Awakening Ritual

 Haruto reluctantly followed Yumi and Hana down the echoing hallway. The rhythmic chanting grew louder, sending shivers down his spine like a countdown. He stole a glance at Hana, hoping for some kind of explanation.

"What exactly does this ritual?" he whispered, trying to keep his voice calm despite the rising anxiety in his chest.

Hana met his gaze with a reassuring smile. "It's not scary, Haruto. Think of it as meditation. A way to access the deeper parts of your mind, the ones that might be clouded right now."

"Like I am feeling calm enough to meditate. " Haruto replied

They arrived at a large chamber, its high ceiling lost in the shadows further rising anxiety. The air crackled with a strange energy as dozens of figures, clad in ceremonial robes, chanted in unison. In the center of the room, a complex geometric pattern glowed with an ethereal light.

Haruto's apprehension grew as he was led to the center of the pattern. An elderly woman with eyes that seemed to hold the wisdom of ages approached him. She placed her cool hand on his forehead, her touch sending a wave of calmness through him.

"Relax, young one," she said, her voice a soothing murmur. "Let your thoughts flow freely. Do not resist."

Haruto closed his eyes, focusing on the woman's voice. Images began to flicker in his mind – fragmented, confusing, but undeniably real.

He saw a flash of silver light, the scent of pine needles, and a terrifying howl that echoed through the darkness. Frustration welled up within him. These snippets were useless!

Suddenly, a warmth spread through him, dispelling the frustration. He saw a young woman with fiery white hair, her face etched with concern. She reached out to him, a single word escaping her lips – "Remember."

The warmth intensified, then abruptly vanished. Haruto opened his eyes, his head pounding. The chanting had stopped, and the chamber was filled with expectant faces.

"There are fragments," she announced to the room, her voice echoing in the sudden silence. "Memories struggling to break through. But there is also… a potential."

A low murmur rippled through the crowd. Yumi, standing beside Masao, pushed forward, her brow furrowed in concern. "What kind of potential?" she demanded.

The elder woman met Yumi's gaze. "The potential for immense power," she said, her voice filled with awe. "A power not just of memory, but of Spiritweave."

"Speak english, please...Bitch " Haruto said as muttured the last sentence earning a glare from yumi

Haruto frowned. Spiritweave? He looked around the chamber, the faces staring back at him with a mix of awe and trepidation. A cold sweat prickled his skin. These guys are trying to make him spirted away from earth.

"Haruto," she said, her voice low but firm.

"There's no need for that kind of language. Show some respect."

Yumi then turned back to the elder, her earlier demanding tone softened slightly. "We apologize for his manners," she said.

"Can you explain what you mean by 'Spiritweave'?"

The elder, regaining her composure, cleared her throat. "The Spiritweave," she began, her voice taking on a reverent tone, "is the very essence of reality itself. It binds everything together, from the smallest grain of sand to the vast expanse of the sky. Those with the potential to see and manipulate the Spiritweave possess an extraordinary power."

"I don't get it, all I hear is complicated words " Haruto said trying to ask her to explain simpler

"Can you have little patientince Young man. " Yumi 

"Hmph " Haruto complained

The elder's smile faltered slightly at Haruto's renewed impatience. "Forgive me," she said, her voice gentle.

"Explaining the Spiritweave is no easy task. Imagine it like a giant tapestry woven with countless threads. These threads represent everything in existence – the ground beneath your feet, the air you breathe, even the thoughts in your head."

"So bunch of giant threads instead of normal threads, it's surrounded with countless glowing strings. How it makes sense. How it connects through everything. "

She paused, observing Haruto's expression. "Those with the potential to see the Spiritweave can perceive these threads, like faint lines shimmering in the air. And some, even rarer, can manipulate them. By tugging or weaving these threads, they can influence reality in incredible ways."

Haruto furrowed his brow. "So, like some kind of time paradox?"

The elder chuckled softly. "Not exactly time paradox, young man. It's a power rooted in the very fabric of existence. It takes immense focus and discipline to master."

Yumi interjected, sensing Haruto's growing frustration. "Perhaps," she suggested, "the elder could show you a simpler example. Something you might understand better."

"To be fair I can understand. I haven't figured what they mean. Old people are compl- " Before hana could complete the sentence Yumi stepped on her leg with her leg and procceds to crush it.

The elder nodded in agreement ignoring the sight. "An excellent suggestion, Yumi. Perhaps a demonstration would be more effective."

She gestured to a nearby potted plant, its leaves drooping slightly. "Focus, Haruto," she instructed.

"Look at the plant and try to sense the threads of the Spiritweave that sustain its life."

Haruto squinted at the plant, his skepticism evident. But a part of him, fueled by the awe and anticipation in the room, couldn't help but be curious. He closed his eyes momentarily, trying to clear his mind. Then, he opened them again, focusing intently on the plant.

Suddenly, a sharp gasp escaped Yumi's lips. Her eyes widened as she stared at Haruto, not the plant. The elder, too, seemed taken aback, her serene expression replaced with a flicker of surprise.

"What is it?" Haruto demanded, his attention drawn to their reactions.

"The Spiritweave," Yumi stammered, her voice barely a whisper. "It's... reacting to you."

The elder composed herself quickly, though a hint of unease remained in her eyes. "Indeed," she said, her voice strained. "It seems the Spiritweave responds not just to your ability to see it, but..." she trailed off, her gaze lingering on Haruto for a moment too long.

Haruto frowned. This wasn't what he signed up for. All he wanted was answers, not some cryptic pronouncements about magical threads reacting to him. He felt a surge of annoyance bubbling up inside him.

"What does that even mean?" he snapped. "Spit it out!"

Just then, the air crackled with a sudden energy. The faint shimmer around the plant intensified, swirling and coalescing into a miniature vortex. A low hum filled the chamber, sending shivers down Haruto's spine.

The elder gasped. "It's awakening!" she cried, her voice laced with alarm.
