Kei Kiyoshi -: In her everyday life, Kei is a reserved and studious young woman. She excels academically, often seen with her nose in a book. Her friends know her as introverted, but they appreciate her quiet intelligence and dedication to her studies.
Akira Takahashi - Akira comes from a wealthy family and lives in a lavish mansion. She is well-mannered and enjoys tea ceremonies, often playing the piano for her guests. People see her as an elegant young lady from a privileged background.
Johanna Campbell : Johanna is a timid and soft-spoken girl in her everyday life. She works part-time at a local library and enjoys reading classic literature. Her friends describe her as kind but reserved.
Rei Suzuki : Rei, when not on an assignment, is a high school student who actively participates in sports. She's known for her fierce competitiveness on the field and her determination to excel. Friends see her as a passionate athlete with a hidden soft side.
Yumi Hayakawa- Yumi is the ideal picture of a traditional Japanese woman. She practices tea ceremonies and flower arranging and often helps at her family's small, charming tea shop. She's seen as the epitome of grace and gentleness. She has short temper and has quite sharp power
Ayame Sato : Ayame appears as a cheerful and outgoing student. She's active in school clubs, known for her friendly demeanor, and even volunteers at a local animal shelter. She is a total mystery
Guess how they are and they will be in future chapters.