with where he was at that time." explained Tony after telling the story. "Even beyond that I could tell he was enjoying his life, but it was all too short for him."
"If you had the feeling, how come you continued to pursue the Old Empire?" asked Kotori.
"I may not be deep enough to personally know all the moving pieces for the rebellion, but I was deep enough that I couldn't get out even if I tried. My life was on the line that if they caught me trying to quit, they would execute me. My only survival was to continue to be the traitor." answered Tony.
"And you couldn't leave Zhōng's side?" questioned Zhen.
Tony can see why she was still angry with him, she had every right to be. "Would he notice something was wrong, I didn't want him to find out by accident. That morning when you came to the bar, I knew he would have saved you from a cup of tea that had sugar in it." he began. "At the time he didn't know and I wanted to start the clock sooner than planned. Having Zhōng tracked me down was a way to make the old think my cover was exposed and he was going to kill me. Their only link to Zhōng at the time they thought it was me, but it was you. Me forcing Zhōng into a fight that will tear our relationship will be the same one that'll tear yours." he replied as he looked at Zhen.
"But why make such a reckless plan? Zhōng could have killed you that day and bluffed it as a lie you told." said Hannah.
"Because if I told him privately, would he show me the same mercy he gave that day? You're right that Zhōng could have killed me but if I had to guess why I was spared was because I meant so much more than I thought. I thought I was his tool at his disposal, I never thought I could regain his trust and become his friend again. The only way for me to see if I was that close to him was to put me against his fury and see if he had the self-control to stop even himself." said Tony.
"I heard you were careless of your life, but to go that extreme is crazy." stated Jack.
"If you have a wise man and foolish man each planned a way to invade a fort, the wise man would use tactful ways to get in while the foolish would suggest something crazy. But when they invade this fort, its commander would recognize the wise man's tactics and counterattack them. However, the commander would be so confused by the foolish man's tactics that it would be too late to stop him. The fort will be invaded but it wasn't the wise man that captured it." taught Tony.
"That's why your plans, while they didn't make sense, were so successful." stated John.
Tony laughed very hard, making everyone confused. "The only reason why I was successful was not my plans, but the person that led them. The only one I know who could do it and didn't mind getting his hands dirty." he spoke.
"Who?" asked everyone.
"Who do you think? He's the one that is working right now." stated Tony.
Somewhere in the Spartan Capital, in an alley lay countless bodies. They were wide and scared as blood trickled from the slashes they received. There was only one standing with his sword covered in blood as it pierced the final body. "Tell me who are the last two?" growled Zhōng, his black eyes raging hotter than anything before.
"You should know them, they will end you both." the person as he coughed up blood.
"You think my brother will get away from this? I am the shadow of the Ninja Empire, I am more terrifying than your worst nightmare." sneered Zhōng. "He is no king and no villain, he's nobody compared to me."
"I can see that," coughed the person, he was in pain as his blood dripped off Zhōng's sword guard. "They go to the same school as you, they will kill you both soon."
Zhōng pulled his sword from the body and slashed the person's head off. He swiped his sword clean of blood before putting it away. "I should have let you suffer more, but considering you gave me the information I wanted, I gave you mercy." he stated. His black eyes went even darker as his dark blue pupils were now dark gray.
Later that night by the beach, there was a patio set up and lit as people gathered in it. There was music, snacks and beverages, and laughter of the people enjoying their time. Those who attended were senators, generals, and ambassadors; they were eager to welcome Zhen and her friends to their empire. "It's great to see you again, your majesty" greeted the negotiator.
"Likewise, I trust that you've been looking into my companions King Alexios set free as well." acknowledged Zhen. She was wearing a dress over her suit with her sword around her waist. Behind her was Xing and Cortana who changed into armor and carried their swords.
The negotiator leaned and whispered, "Indeed and you must feel relieved that he isn't welcome here."
Zhen didn't answer, she knew who was talking about. The negotiator was soon called away before she could even respond. "I'm going to get some air," she told her friends and headed to the rails outside. It was quiet as the wind blew and the waves crashed upon the shore. She knew someone was approaching her and knew it wasn't Xing and Cortana or the girls.
"It hurts doesn't it," said Tony as he came to Zhen's side.
"If you think I will forgive you, you're mistaken." stated Zhen.
"You think Zhōng will forgive himself for what he has to do?" asked Tony. Zhen turned to look at him, he was wearing a shirt with a war skirt as his folded crossbow and sword swung on his hip. He was leaning back on the rails with a note in his hand, waving it like he was saying hello. "He sends his regards but he knows a public appearance could ruin the mood here."
"Where is he?" demanded Zhen.
"Does it matter, you took his position as former royalty. He's outlawed from all lands now, so why should he stay?" questioned Tony.
"Because he could be one of mine guards like his sisters." replied Zhen.
Tony shook his head and said, "He was the next in line, the reason Xing and Hannah can be your guards was because they weren't in line. When Zhēngfú took the throne, it forced Zhōng to have no titles. He's no longer the rightful king, the former royal, or the right to rule. His blood is now considered a commoner blood."
