The Scorpion

Nazmi was waiting impatiently outside the tailor shop located in the merchant and business strip of Samir's detached palace. The scorching desert sun had already begun to approach its rest on the horizon. His Highness could return anytime, and she needed the negligee she had requested to be finished.

Ada had gone to visit with Ven in the kitchen, so it was only Nazmi and Caelus. The latter didn't enjoy being idle, so he brought another handwritten study to read. It was in a language that Nazmi had never even seen before, but it was obvious that her sylvan friend was having no difficulty. He flipped through the pages, eyes narrowed. Caelus was deep in thought, as always.

"You really are incredible," Nazmi said after a while. They had been sitting on velvet pillows outside the shop for quite some time, and since she was too anxious to do anything else, she found herself observing him for majority of their wait.