The Madman who suggested harem novel

Rei and Yumi both gave him death glares that could freeze lava. Rei's expression was one of pure disappointment, as if she wanted to choke hi m to death. Yumi's face displayed disgust, as if she wanted to pin him to a cross and stake hm.

Ayumi, on the other hand, seemed rather turned on by his bold statement in front of the girls. She giggled and commented, "Well, that's a spicy idea, Haruto. But tell me, what's so good about a bunch of girls fawning over one guy? I'd prefer a story with a boy taking control in more... indirect ways."

Akira, being her mischievous self, added, "I'm okay with a harem story. But why would you want one? Harem stories are often poorly written and I don't find enjoy reading them to be honest." Her question hung in the air, leaving the group with a mix of reactions, from disappointment to intrigue, as they debated the direction of their story.

Yumi, however, didn't hold back in expressing her disgust for the idea. Her face contorted with a mixture of anger and frustration as she unleashed her thoughts, "Harem stories? Seriously, they're just... ugh! It's so unrealistic and demeaning to girls. I hate how they portray women as objects, all competing for one guy's attention. It's degrading and shallow, and it doesn't respect the complexities of real relationships."

Rei's frustration continued to pour out as she elaborated on her dislike for harem stories. "I don't mind fantasy or unrealistic elements, but what irks me is the portrayal of relationships in these stories. The male lead is often a jerk, and it's infuriating to see women falling for him. It's like they're trying to make the male 'alpha' or 'sigma' males, and it's just a bunch of nonsense. Those women are often portrayed as useless and unlikable, which makes me want to go in the world and murder to those girls and beat the mc set him striaght."

Rei added her perspective with a disgusted tone, "The very idea of a harem story is just repulsive to me. It's not only the portrayal of relationships but the whole concept. I find it degrading and an insult to the intelligence of both the characters and the readers. It's like they're promoting a toxic environment, where everything revolves around the male lead, and it's just sickening."

Yumi's face remained contorted with disgust as she continued, "And let's not forget the sexual aspect of these stories. It's all about sex and toxicity, where even the girls end up having relationships with each other. The thought of having sex with girls is repugnant to me. I believe in traditional relationships between a man and a woman. Anything else is just... disgusting."

Haruto proposed his idea with enthusiasm, saying, "How about we create a story where each character is written by one of us? We'll all get to write one girl, and we can make the story exactly as we want it to be. That way, everyone's preferences and ideas will be included."

Rei nodded, her curiosity piqued. "I suppose it could be interesting to see each of our unique perspectives in the story. I'm in."

Yumi, still not entirely convinced, responded, "I'll give it a shot, but I hope it won't turn into a typical harem story."

Akira chimed in with excitement, "Sounds like a fun experiment! I'm on board."

Ayumi added with enthusiasm, "I'm up for the challenge. Let's see what we can create together."

Their collective agreement brought a sense of unity to the group as they prepared to embark on their collaborative writing adventure

Haruto, clearly delighted with his idea, couldn't contain his joy. He jumped up and down, pumping his fists in the air, and exclaimed, "I'm a genius! This idea is pure gold! I mean, seriously, I'm a freakin' creative genius! Give me an award or something, guys! I've just made something impossible possible!"

Rei, still wearing a somewhat disapproving expression, couldn't help but crack a faint smile at his enthusiasm.

Yumi rolled her eyes playfully, saying, "You're such a drama queen, Haruto."

Akira let out a hearty laugh, appreciating Haruto's energy.

Ayumi added with a smirk, "Well, if you're that excited about it, who are we to say no?"

Rei, with a small smile, commented, "I suppose it's not a bad idea, considering we each get to write our own characters."

Yumi, while still skeptical, said, "Fine, let's give it a shot, but we better make sure it's not just about 'one lucky guy' surrounded by women."

Akira, ever the mischievous one, chimed in, "Sounds like a fun experiment, at least."

Ayumi added with a smirk, "Well, it might turn out interesting if we all contribute our unique perspectives."