"So because of his and mine statuses, he can no longer get close to me?" asked Zhen.
"He knows this and so do I. Perhaps the only way for him to stay is to put on the mask of Truman the Dual Bladed Ninja. No one in the Spartan Empire knows he was him, if he retakes the mask then he could stay." suggested Tony.
"Then tell him, he can stay." pleaded Zhen.
Tony shook his head again and said, "He won't listen to anyone's advice once his mind is set on something. Perhaps if you convince him in some way he might. But that's if you can find him before he leaves."
"Leaves? Without saying goodbye?" asked Zhen in shock.
"It's called severing a link, better pull it out at once than slowly doing it." stated Tony, he returned inside leaving Zhen to her thoughts.
Zhen looked along the coast, hoping to find something. When she spotted it, she turned around and saw Tony was distracting Cortana and Xing as he caught them by surprise with an apology. If she was going to disappear, it was now.
After apologizing to Cortana and Xing, Tony went to find Jack and John who were surveying the place. "Well step two is complete," he told them.
"Are you sure about this?" asked John.
"Zhōng knows they won't strike if neither of them are here. Him not being here should give them a signal that their plans might be foiled. But if both aren't, they know they're exposed." explained Tony as he handed Jack the note he had.
"Are you sure this was him?" asked Jack after reading the note.
"The two left are on the guest list, do you think I would forget how he sounds when giving orders? Believe me, he wanted me to deal with it personally but I had a better idea." said Tony.
"And you roped us to help you stop them." guessed John, he just finished reading the note Jack handed to him.
"No, I roped you guys in to prevent them from escaping but he doesn't know that." replied Tony.
Zhen was slowly walking along the coast, the waves crashed as the moon reflected off the water. Behind her, she could hear the music and the laughter of the guests. In front of her, stood a person staring out to the ocean. "I never expected Tony to send you to me." said the stranger as he turned to face her. His cold black eyes looked at her with a pale expression as the moonlight lighted his face.
"I should have known you weren't going to say goodbye." stated Zhen.
"This won't be our final encounter yet, I say the next time we see each other is before a battle." stated Zhōng.
"Would our blades cross?" asked Zhen.
"If we meet during it, most likely." answered Zhōng.
"Why do this? You could live here and be Truman again." suggested Zhen.
"Truman was weak and naive like the person before him." stated Zhōng his eyes began to flare with anger. "He stood on beliefs that couldn't come true and was blinded by the real threats. He couldn't protect anyone that matters without help from someone else. I won't be like my predecessors, I'll go and become stronger and take what is mine. When I do, soon you will come and stop me with the Ninja Sword."
"But I don't want it," exclaimed Zhen, there was silence between them as they processed what was proclaimed. "I see its power and I tremble in fear. I see why you rarely use it, it'll be too easy for you to win. I am not worthy to wield it, I am unworthy to use it to lead others to battle. What I want is for you to be by my side again, I don't want to be your enemy anymore."
"Your mother pardoned my punishment, did she tell you that?" spoke Zhōng calmly. Zhen shook her head, she had a feeling her mother did but never asked. "What I want is for you to sit on the throne but in order to do that now, I must become the villain."
"Why must you?" asked Zhen.
Zhōng turned towards the sea, across it was the Viking Empire and just east of that, the Ninja Empire. "If I stay, no one will fight for you. No one wants to pledge to a soldier who pledges himself to you. My brother may be vicious on increasing land but that's been typical increments. I plan on doing much worse so that most empires would pledge you their support. You'll have better success with me gone."
"But I don't want you to become the villain, you've played that for too long." stated Zhen.
"I've been playing that since I was born." snapped Zhōng, he looked at Zhen again with violent black eyes. He saw that she shrunk to his gaze as he stepped closer to her. "I became a rival to my brother the minute I was born. When I was five, your mother led a rebellion against my father and me. When my father died, it was a warning that I would suffer the consequences as well. I've done nothing wrong but wield that sword I passed to you. So that you can play the hero that saves the empire."
Zhen recovered and stood up, her eyes matched Zhōng's intensity as she stared into them. Gone was the boy who was kind and cheerful, full of mercy and grace in those eyes. They were replaced with anger, rage, pain, suffering, determination, and cruelty. "Then how about I stop you now." she stated as she pulled out her sword.
"You're weak compared to me." mocked Zhōng.
"Then if I win, you stay and help me get the Ninja Empire back. But if I lose, you can go and I won't stop you." declared Zhen.
"And if it ends with a draw, I'll go and you won't stop me too." added Zhōng. Zhen hesitated then nodded in agreement. "Then get ready for a mech battle." he declared. He walked back before turning around to face her.
Zhen breathed to calm herself down as she stared at her opponent. She saw him throw a ball out in the center and right of her. She guessed it was a shield ball and when it activated, so did they. But unlike their fight almost a year ago, Zhōng activated too and charged at her.
