
Samir was pacing the length of his study. He regretted taking off the vision from her collar, it was a grave mistake. He and Caelus had been listening to the audio feed and from the moment she met that Elder bitch, the two men were both experiencing extreme emotional reactions to her situation.

Caelus was so worried that he had become sick to his stomach, and was unable to get up from his seat at the spare desk Samir had brought in for him to study the Grimoire. He forced himself to focus on breaking the seal as a distraction to Nazmi's alarming predicament, but it was only helping a little.

Samir was enraged. One could practically see the steam coming from his ears as he walked back and forth.

When Rasne returned from his errand, he was greeted by the gloomiest faces he had ever seen in his life – and that was saying something, considering he was always the one to break the news of their soldiers' deaths to their families.