Chapter 1

In a single-family home on Queens Boulevard, New York.

Kyle stood in front of the mirror with a strange face, inside the mirror was an extremely beautiful blonde girl, with exquisite facial features, soft, narrowed eyes, blue pupils and a tall, perfect figure, as if she was created by God himself.

But Kyle's state of mind at the moment is complicated.

He, or now she, Kyle Isabella, was once a man, somehow took over this body and came into this world.

In the lobby, the voice of the entertainment news anchor could still be faintly heard on the television.

"Last night, Tony Stark took two models to his luxurious Los Angeles villa. The next morning, the two naked girls were kicked out of the villa..."

Hearing this, Kyle's mood became complicated.

Not only had he become a woman through time travel, but he had also come into this damn world.


There are countless powerful civilizations and races in this universe, as well as gods, demons, evil gods of dimensions, etc, the water of this universe is extremely deep, in various important events in the future, various powerful superheroes and supervillains will appear one after another.

Leaving countless Marvel fans longing.

But it was only longing, Kyle didn't want to come to this dangerous universe from start to finish, and besides it was New York, a chaotic city that rivaled Gotham.

With the aspect of this body, the possibility of accidents is not small.

One of the most important reasons why she was able to travel and occupy this body was that this girl was attacked by a demon, who valued the girl's pure soul, but the girl died before the demon attacked her, so the transmigrated into this body. It was at the time the girl died.

It's just that transmigrating right now is a little difficult. The girl has died. The question is: is the demon still watching her?

Kyle sighed, at this moment, he was already thinking about planning to go find Kamar Taj and hoped that Supreme Wizard Gu Yi and those wizards could help her.

It's really impossible to help Weishandi work, anyway, it's time to learn from the supreme wizard Gu Yi, as long as he is strong enough, he won't have to prostitute himself to Weishandi for nothing.

And at this moment, Kyle discovered that the world in front of him seemed to be upside down and chaotic, and time seemed to be frozen at this moment.

A vast, magnificent and divine impregnation that cannot be described in words.

In Kyle's beautiful blue pupils, there was a great holy majesty. Suddenly, his eyes shone, as if he had arrived in a vast and colorful world.

A river of endless stars and shining stars flows under his feet, and in the river of stars, a group of beautiful dolphin-like elves wander happily.

From time to time a pleasant and melodious call could be heard.

Kyle was amazed by the beauty of this starry sky and wondered why it appeared here, but his eyes fell on a beautiful statue in front of her.

This statue is a woman holding a scepter and a shield. Her face cannot be seen clearly. She wears a beautiful and majestic silver-white and gold armor and helmet, and a pair of golden wings like a cape on her back.

Each part fits together perfectly, and the combination of the pattern and the battle skirt shows the greatness, sacredness, and dignity of a god.

Although her face was blurred, Kyle couldn't see her clearly, he felt that she must be an extremely beautiful goddess. He stared at the statue of the goddess in front of her and there seemed to be a voice in the darkness that attracted her. She, by accident, slowly walked on the long river formed by stars and walked towards the statue step by step.

Her eyes were empty and she extended her white hand to touch the goddess's cheek.

boom! !

In the next second, an infinite holy light flashed and a kind of information that only the gods could comprehend and understand poured into Kyle's mind.

In a trance, Kyle seemed to see the heroic and beautiful goddess on the plain, holding high the spear of justice and shield, and riding a steed, facing the Lord God who controls the thunder in the sky and the god who controls the sea and the gods in the distance.

Her beautiful face is full of determination.

But then they disappeared and a soft feminine voice came: "Ah, the pure souls that come from strange worlds..."

The voice was too small for Kyle to hear clearly.

He inexplicably wanted to continue listening, but his eyes lit up again and the originally frozen time began to pass normally. With the family mirror and the living room, he returned to his own house.

After comprehending the information that appeared out of nowhere in her mind, she showed a smile of excitement and joy.

"The divinity of Athenea, the goddess of war and wisdom... that is, I don't have to go to work for Weishandi."

That's right, the scene that just appeared is her spiritual world, and the goddess statue that appeared there is the divinity of Athenea, one of the twelve main gods. Kyle doesn't know why he has Athenea's divinity, but there is no doubt, this means that she already has the capital to occupy a place in this universe.

Divinity is something that only gods can be born and have.

It is the crystallization carried out by the fusion of various abilities, knowledge, spells, and the original laws of the world that God possesses with power, and the divinity in Kyle's spirit world belongs to the main god Athenea.

In other words, as long as he has this crystal, he can slowly absorb everything in it and gradually become a god, and even in the end, he can reach the level of Athenea.

Athenea is one of the twelve main gods, a god on the same level as Zeus, the king of the gods. This level of god is not the cowardly Zeus in the Marvel world who only dared to hide in the city of omniscience, but they are the true creator Gods, in the Marvel universe, they are also relatively close to the level of eternity, death and other levels of existence.

But the problem is that this divinity is not complete and the divine power in it is very little. Now Kyle finds himself in an embarrassing situation. She only has divinity, but she doesn't have enough divine power to help her become stronger.

She still has the body of a mortal, she is not an innate god like Athenea, if she is not strong enough to match the body, power and position of the god, she is not qualified to spy and obtain the power of knowledge in the godhead. .

To put it bluntly, she has a huge treasure and a key, but

she couldn't push the treasure door.

If you want to practice step by step, you don't know how long it will take.

Kyle closed his eyes and thought about it. After a while, he opened his eyes, looked at the pair of blue pupils in the mirror, and murmured, "Maybe I need a big scene."

