Chapter 7 - Some Talks Before Bedtime.

Rei's room.

Just as what the King and Ben did, Rei and Holly are lying on the same bed while having a small chit-chat as well.

"Hmm... I wonder how's Jade doing right now? Has her legs recovered yet?" said Rei, talking to Holly who is lying at her side.

"I am not very sure about that, I haven't seen her for quite some time as well. But I do believe that she is recovering well... Well, at least better than you," said Holly who gave Rei a leer when she said the latter part.

"Ah... I guess I am just too weak..." said Rei, who didn't sound quite happy with what Holly just said.

"Nope, it has nothing to do with that, Jade is a modified human after all, her recovery rate is different from normal people, you can't possibly compare yourself with her. The problem here is that you never really care about your own body," said Holly, rejecting Rei's statement.


"Do you think I don't know that you secretly pouring away your medicine into that pot of plant over there this morning?" said Holly as she pointed at a miniature tangerine tree near a tea table.

"Ah... You noticed that after all... But that medicine tastes really awful..." said Rei who sounds slightly like a kid who was caught skipping their meal in school.

"I know I am bad at preparing the medicine but Dr Ben was really busy today, can't you just bear with it for a bit?" said Holly who suddenly sat up and stared at Rei with a disapproving look.

"Ah... I am sorry. But... It still can't change the fact that the medicine this morning tastes like a rotten bitter gourd soup." said Rei in a teasing tone she gave Holly a funny face.

"You... Ah! I should have let you fall and sprain your ankle just now so that you will have to drink that awful medicine for a few more weeks!" Holly exclaimed as she angrily tucked herself back into the blanket.

Seeing that reaction, Rei giggled in joy.

"But that aside... Tsk... Seriously, why would you even want Dr Ben to tell His Majesty what you just told me that day? I remembered I told you clearly that His Majesty really hates being used by other people." said Holly in a reprimanding tone.

"Well... I am worried about that as well but... He almost died because of me. I feel so bad to keep that from him..." said Rei, who is in a great dilemma.

"Hah... Don't you even think of the consequences and how to get through it?" Holly asked, like a worried older sister.

Rei shook her head.

"Ah... How about any remedy plans?" Holly asked again.

And once again, Rei shook her head.

"Ah... You are seriously... I always thought a capable female official like you should not be this... Ah... Nevermind."

Holly halted her words as she realised how inappropriate it would be.

Not giving any reaction to Holly, Rei remained silent.

"Uhm... Rei? Are you mad at me right now?" Holly asked as she realised that she might have offended Rei with her frank words.

And once again, Rei remained silent.

"Ah... I am sorry, Rei. I was just a bit too concerned about you... " said Holly as she carefully patted Rei's arm trying to ease her anger.

"I never said I was angry," said Rei who obviously sounds a bit mad.

"Ah... Aww... I am sorry... How about we go for a walk tomorrow? I heard from Dr Ben that the carnival of the Fire Dragon Festival in the nearby village has a lot of nice foods." said Holly as she continued to apologise.

"I am not very interested in this sort of outdoor activity, after all, the previous time someone invited me to a marketplace just to ease my anxiousness, I got assaulted and nearly lost my life," said Rei as she turned her face away from Holly.

"Ah... I see..." Holly murmured as she sounded slightly aggrieved.

"How about you help me figure out a way to reconcile the situation I am facing right now?" said Rei, who suddenly softened her tone.

"Ah... Oh! Alright! Of course!" Holly exclaimed in a joyous tone...


The next morning, the King summoned Rei just as expected. With a custom-made wheelchair, Holly pushed Rei into the King's room. In Rei's hand, there is a small box filled with various types of sweets, snacks, desserts and plush toys.

As soon as Holly pushed Rei to the King's bedside, Holly bowed to the King and took her leave.

"Hey Rei... Hmm? I remember that you were able to walk just fine with the walking cane yesterday... Are you alright?" The King asked, with a worried and concerned look.


And yes, she wasn't expecting that reaction from the King.


"Ah... I was practising to walk with both my legs last night and almost fell..."

"What?! You fell? Did you hurt yourself?" The King asked in a slightly panicked tone as he pulled Rei's wheelchair over to check on her condition.

And yes, he totally omitted the 'almost'.

"No... I didn't... Holly saved me just in time, but she doesn't allow me to walk on my feet today because of that..." said Rei who is obviously not prepared for this situation.

"Ah... I... I see. Holly is a good caretaker, isn't she?" said the King, who is trying his best to hide his awkwardness.

"Mmm... Yes... She is."

And it's the same for Rei.

Due to the sudden awkwardness, the two remained silent for a few seconds until the King finally noticed the box of goodies in Rei's hand.

"Ah... That boxful of... Uhm... Is that for me?" The King asked, in a slight disbelief.

Rei nodded in silence as her face blushed, once again, she wasn't expecting that's the reaction she was going to get from the King.

Refused to believe his eyes, the King stared hard at all the sweets and snacks in the small box, he slowly reached his hand to the box and took a small jar of fruit candies.

"Ah... It's real..."

Still can't believe his eyes, the King murmured.

Then, he carefully opened the jar, took out a purple candy and put it into his mouth.

"Mmm... Grape. Ah... I see. These are from Holly's sweets collection, right?" The King asked as he tasted the fruit candy.


Rei is slightly shocked. The King was correct, it was indeed from Holly's personal sweet storage...