Chpater Ninety : Bound To Happen

Amelia's POV

"Why are you doing this to me? Are you trying to break my engagement?"

"And why would I do that?" I heard a familiar voice, but I couldn't pinpoint who it was, nor I was in position where I can care about such fights. But why? Why did they have fight here? At this moment?

Can't I even do my thing in peace now?

"Why wouldn't you? You always liked him— wait, you still like him, that's why you are trying to do all this. You want to make jealous so that you would come back to you again." The other woman keep talking hysterically. I could tell she was shaking with anger, hearing the way she was talking.

The familiar voice I heard before spoke again, this time in a mocking tone, "You are delusional, May. You may not know but I despise cheaters and liars."