Two boys were standing in the corner of the patio. They were from the same academy as Zhen and her friends and they were invited as well. After scanning the place, they decided to leave their spot and head towards the exit. "Leaving so soon?" asked Tony, blocking their way.
"None of your business, Poisoner." stated one of them.
"We can leave whenever we want." stated the other.
"That may be true, to a common eye, that's exactly what you're doing." began Tony. Then his eyes went dark and Jack and John joined his side. "But to a trained assassin's eyes, you look like you're retreating from a failed mission."
"What are you talking about?" demanded the second one.
"You are here because you know two of your targets will be here. You waited for a long time to strike and the moment has come. But the former princess isn't here and neither is the second target." theorized Tony.
"How could we kill the former princess? What incentive do we get to do so?" asked the first one.
"A quick and easy route to glory," stated Tony. He pulled out a journal and flipped through the pages till he found what he was looking for. "You two target those who are weaker than you and never go against tougher opponents. You take easy classes and repeat several electives. I myself never thought you to be dangerous but the intel of your second target has found you out."
The two boys were shocked as Tony closed his journal and put it away. "What you accused us of is blasphemy." stated the second one.
"Is it? There's only one person who could shake all the empires to his mercy. Even now you tremble at the thought of killing him." stated Tony. The two boys looked down and saw their knees were shaking violently, exposing their thoughts. "You know who I speak of, let me tell you that's he's even more scary than the legends say."
"Considering you know so much of us and our secrets, I'll remind you our emperor requested it to be done." stuttered the first one.
"Zhēngfú is not my king, I follow only one and if tells me to serve another, I will. And so by the orders of Zhōng, the shadow king of the Ninja Empire, I charge you two to die." stated Tony.
The two boys drew their swords, drawing everyone's attention to them. They formed a circle around the five men as they feared blood would soon be drawn. "You won't take us down without a fight." declared the first one.
"We don't care if it's three on two." stated the second one.
Tony looked over his shoulders and indicated to Jack and John to keep their weapons stowed. He turned to the two boys who were armed. "It'll be two on one, those two won't even draw their swords to help." he promised.
"You? We'll be facing you?" questioned the first one, he looked over at his friend and saw he was confident to beat Tony.
"No, I won't draw either." stated Tony. The two boys in front of him were confused but Tony could see the crowd was catching on to what was going to happen. "Perhaps you should taken more math classes as it could have been four on two."
Before the boys could ask, their heads were slashed off their bodies. The heads rolled away and their respective bodies collapsed as a man in a cloak stood in their place. His sword was stretched out to the left as his stance was wide. He was wearing warm clothes for winter climates as a scarf hung loosely around his neck. When he opened his eyes, those in front could see dark blue eyes staring directly at Tony before putting his sword away.
"Lone Bandit, I'm glad you could make it." greeted Tony while Jack and John adjusted their swords grip.
"Next time, Poisoner, you brief me on what is going on before giving me the signal." growled the Lone Bandit.
"Duly noted," acknowledged Tony, he gulped his throat as he was a few mere centimeters from the dark man.
"I should have known you were coming." declared King Alexios as he weaved through the people who were shocked. "I thought you would stay away from here."
"Sooner or later, she'll find out but not tonight." stated Lone Bandit as he faced King Alexios.
"Well, then can you perhaps introduce yourself to her?" suggested King Alexios.
"I don't mean to ruin the idea, your majesty, but Former Princess Zhen isn't here." stated Tony.
"What? Where is she?" asked King Alexios, he turned to see Xing and Cortana had guilt all over their faces. He then turned back to Tony who knew about something. "Where is she?" he growled.
Zhen huffed hard, she was on the defense for the entire showdown as Zhōng continued his assaults. This was completely different from the battle they had a year ago as he wasn't holding back. He kept pressing his attacks, barely giving her any breaks and any space to counter. She fired everything even using her signature move, Storm Wave, but nothing was slowly Zhōng down. "He must be running low on stamina, sooner or later he'll have to play defense. I just have to wait for it to come." she thought but there was no evidence of Zhōng slowing down. "No, I don't have time to wait, I need to end this now if only I had more attack power."
Zhōng gave Zhen no room to escape, he had nothing on the line but to set Zhen on a path. He hated that he had to do this but she left him no choice. "Time to finish this." He declared. He fired multiple rockets as they collided into Zhen, he knew she was at his mercy as he charged for the final blow.
Zhen closed her eyes as she expected a blow that never came. The next sound she heard was a mech deactivating and feet walking closer to the coast. She deactivated her mech and collapsed to her knees and hands. "Stay, please," she cried as tears formed in her eyes.
Zhōng looked over his shoulder to see Zhen with her back to him breathing heavily. His blue eyes returned to him as he took pity on her. "Goodbye, princess," he stated, he closed his eyes to push away the tears. When he reopened them, they were back to being black as he walked towards the lifeboat waiting for him.
Zhen could hear the oars splashing into the water as they rowed away. Her tears fell onto her hands and the sand, she had officially lost Zhōng as he wasn't coming back. She screamed in rage at her failures, breaking the soothing sounds of waves crashing onto shore in the night.