Haruto continued with his grand ideas, suggesting, "How about we add 'Light Novel' to our club name to reflect our new direction? We'll be the Literature and Mystery and Light Novel Club!"

Yumi, with a hint of sarcasm, teased, "Sure, Mr. Narcissistic. Go ahead and suggest the plot, summary, and title for our story first." She was ready to see what he had in mind, even if she had her reservations.

"I suggest the title of the story 'Fantasty harem story'. " I suggested.

As we brainstormed the title for our fantasy harem story, Yumi couldn't help but offer a sarcastic comment. "Fantasy Harem Story? Oh, how unique and imaginative," she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Rei, always one to seek depth and originality, examined the proposed title and remarked, "Honestly, that title looks so mediocre and generic. We need something more intriguing."

Akira and Ayumi, being their mischievous and playful selves, couldn't resist suggesting their own titles. Akira suggested, "How about 'Enchanting Alliances'?"

Ayumi added her own twist with a grin, "Or 'Seductresses of Sorcery'?"

Rei, always one to question and seek deeper meaning, couldn't help but inquire, "Haruto, why did you suggest the title if we're deciding on the plot first?"

Yumi, with her straightforward and honest nature, chimed in, "Yeah, it's like he's not thinking with his brain anymore... Probably his other 'head' is doing the thinking now."

Akira, with her mischievous and playful demeanor, decided to steer the conversation back on track. "Alright, let's not get sidetracked. What setting are we going with for our story?"

Ayumi, with her creative mind, instantly generated a setting suggestion. "How about a world where magic is common, and there are different factions competing for power? It's a land of intrigue and mystery, where alliances can shift at any moment."

Haruto, intrigued by Ayumi's suggestion, asked, "That's a great start, Ayumi. Do you have any other ideas, or should we see what the others think?"

Rei, always having a unique perspective, proposed, "How about a post-apocalyptic world where technology has been lost, and people rely on ancient magic to survive?"

Yumi, with her fondness for tradition, suggested, "We could set our story in a feudal kingdom, filled with political intrigue and sword fights."

Akira, who enjoyed a bit of chaos, chimed in, "What if it's set in a modern-day city filled with supernatural creatures hiding in plain sight? It's like a hidden world within our own."

Haruto pondered the absent Kei and Johanna's potential responses and asked the group, "I wonder what Kei and Johanna would say if they were here. Any guesses?"

Rei speculated, "Kei might suggest a mysterious and technology-driven setting, given her love for such things. Johanna, on the other hand, could surprise us with something unexpected, perhaps a whimsical and dream-like world."

Yumi mused, "Yeah, those two always bring unique perspectives to the table. It's a shame they're not here to join the discussion."

Akira added, "We'll just have to make the decisions in their absence and hope they'll like what we come up with."

Ayumi, ever the gyaru girl, remarked, "I'm sure they'll love it, no matter what. Let's create something amazing together!"

Haruto proposed, "What if we mix all these elements into one story? We could create a world where technology is lost in a post-apocalyptic setting, but people rely on ancient magic to survive. It could be a feudal kingdom filled with political intrigue, sword fights, and supernatural creatures hiding in plain sight in a modern-day city. We'll weave these elements together into one epic narrative."

Yumi, in her usual sarcastic yet straightforward style, commented, "Oh, sure, let's make a story that's realistic and makes total sense."

Rei, ever the realist, pointed out, "As much as it's an interesting idea, it could be quite challenging to make all these elements work seamlessly together. It might become too convoluted."

Yumi, with her sarcasm, chimed in, "Yeah, we'll end up with a Frankenstein's monster of a story, a mishmash of ideas that don't fit."

Akira, typically nonchalant, added, "It's like mixing oil and water. They just don't blend well."

Ayumi, with her unique perspective, noted, "Creating a story is like crafting a human being, but even humans have their limits. It might be too ambitious to add new pieces. "

"Yeah a person with four arms Sounds scary " Akira says 

Haruto, realizing that his idea might be too ambitious, nodded in agreement with the others. "You're right, it might be too much. Let's focus on one or a few of these elements and build from there."