Desperate woman

"Are you okay" She asked me

"Ha Ha" " It's nothing much....I feel my head aching...." I replied awakwardly..... while holding my head.....

To be fair I felt like head being the longer I think...Like something foreign substance is invading your personal space.

"Gomenasai.....I gave you wrong idea " She replied while bowing her while use japanese keywords....

"What kind of wrong idea....I c-can take rejection " I said.....

It's good that If have her as girlfriend but Even I don't like pursuing a girl who doesn't like me....No matter how hot a girl is she is out of question if she doesn't love me back....

I am not the charitable nice who believes in the love of a woman.

"To be fair... I don't want you to be my boyfriend..... b-because I want you to.... be my husband....B-B....Because " She replied while blushing....Her hands are shaking and her fingers are nervously with with her white hair is cute "Please sleep with me " She spoke as she made an outrageous suggestion..And she bowed.....which is to hide her face from me

"Um....For real.....Why? " That was the only I could give.....

Strange.....Really Strange....Why a girl her age is responding like this....

Am I in some Harem novel.....If so it is a boring one with no intresting life for me.....

"A-As I said I am intrested in taking care of you.....Eternally " She spoke while rubbing her things together....

 If I had to describe in my writer's descrption then 'Her words lingered in the air, creating a strange blend of uncertainty and charm. As I grappled with the bizarre nature of the situation, she shyly uttered,her voice carrying a sweet and endearing cadence.'....

"Why are you being shy....You are forward and outgoing girl right " I said bluntly.....without realizing what I said might hurt her in return...

I know I am often blunt and direct....But these words seem to affect her and realized

"The truth is... I am holding the urge to feel you.....untill now.....I can't stay compose.....As if I want to skip maxing affection points and skip to sex scene right now " She replied.....while trying to smile and made a creepy smile....nervously 

A girl desperate for sex...What a disgusting sight.....Was I that bad....No even then I don't make effort to show it on my face...And to be frank....

Despite that it takes a lot of that for a girl to confess to a I guess she tried her to blurt but she said all those unneccasary words which prevented the main point....This is main reason girls are the worst kind to deal with...If only I-....Nah

To be fair....I think I like how she is forward, affectionate and sweet to me....Not because of how big her boobs are though....Yes maybe I like them...but her striaghtforwardness is sexy itself

If I blurted it.....There will be conflicts.....Which I wish to aviod...

Society is a piece of shit which turns a man's love into lust and women's lust into love...So I don't care about those society's idols which are worshipped.....They deserve belt treatment

"Haru-chan....d-don't be silent.....Please respond.....I feel bad that I made you comfortable " she earnestly implored. It was a genuine expression of concern


"I accept! Let's go to some love hotel " I replied with a forced and little bit loud...

"Haru-chan....That was so quick.....but....I am glad to have you " She replied.....

I am glad she didn't make a big scene with how I phrased my words....

"This girl looks decent and well-mannered....Didn't realize she is a prostitute....Girls these days have sex with strangers like nothing " A Woman replied to the husband....

If I speak something conflict will happen....And beside she isn't mostly wrong about it....And I don't find why I should bother...

"Speak for second-hand trash.... " He replied further complicating

"Shussh Dear...That was a m-" She tries to hit his head...

I should probably leave this scene before I lose my intrest...

 "Let's go....Haru-chan....I know a place... " She replied....while holding my hand closer to her chest....My hand had felt the jiggly pancake like breasts....

I don't know what kind of love she is at...Objectively.....But I want to explore her body and feel her breast

"How about Love Hotel Campbell?" she suggested with a playful smile, her eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint in her usual tone....I like this tone of her....This suited her better....

The name seemed to roll off her tongue effortlessly, but it resonated in my mind with a sense of recognition.

A smirk played on my lips as I responded, "Love Hotel Campbell, huh? Interesting choice." ....The truth is I don't know much about this things....

As we continued walking, while hugging her arm towards my neck...I felt her soft hards around me....This seemed good that.....I can't explain it but it is so good I can sleep peacfully...Untill...She really feels like a mother

Ayumi seemed determined to break through the awkwardness. "You know, Haru-chan, we've met before, do you remember" she claimed, her tone softening as she pointed out 

I raised an eyebrow, skeptical of her statement. "Met before? I don't remember meeting you," I replied, dismissing the notion as absurd.

Ayumi chuckled, her laughter carrying a touch of nostalgia. "Who knows But you were so cute and adorable, and I couldn't help but fall in love with you....I really love you...Haru-chan" She replied giggiled while circling around me.

I felt her girly smell....and her soft breath...high pitched giggiles.....There is no doubt she is a very hot girl.....

My skepticism deepened as I shook my head, convinced that Ayumi was weaving a fantastical tale. " Are you serious? I've met you a clubroom, I have no idea of you before.....the club room" I asserted, dismissing her claims as the product of an overactive imagination.

Undeterred, Ayumi continued, her gaze distant as if lost in a fond memory. "You taught me so many things, Haru-chan... How to appreciate the small joys of life, to find happiness in simplicity..... I cherish the moments we spent together.... even if you don't remember them....Even If I am forgotten...." She whispered

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at what seemed like an elaborate attempt to inject romance into an already bizarre situation. "Ayumi, you're being ridiculous. I don't know what game you're playing, but making up stories won't change anything."

She stopped walking for a moment, looking directly into my eyes with a sincerity that seemed at odds with the whimsical narrative she was spinning. "Haru-chan, I know it sounds crazy, but I genuinely love you. I've loved you since the day we met in this world, and I want to explore that love with you."

I scoffed at her declaration, my patience wearing thin. "Ayumi, this is absurd. Love at first sight in some alternate world? You can't be serious this is just fiction.....Can you really prove it."

Her expression turned earnest, a hint of vulnerability surfacing in her eyes. "Haru-chan, it might be hard to believe, but love is a strange and powerful force... It transcends time and space. I felt it, and I want you to feel it too...."

"And I won't prove as I can't...but please...I want you to have me...Just for tonight at least..... " She is almost heartbroken....

"I apolgize.....I have said many rude things I don't intended to but....It came across as sudden....and I really don't want to deal with this ....I am at loss.....I don't get it but...You really- "

She is so desparate that she is being irrational....Maybe she loves me....I hope so....I like the idea.....

We resumed our walk, the tension lingering between us. The city's sounds became distant echoes as we approached Love Hotel Campbell, the neon lights flickering in the night

" Haru-chan....Thank you.....I may sound little crazy but you accepted me.....That means everything to me...sorry...I won't say anything stupid...but I repay you " She replied

"Please stop using over complicated words....Of course you " I replied

"Haru-Chan what I mean is that I might said something which is unfamiliar and crazy to you.....but for me this is my most treasured moments....And when I have met you it has been happiest day in my life " She told with a smile as she fixed her hair

"Yet...." I replied with a suggestion