
A new start

"Okay so a car will be sent to pick you up at the airport and call this number once you get to the airport,my driver robin will be ready with a maybach and blue suit.Am sorry honey your mom never meant to keep it from you . Just do you and I bet she will be happy " Ryan, my mother's boyfriend before she died called to inform me that he had gotten custody of me from the court and that he was my legal guardian which seems crazy but am cool with it at least I will not be living with my dad and his abusive ways won't bother me anymore. The house suddenly felt scary ,I could see the belongings of my mom every step I took, it felt as if she was present with me I just couldn't see her . An Overwhelming feeling surged within me as my eyes continued to well up tears "Jane I hate you , you liar I kept asking why you were always visiting the hospital but you told me Ryan was admitted,how could you Jane "I shouted and the little vase in which I kept my fish Nemo fell and shattered but Nemo was alright as I picked him and put him in a water.

I left my mom's as her memories were hunting me. I walked down the street with people whispering to themselves about me , but for all I cared they could say what they want I wasn't at all fazed. My friend Annie's house was just a few meters away in fact it was just three blocks away from my house . I dialed her number as soon as I got closer, she only picked up after multiple rings "hey Annie so am at home and I am scared should I drop off at your place " I asked trying to tease her because I knew she would be happy to see me earlier than she expected but I heard moaning sounds in the background "sorry belle am out of town ,on a road tour with Noah in fact am feeding the pigeons baby girl am gonna gist you when am back in town "she lied to me , a figure approach and closed the curtains to her room . What was happening and why was Annie lying to me so I decided to pay her a surprise visit and discover who Annie was hiding from me. I approached the door and rang the door bell violently as I couldn't control how excited I felt and how eager I was to uncover Annie's little secret . Annie's sister Maggie let me in "hey belle" she greeted wearily and I instantly knew something was up . I made to go upstairs but she blocked me " am not sure you wanna go upstairs belle " she said but I shoved her away and climbed up the stairs . I knocked on Annie's door but a masculine voice replied "go away fucking Maggie be on the watch out for belle " he said hurriedly as I recognized the voice to be Tristan's . Tristan was my boyfriend since 3rd grade so I had no idea why he was in Annie's room. "You mean the murderer belle or the boring belle "she said as she giggled . I suddenly realized why he was here and what he was doing I turned back with tears on my eyes. I vowed never to return to the town again .