In addition to step-by-step practice and gradual transformation to obtain divine power, there is another type of belief.

The gods will show their strength and kindness towards the mortals, attracting the mortals to believe in them, the gods will bless the mortals and the mortals will contribute their own beliefs or better known as faith, and the gods will absorb the beliefs or the faith and transform them into divine power.

Kyle, who has a godhead, can naturally do the same.

As long as he absorbs enough faith and transforms it into divine power, he will be able to become a true god in a very short time.

"These divine powers should be enough."


Athens, the capital and largest city of the Hellenic Republic, is located in the southeast of Greece, on the Mediterranean coast, the capital of ancient Greece, and the city has a population of 3.15 million people.

At the same time, it is also one of the oldest cities in continental Europe. Its history goes back three thousand years. In ancient Greek, Athena is the name of Athenea, the goddess of war and wisdom.

It is known as the cradle and origin of Western civilization.

There are countless relics and historical buildings in Athens, the most famous of which is the Panthenon, which was built to celebrate Athens' victory over the Persian invaders, and is enshrined in a statue of the goddess Athenea, which is about ten meters high. .

All kinds of utensils, exquisite gold ornaments and statues vividly show the splendid culture of Greece in various historical periods, which can be considered a microcosm of the history of ancient Greece.

Greece has a rich history and tradition of belief in Greek mythology.

Tourists from all over the world also come to Athens to see this historic city and temple.

The broken buildings, statues and stone pillars represent the beliefs and civilizations of the ancient Greeks, and countless people can't help but explore the once glorious history.

On this day, the people of the city of Athens lived as usual, going to work, hanging out, and wandering the streets with their families and children.

Many tourists from all over the world with backpacks and cameras hanging around their necks took pictures of Greece with smiles on their faces.

The blue sky and gentle sunshine mean that today will be a beautiful day.

However, in the Panthenon Temple, countless tourists suddenly discovered that there seemed to be unexpected changes in the Panthenon Temple.

The floor of the Panthenon Temple began to vibrate weakly. When the tourists and security guards guarding the temple thought it was a normal earthquake, the next unimaginable scene appeared.


The original blue sky suddenly changed color, dark clouds gathered, and the powerful clouds continued to roll, conveying a thick and depressing atmosphere. When people throughout the city of Athens raised their heads to look at the sky, strangely, above the sky, they seemed to hear the singing and music that runs through history.

Crisp and crisp, the sacred lyre and traditional Greek dance complement each other, and the girl's powerful, loud singing seems to say something.

Everyone was shocked by this sudden and wonderful change.

People don't know what happens here, where does the music and singing that seem to penetrate the soul come from? What is the celestial change in that second?

Before people had time to think about it, they heard a "boom" in their ears.

The Panthenon Temple suddenly burst into brilliant golden light, and the dazzling golden beam shot straight into the sky and pierced the thick clouds in an instant. Under the influence of this vast sacred golden lightning, the dark cloud turned into a vortex and spun madly.

A monstrous will that seemed to come from ancient times invaded the entire city of Athens.

A strong pressure was placed on the hearts of the people of the city of Athens.

"What happened? Is there a storm coming?"

"Oh Goddess, please bless your people, bless your believers and keep all disasters away."

"Is that the Panthenon? What happened to that golden ray of light? Could it be that the ancient goddess is about to revive?

"It must be that the gods have revived and the gods have descended into the world."

People in the city of Athens stared at the piercing beam of golden light in the direction of the Panthenon Temple. Many believers who believed in the goddess Athenea immediately knelt on the ground, prayed devoutly in a low voice, and dedicated their sincere beliefs.

The tourists were shocked and ran towards the temple one after another, taking photographs of this beautiful sight with their mobile phones and cameras as they ran.

These tourists are very smart, although they don't know it, but such a sudden miraculous scene is posted on social media, it will inevitably generate a lot of traffic, even if it is provided to the mainstream media, it will get a lot. of money.

at the moment.

The piercing golden ray of light slowly dissipated, but the golden radiance stored in the sky suddenly exploded and golden ripples spread in all four directions like waves, infecting the dark cloudy sky into a golden ocean.

Small golden particles slowly float from the golden ocean in the sky, like falling golden snow, beautiful and shiny.

People stretched out their hands and those golden particles melted in their palms. At the moment of melting, everyone felt that their bodies seemed warm and relaxed, like receiving a hug from their mother.

The weary spirit was mended and left radiant.

When people wanted to sigh, suddenly, exclamations came from the city of Athens.

"Look, what is that?"

Many people looked up subconsciously along the line of sight, their pupils suddenly narrowed, and they saw under the golden ocean, an ancient and mysterious ghost floating in the sky of the city and remained silent.

At this moment, people saw a scene in shock.

The huge city, the carved stone pillars and the magnificent statues are dazzling, but this ancient city seems to have experienced a great war.

The original majestic building is in ruins, the top floor of the building has collapsed, the statues and stone pillars have been severely damaged, even broken in half, and the reliefs have been severely degraded. Only from the colonnade can you vaguely see the magnificence and glory of the city.

But what draws people's attention the most is over the city, a beautiful girl is floating, with her hands on her chest, closing her eyes as if she were praying, dressed in a white cloth wrapped around her body, dancing with the wind, her feet also wore sandals with straps wrapped around her.

Her golden hair is flowing and on her head is a laurel wreath that symbolizes flowers.

I don't know why, but the people of Athens have an inexplicable feeling in their hearts.

She is the god the Greeks believed in, the goddess of war and wisdom, Athena.